Weekly messages: The Treasure of Panting for Divine Presence

Weekly messages: The Treasure of Panting for Divine Presence

Are you c confused about life-.Are you full of mistakes and errors .Do you always miss out in the right things to do or favors, then you lack divine presence? Divine presence means to be a mobile carrier of God, hearing God consistently, you cannot have access to divine presence until you hunger and pant for it. 2 Corinthians 13:14

What Does It Means To Pant For Divine Presence

  1. It is an unwavering pursuit for the fellowship of the Holy Ghost.
  2. A tireless hunger for the companionship of the Holy Spirit.
  3. To be continuously desirous of divine help Psalms 123:2
  4. A desire to carry divinity into your daily affairs.

Everybody is attracted to the person of divine presence. John was in the bush yet multitude followed him there because of God’s presence he commanded. Everything you need foe life, you will find in God’s presence. Start not to pant for divine presence and watch your destiny take a quantum leap.

Prayer Line: O lord grant me the grace to watch and wait on your presence in the name of Jesus Amen.