Weekly Messages: The Effective Enquiry Prayer My Access To God’s Voice

Weekly Messages: The Effective Enquiry Prayer My Access To God’s Voice

The voice of God is the greatest commodity in your spiritual walk with God. Anytime, any day you will always need access to God’s voice to checkmate your life.

Whenever God leads, divine safety is guaranteed. Whenever God leads, mistakes are far from you. If you want to remain on the right track, go for God’s leadings.

Study Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and will show thee great things, and difficult, which thou knowest not.

The voice of God is your covenant right and every covenant right requires an accompanying responsibility. Your access to God’s voice requires effective enquiry prayers. Effective enquiry prayer is a dialogue between you and God concerning your life; over any issue of your life. 1 Samuel 30:7-8, Psalms 119:1-3, Psalms 23:1, John 10:27.

This type of prayer is not complete until God responds and you take note of what God has responded.

Why Effective Enquiry Prayers?

  • It is the lifestyle of a believer: It is very natural and appropriate for every believer to go back to God to ask for His idea in whatever he wishes to do. You should always desire to know what God is saying in every situation of your life.
  • It is your covenant right as a believer.

At all point, God’s voice is superior to man’s voice and God’s direction is superior to your personal direction. Form the habit of going back to God to know what He requires of you to do. God is always speaking but not every believer is always hearing.

How Do You Engage in Effective Enquiry Prayer?

  • You must have a pure heart. Psalms 24:3-4
  • You must have a desperate heart. Psalms 42:1 Desperation increases your focus on God and your consistency in seeking God’s face.
  • A quiet heart
  • A confident heart. Come to Him believing He will answer because it is your right.
  • A persistent heart. Don’t give up until you have heard from God.

Three Powerful Ways to Secure Effectiveness of an Enquiry

  1. Quietness and sensitivity of the spirit
  2. Meditation
  3. Lifestyle of worship and praying


Important note:

  • In the school of prayer, the most powerful prayer is the prayer of enquiry.
  • Keep asking God again and again 1 Samuel 30:8, 2 Samuel 5:23, 1 Chronicles 14:10,14
  • When you disobey God, another will take your place 1Chronicles 10:13-14

Prayer Line:

O Lord, help me to be sensitive and obedient to your leadings. I crush every disobedience in my life, in the name of Jesus. Amen!