Weekly Messages: Enforcing The Role of God’s Word In The Empowerment of Your Mind (5)

Weekly Messages: Enforcing The Role of God’s Word In The Empowerment of Your Mind (5)

God’s word is His messenger and it prospers wherever He sends it so you need to have the consciousness of prosperity in all your endeavors. For your glorious future, God is set to empower you spiritually, mentally and financially and but it will interest you to know that amongst these three, the role of mental empowerment cannot overemphasized.

No matter how anointed you are, God will not step down from your mind resting place to teach you life’s basics. It is your responsibility to empower your mind for productivity; you don’t get this one by revelation but by information.

You must be willing to stretch your mind to solve problems. What your mind cannot manufacture, you cannot manage. This means that your certificate which you acquired in school will need you to provoke spiritual intelligence – mental empowerment when critical issues arise.

At salvation, your mind was regenerated and not removed. God gave you access to the mind of  Christ hence it is  no more time to handover issues to God and relax your  mind and then watch things spoil. Even God engaged His mind to make creation work (Hebrews 11:3, Jeremiah 29:11). E. W. Kenyon said: “make your brain work, it will sweat but it will develop to make you a wonder to those around you”.

Two major forces that provoke your mind for mental productivity are:

  1. God’s word: God’s word is a mind booster so eating the word is taking in divine mental supplements for mental success (Romans 12:2). Your mind is what provokes the will of God for your life and that is why you must renew your mind with God’s word. Nothing empowers your mind like God’s word (Joshua 1:8, Psalms 82:6, 119:97-98, 1:2, Daniel 1:17, 1 Corinthians 2:16).

Through God’s word, you develop your mind to manage your family and then the enemy cannot afflict your family. Your access to receiving God’s word to work in your mind is MEDITATION. Do you need academic/ career/ family/ marital/ financial/ business success? Then stay on God’s word (Proverbs 22:29, Psalms 119:99). The seed you sow notwithstanding, if you refuse to invest on your in the area of your need, you will remain stagnated.

  1. Prayer Power: praying according to what is written is what grants you quick answers and solutions. When you are seeking answers to an issue in life, you concentrate on it and pray and when you pray, you should have a pen and paper to write what God tells you to do. If you pray in tongues, you will not have a rough life in fact, praying in the Holy Ghost is the easiest way to send your angels on errand and charge your mind (1 Corinthians 14:4, Job 32:8).