Weekly Messages: The Force of Light Of The Holy Spirit In Dealing With Spiritual Blindness And Darkness

Weekly Messages: The Force of Light Of The Holy Spirit In Dealing With Spiritual Blindness And Darkness

Light talks about divine direction. It is not merely electric power or street light but divine direction by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Without this light, you will make mistakes and your blessings will pass you by. Light leads to understanding and understanding leads to progress.

The difference between a slow vehicle and a fast vehicle is the headlamp. Any day and any time, light is superior to praying and fasting. When the spirit of God breathes upon a person, light comes on him. Light is superior to salvation. The difference between a cursed village and a blessed village is light. Light is what distinguishes a husband from a man. The difference between a mushroom church and a much room church is light.

Study scripture: Ephesians 1:18

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. (KJV)

Why do we need this light?

  1. It is God’s provision to deliver you from wrong steps. You cannot make progress until you move and you cannot move until you are directed. If you are not led by God, you will be a casualty. Until you break forth by the instrumentality of light accessible by the Holy Ghost, you will not manifest. It is impossible to take foolish steps when you are being led by God.
  2. To understand what God is asking you to do. It helps you to know what to do, how to do it and when to do .If you are blind, you will miss your destiny helpers as well as those that God wants you to help. Spiritual blindness makes you a casualty.
  3. To empower the church against oppression

What happens when I’m in darkness?

  1. It wastes your time, your destiny is slowed down
  2. It exposes you to mistakes
  3. You operate below capacity
  4. You live a life of guess work

Further Scriptures: Matthew 6:22-23, 5:14, Proverbs 4:18, Job 32:8, John 8:12, Isaiah 60:1-2, Isaiah 2:2, 30:21, 25:7, Genesis 1:1-2, Romans 8:19, Psalms 119:105, Acts 10:13-15, 16:6-7, 10:38, Luke 2:52,  John 4:12-15,

Prayer line: Dear Holy Spirit lighten my path. Show me a better way to go. Lord this year open my eyes