Weekly Messages: Covenant Power of Prosperity

Weekly Messages: Covenant Power of Prosperity

God is a God of covenant. For every promise He makes, He must surely fulfil. God wants to make you a living proof. It is your heritage to prosper. You don’t need to carry money around, what you need is to operate by the covenant of prosperity. A covenant is an agreement between two parties where both parties agree to meet certain ends of the agreement (Genesis 17:4-7, Galatians 3:13-14).

The covenant of prosperity will only work for you if you obey God correctly. Obeying God correctly is a call to service. Serving God is not just coming to church but also sacrificing your time, money and energy to advance God’s work. You are not blessed until you are connected to the covenant (Exodus 23:25-26).

Covenant Strategies

  1. Obedience to God’s word
  2. Kingdom addiction
  3. Lifestyle of prayer

Obedience to God includes obedience in paying your tithe, giving your offering and sowing of seed. You don’t enjoy supplies until you obey the principle of supplies which is the principle of giving and giving to the right person. When you give to a righteous fellow, you reap the fruit of righteousness. When you sow to a prophet, you reap the reward of a prophet which may only last for a time (Mathew 10:41). When you sow to your father, you reap your father’s inheritance which is for a lifetime (Genesis 27:1-4, 49:1-4).

When you give excuses to give to God, He will in turn give you excuses when you ask Him for blessings. Understand that seed sowing can avert death, sickness and accident for you and your family. Don’t even try to divide your tithe and pay some. It is wrong. When you fail to pay your tithe, devourer will eat your finances. When you fail to support God’s work with your substance, you will make financial losses (Haggai 1:1-9, Malachi 3:10). Until you think of what to dangerously give to God as a seed, God will never think of what to give you (Proverbs 11:34)

Six major covenants of Faithhouse (Psalms 89:34)

  1. Covenant of on-time supply
  2. Covenant of ‘we don’t take no for an answer’
  3. Covenant of life and peace
  4. Covenant of angelic and divine direction
  5. Covenant of fertility, reproduction and fruitfulness
  6. Covenant of seeing ahead (vision, divine secrets and speed)

Prayer line: O Lord give me the grace to give continually to support your work so that i will not lose my blessings in Jesus name. Amen!