Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven

You only excavate what is hidden and it is only a treasure that you will go through the rigorous  process of excavation to collect. Just like we have physical treasures, we have spiritual treasures that are incorruptible

Study Scripture: Matthew 6:19-20

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:


Excavation means the use of very sophisticated machines to dig out. It takes a long time just like when a borehole is being sunk or the procedure that goes on in the quarry. Excavation is not a small job. The rigorous process of excavation for a particular treasure determines its worth.

One of the characteristics of the heroes of faith is that they pursue an incorruptible treasure and this made the whole world rally around them. You must pursue the same.

The first incorruptible treasure we must pursue is the TREASURE OF INTIMACY WITH GOD. The treasure of intimacy with God is of highest value. Beyond what you want to do for God, God wants to be with you. In fact, your effectiveness in doing things for God depends on the extent you have been with Him.

What is Intimacy with God?

  1. It is an uninterrupted connection with the demands of heaven
  2. It is pursuing to become a spiritual house
  3. It is securing a permanent and unbroken walk with God

All the heroes of faith were men who walked with God. You must desire earnestly to remain in the beautiful presence of God. Genesis 5:21-24

Enoch walked with God for 30years; you don’t have any reason not to serve God staeadily, you don’t have any excuse to backslide at any point in your Christian walk with God. It is possible to be intimate with God in the midst of corruption, Enoch did it and so can you! With family, marriage, academics, business, career, life goals, whatever be the case, prosperity or delay; WALK STEADILY WITH GOD Psalms 27:4

It is not goose pimples or lifting of hands and crying but the permanent residence of God’s presence in your life. Intimacy with God is having a relationship with God in the manner you can approach your roommate. Exodus 33:11, Joshua 1:1

Prayer Line: Lord speak to me, give me the grace to dwell in your presence like Moses, David and Joshua did in Jesus name. Amen!