Weekly Messages: Excavating the incorruptible treasure of heaven –a meek spirit

Weekly Messages: Excavating the incorruptible treasure of heaven –a meek spirit

When you think about humility, it looks like what’s the deal with humility that God is always talking about it? The truth is that the bible cannot lie and the bible tells us in the book of James 4:6 that God resist the proud and give grace to the humble. A proud man reminds God of Satan because pride was Satan’s offence and till today he has not repented.

Meekness means respect for others a genuine respect that comes from the heart.

Meekness means respect for your assignment, you’ll always go back to him for guidance and it takes humility to do that. God is meek and that is why he is asking us to be meek, God in Christ is the greatest example of meekness Philippians 2:5-8

Meekness seeks no reputation, it does not seek recognition. When you blame god for your faults and exempt yourself, it is pride. When you cannot associate with the low class, you are proud. God has every reason to be proud but he still focuses on meekness Psalms 8:4. God hates everything that looks like pride Proverbs 6:16. In fact, humility is the weakness of god. When you are meek, you can get anything from god.


Benefits of a meek spirit

  1. Meekness is your easy access to answered prayers (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  2. Meekness releases insight and direction to you (Psalms 25:9)
  3. Meekness releases grace upon your life (James 4:6)
  4. Meekness shortens your destiny journey. It is better for you to humble yourself before god before he uses circumstances to humble you. You are not at your peak, not because it’s not your season but god is waiting for you to be humble before he will lift you. (Deuteronomy 8:2, 16)
  5. Meekness attracts god’s mercy (1st Kings 21:29)

2nd Kings 22:19-20, Isaiah 38:1-5

Further scriptures: Psalms 45:4, 1st peter 3:15

Prayer line: oh Lord, change my heart, i open my spirit to you today, release upon me the spirit of meekness in Jesus name.