Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind

The success and prosperity you desire in your life begins from your mind. Your mind is the root of your products and your products determine your prosperity. Te tree basic recommendations of Jesus for the believer are passion, prayer and intelligence (Matthew 22:37 – MSG). Don’t focus on prayer and passion and forget about intelligence. It is an error if you are a believer and your unbelieving colleague is beating you in your business.

In the past, the gap between our level of thinking and that of God is equal to the distance between heaven and earth but now the bible assures us that we have the mind of Christ and admonishes of to think like Christ. (Isaiah 55:9, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5).

At salvation, we receive a possibility mind, an inspirational mind, a creative mind, a solution driven mind, a willing mind and a sound mind. (Job 32:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 1:19)

For your mind to produce and be delivered from every dullness, it needs empowerment by Gods word. An empowered mind is a producer of an enviable product, the only thing that the world respects is, bypasses age and academics, turns your academics into a treasure. Your mind is empowered by what you say and the things you do.  An empowered mind manifests with intelligence, excellence and deep insight. It is an enviable product. Toady your mind is empowered by Gods word in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer Line: O Lord I crush every dullness of mind and I activate my mind to begin to produce results in Jesus name. AMEN