Weekly Messages: Wisdom And Power Unveiled

Weekly Messages: Wisdom And Power Unveiled

The level of impact a man makes is dependent on the amount of wisdom he carries. The thinking power of a man is what guarantees what he handles. If you can think enough what you have is enough. This is the season that the people that will thrive and accomplish great feats are those who manifest wisdom and power. Great events and relevance follow men with wisdom and power.


  1. To unveil our leadership destiny: you cannot be a leader if you are chicken hearted. You need to be a leader to make a difference. Leadership is the beginning of making a difference. The three major forces of leadership are: character, vision, strong love for humanity. Our government today is democracy not familocracy; there’s a limit to misbehavior and maltreatment of people for selfish purposes.
  2. To serve our world as saviors: wisdom and power will fail until we think humanity. People-thinking is our access to success. Building up people is what brings us to a point of relevance.
  3. To serve God and others: it is now upon us to save the world from man’s inhumanity to his fellow man (beheading, crimes on women, poor education, hunger; many people out there are hungry, don’t let food spoil in your house).
  4. To stir up in us strong commitment to relevance: areas of relevance include: business, economy, education, politics, public service, religion, music and entertainment, culture. Through wisdom and power we will abolish satanic cultures and subdue God’s enemies in politics.
  5. To serve God globally: you must find your place in int’l development. You must engage in social transformation as an individual. The solution to world’s problems is not the UN, world power, int’l peace meetings, but in the WORD of God. The solution we are looking for is in the gospel of the Kingdom. It’s time for the church to drive for relevance and foster freedom, peace, prosperity, trust and justice.

Isaiah 2:4

 He will judge between the nations

and will settle disputes for many peoples.

They will beat their swords into plowshares

and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation will not take up sword against nation,

nor will they train for war anymore. (NIV)


The biggest effect of the church’s delay to her leadership position is the rising of Islam. Islam is making sure they take over the world by all means and the church is sleeping with the dominion mandate. Islam is posing a great challenge to the church. Even though the church has a better inheritance than Islam, Muslims are more sold out to Allah than Christians are sold out to God.  Now there is in existence ‘Islamic smart phone’ with over 8million likes – non-Christians included.

You as a Christian must stop pursing money, job, marriage and children and become sold out to the kingdom in order to correct the error in our world created by the sleeping church. You must rise up to your dominion mandate and make a strong commitment to leadership in order to change your world.

Our job is to think big and light up your world. Rise up! Now is your time!

Prayer line: O lord, increase my love for humanity so that I will play a huge role in the transformation of my world in the name of Jesus. Amen!