Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 9

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 9

2 Timothy 2:4

No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. NKJV


In the above scripture, we can find a warning against entanglement as a true soldier. For the scripture to warn us against entanglement, it simply means that there is a tendency for entanglement. The truth is that entanglement does not only refer to negative habits but also positive activities. If you are not careful as a true soldier, even the simple good things you do in your service to God could become an entanglement. When an activity in church or your regular business comes in between your spiritual worship to God, it is an entanglement and you must fight against it.


Everybody you see in the street is possessed by one spirit or the other and the lesser spirits are always subdued by the higher spirits hence you must always build up your spirit to remain victorious. Also bear in mind that there is the glory of the world that corrupts which the church can only overcome in the place of power. This power is received by sanctification and investment in the secret place.

Learn how to fight with your hands and your legs. You don’t submit to the challenges you meet along your path because the Spirit of God in you is far stronger than anything in the world (1 John 4:4 MSG) and that is why you must not leave your house carelessly but you must prepare yourself in the spirit realm against any odds on the way. The easiest way to win a fight is to be on the offensive side and you don’t sharpen your sword in the battle front. Always be prepared!

How to be free from entanglement (John 17:15)

  1. The place of sanctification
  2. Always visit the secret place


Prayer Line: Father, today I sanctify myself by the blood and I receive grace to always dwell in the secret place in Jesus name. Amen!