The Law of Perpetual Burning III

The Law of Perpetual Burning III

Study Scripture

Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing.

  • Romans 8:7 (MSG)

The role of fresh fire and consistent worship in the life of a believer cannot be over-emphasized. Consistency in the place of worship is required of every believer that desires success in his personal walk with God. Being on fire delivers the believer from the predicaments of carnality.

A carnal Christian is one without fire, lacks spiritual sensitivity and cannot comprehend the voice of the Holy Ghost. A carnal Christian is one who will never accept instructions or rebuke from God or spiritual authority. He would rather explain away his shortcomings; and as such, he cannot out grow them.

Predicaments of Carnality

  1. Carnality makes you an enemy of God (Romans 8:7). A carnal Christian can neither please nor hear God.
  2. It keeps you in the baby level of Christianity thereby frustrating your Christian walk (1 Corinthians 3:1).
  3. It limits your dedication to God and His work.

As a believer who desires to be victorious in his walk with God, you must be committed to resisting every agenda of the enemy to drag you into carnality. One way to know that you are becoming carnal is when you are doing things for yourself more than you are doing for God. When you start paying more attention to yourself, your physical appearance and your comfort; more than you pay attention to the things of God; watch it, carnality is knocking on your door.

When you spend more hours watching movies than you spend praying; when you visit cinemas more than you visit God’s presence; when you spend more hours on phone calls than the hours you spend praying; when you can’t compare your church offering to the amount you spend on junks; when you miss church services for no tangible reason; watch it, carnality is calling your name.

Receive grace today to love God more and resist carnality in Jesus name. Amen

Further Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:10, Romans 8:27, 2 Peter 2:15, 1:5

Prayer Line: Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace to love you more and be more dedicated to you and my service to you in Jesus name. Amen