Weekly Message: Becoming a hero of faith 2

Weekly Message: Becoming a hero of faith 2

The heroes of faith recorded in the bible are in heaven waiting for us the saints on earth to come and join them before their reward can be complete. These heroes of faith faced various challenges and each of those challenges are represented full time in our dealings today. Rahab was a prostitute and yet she was recorded as a hero of faith, Samson fell into the sin of fornication, yet he was recorded as a hero of faith etc. Whatever challenge you face in your journey to become a hero of faith, you must realize that others who were before you have passed through the same, and made it. Hebrews 11:40, 12:1. Always bear in mind that there are still virgins in Sodom. Genesis 19:8


The heroes of faith are men who finished well (1 Corinthians 9:27, 1 Timothy 4:5-7)

 It is not about starting the journey of faith but finishing and finishing well. Ray Boltz wrote the song – ‘I pledge allegiance to the lamb’ is now a gay. Pray for yourself constantly for the grace of God to finish well. In order for you to finish well, you must develop a never-give-up attitude; keep the faith to the end and unwavering commitment to your course.



Two types of finishing well

  1. Finishing the assignment of God upon your life
  2. Finishing the course of Jesus on earth i.e. keeping the faith. 1 Timothy 4:5-7


What stops men from finishing well?

  1. Pressures of life
  2. Pleasures of life
  3. Strong persecutions for righteousness sake. 2 Corinthians 4:7-10
  4. Doctrines of the devil. 1 Timothy 4:1


How do I finish well?

  1. Take heed unto yourself
  2. Endure hardness. 2 Timothy 2:2-5
  3. Be sober and vigilant
  4. Build up your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost


Further scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 2 Timothy 4:5, Jude 3


 Prayer line: O Lord, grant me the grace to finish well in Jesus name!