The Purging Of The Spirit

The Purging Of The Spirit

Study Scripture: but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth                                                                                     2 Thessalonians 1:13

Your journey on earth is too long and you are not permitted to carry the weight of sin with you on that journey and that is why as a believer you need this purging of the spirit. Your usage by God as a believer is proportional to your sanctification (purging). And this sanctification can be possible if you make the commitment to receive sanctification of the spirit. The more you purge yourself, the more God uses you. The purging of your spirit helps you to create a deep relationship with God.

What Then Is This Purging Of The Spirit?

  1. It is the sitting of the Lord upon us to make us instrument of profitable service and sacrifice (Malachi 3:3).
  2. This purging deals with the spirit of rebellion (Ezekiel 20:38).

What This Purging Does?

  1. It prepares us for quality usage (2 timothy 2:21)
  2. It prepares us for multi-faceted usage.

Further scripture: I Peter1:2

Prayer Line: Oh Lord empty my bowl for you use in Jesus Name Amen.