Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

No matter what you do, don’t ever forget about rapture. Always remember that your Christianity will be a waste if you miss heaven. It would have been better for you if you had committed all the sins in this world instead of answering a Christian and then you miss heaven because you got carried away with the activities of the church and failed to meet up with God’s standard.

You will fail to make heaven if you live in carnality. The end point of carnality is death; once you lose your touch of spirituality you are carnal. It is not by going to church but by living in purity that you can make heaven. No civilization can deal with the ancient words. God’s word contains His standard and His standard cannot fail and His word is his measuring standard.

When you study Matthew 7:22 from the Message Bible, you will find out that divine supply is not equal to divine presence. Divine presence is costly and is a requirement for you as a true soldier. You can only draw strength to fight the good fight from God’s presence. A good soldier is not afraid to fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12). To arrive as a good soldier of Christ you must fight the good fight and you must fight it till death.

What the true soldier of Christ must fight?

  1. Carnality
  2. Ungodly influence
  3. Manifestations of the flesh
  4. Satanic systems

A true soldier must be willing to die while fighting the good fight (Colossians 3:3). In order to make this fight, you must decide to be on the lord’s side (Exodus 32:26). A true soldier’s marriage or academic or skills is not for his comfort. If God is still struggling to use your beauty or your time or your resources – forget it! You are not a true soldier! A true soldier must sacrifice his life on God’s altar (2 Timothy 4:6). A true soldier performs only for God’s applause (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Prayer line: Father today I receive the grace to fight the good fight as a true soldier of Christ in Jesus name. Amen!