Weekly Messages: Benefits of The Death of Christ on The Cross

Weekly Messages: Benefits of The Death of Christ on The Cross

The death of Jesus on the cross made a lot of privileges available to every human on earth in fact, His death give us access to our original inheritance and possessions from when the world first began. It is his death that gives us access to what Adam lost as a result of disobedience. The benefits of Christ’s death include:

  1. Healing and freedom from sickness. Jesus was bitten and battered so that we can be free from every affliction in our health. As a child of God, you are not permitted to be sick anymore once you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 1 Peter 2:24
  2. Wealth and financial prosperity. Jesus left His riches and wealth in His kingdom and became poor on earth so that by His poverty you too can be rich. Quit struggling and suffering in lack and want and key into God’s financial provision for you today by the cross. Isaiah 60:1
  3. Deliverance from every affliction. If the enemy is oppressing you in any area of your life it is because you are ignorant of your victory over Satan by the cross. Rise up today and enforce your deliverance from every affliction from hell. Colossians 1:13

Your miracle has been ensured but you must catch it but there are certain contenders of this miracle which you have received. These contenders are ruthless, loaded, sophisticated, networked, persistent, poisonous, and deadly and will stop at nothing until they have destroyed you. That is why you must rise up in the place of prayer and consistently enforce your victory in the name of Jesus!

Further Scriptures: James 5:17, Psalms 76:20, 1 Corinthians 16:9, Colossians 2:15

Prayer line: O Lord, I enforce my victory in my health, finances, career and family in the name of Jesus Christ and I command every satanic oppressor of my life to get lost in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!