Weekly Messages: Covenant Provisions for Securing God’s Voice for My Generational Blessings

Weekly Messages: Covenant Provisions for Securing God’s Voice for My Generational Blessings

Every miracle is tied to hearing God’s voice and obeying God’s instructions promptly, God has given you dominion over life situation but it is your obedience to God that gives you access to your dominion. It is when you hear God that you will know what to do.

Sometimes you can fast and pray until you hear God because, when you fast your flesh is weak and spirit is strengthened. God speaks to you through audible voice, His word and His prophets (2 chronicles 20:20). Your destiny is fast as your obedience to your prophet. Your obedience to your prophet delivers you from unnecessary prayers and fasting Acts 10, 2kings 4:1.

Once you submit to your prophet doors will open for you based on your obedience to your prophet. Irrespective of age differences, your prophet remains your prophet Hebrews 7:2. Submitting to your prophet delivers you from affliction 2 Kings 7:1 Deuteronomy 21:5.

Never go ahead with a decision without the seal of your prophet, because that is where your breakthrough lie!

Prayer Line: Lord from today I make a commitment to submit to my prophet for my advancement, in the name of Jesus. Amen!