Obedience to God: My Sure Access To Amazing New Heights

Obedience to God: My Sure Access To Amazing New Heights

Three major steps to scaling new heights:

  1. The voice of God
  2. The hearing of God’s voice
  3. The obeying of God’s voice

Obeying the voice of God is wisdom. Your obedience to God is your immunity to the common frustration of your immediate environment. The more your obedience the higher you scale.

Why obey God’s voice?

  1. Struggling continues until you obey God’s voice
  2. Only obedience can access what the voice of God offers. In the voice of God there is breakthrough, prosperity, academic excellence, marital favor,etc
  3. God’s voice does not profit you until your obedience is fulfilled (2Corinthians 10:6)
  4. Your deliverance and prosperity are all tied to God’s voice but delivered to you on the platform of obedience (Job 36:11)

Spiritual channels of god’s voice?

  1. The written word (in the bible)(Joshua 1:8)
  2. Direct instructions from the Holy Spirit
  3. Spiritual fathers and pastors(Jeremiah 3:15, 2 Chronicles 20:20)

Prerequisites of hearing God’s voice:

  1. You must be born again (John 10:27)

Further scriptures: Deuteronomy 28:1, Genesis 26:2-6, 11-13, Hosea 12:13

Prayer point: oh lord give me the grace to obey your voice in Jesus name. Amen

Scaling New Spiritual Height By The Force Of Spiritual Insight

Scaling New Spiritual Height By The Force Of Spiritual Insight

Text: But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 1Corinthians 2:15 (TLB)

What is spiritual insight?

  1. It is the inner picture you have of a thing
  2. It is the internal vision you have about a thing
  3. It is your capacity to see what god have for you

You cannot scale any height you cannot see. The speed with which you scale is by what you can see. It is insight that determines your height. For you to excel in anything be it in your academics, Ministry, business, career, marriage, etc you must first see it in your spirit. Insight guarantees direction.

You cannot scale new height until you run (gain speed)

Why scale new spiritual height?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1. Because you must scale that height in the spirit before you can scale physically

Why do I need spiritual insight?

  1. Spiritual insight increases energy, longevity and strength. Luke 2:28-30
  2. Spiritual insight determines my possession. Genesis 13:14-15

Nothing is ever yours until you see it in the spirit. Until you see it you cannot seize it, your confession not withstanding. What you behold you become.

Study scriptures: Daniel 2:19, Acts 10:19, Matthew 8:22-25, Deuteronomy 34:7, Jeremiah 1:11, Jeremiah 33:3, Proverbs 4:20-22


Prayer point: Oh Lord open my eyes to see what you want me to see

Developing Spiritual Strength and Fire via the Words of Jesus VIII (Prayer: A Necessity for Sustaining Our Freshness and Spirituality II)

Developing Spiritual Strength and Fire via the Words of Jesus VIII (Prayer: A Necessity for Sustaining Our Freshness and Spirituality II)

You cannot command signs and wonders if you are not a person of prayer. You cannot command signs and wonders if your spirituality is down; if you are fainting in the spirit. Prayer is a vital tool for every believer. The words of Jesus form the foundation for effective prayers. God’s word is the food that nourishes your life.
You pray for several things but most importantly you ought to pray to sustain your spirituality. If you fail to pray, the tendency to fall into temptation is very high because every day for every believer there is temptation and the root of escape is prayer (Matthew 26:41). You pray so that your faith in Jesus will not faint. Once faith fails, you will fall into temptation even without knowing (Luke 18:1). Prayer releases strength upon you when it is persistent, fervent and continuous (Luke 22:40-44). You must ask God to lose you from every distraction limiting your prayer life (Matthew 26:40).
Had the apostles not learnt how to pray from Jesus, Christianity would have been dismissed even before it started. You must learn from their example (Acts 12:5-7, 16:25). Whenever challenges arose, they always prayed together (Acts 4:23-29). Don’t die in silence, form the habit of telling your pastor and brethren your burdens so that they can help you in the place of prayer. Despite the persecution or situation, they always prayed. Even Muslims today pray at all times without any apologies to whoever will be affected. What’s your excuse? Stop finding reasons not to pray!
Remember that God never promised us a life of ease so withdrawing from God because of persecution is unworthy (Matthew 5:10-12).
Prayer line: O Lord, I receive the grace to pray continually without fainting in Jesus name! Amen!



Obadiah 1:17; Deuteronomy 8:18; Job36:11; Ps122:7; Ps35:27; 1sam25:6


This month, God’s power delivers and makes my destiny colourful and prosperous. God has promised that through His mighty hand of deliverance, there shall be a release of our colourful and prosperous destinies on every side. Yokes, afflictions, stagnations poverty, shame, sickness, death and spiritual coldness shall be broken. In this message, God shall reveal to us certain principles for financial prosperity and how to engage his power to obtain our inheritance (Obadiah 1:17)


  1. To spread God’s kingdom and God’s cities (Zech1:17; Isaiah 54:3)
  2. To Become a blessing (Gen12:2; Gen12:3;)
  3. To favour the righteous course(Ps35:27, Ps102:13)
  4. To have a colourful destiny(Isaiah60:1, 1Chron29:12, 2Chron32:27)
  5. For a colourful ministry (Isaiah54:3; Zech1:17)
  6. To show the greatness of God (Genesis 13:2; 1Sam2:7,8
  7. To break away from beggarly condition (Ps23:1; Ps37:25)
  8. For defence of the gospel (Job22:25; Eccl7:12)

However, there are certain principles and rules for financial prosperity (Isaiah 28:10). To neglect principles is to neglect advancement/success, to neglect principles is to subscribe to a frustrated life, principles makes you a principality. These are rules and conditions to access Prosperity in Faithhouse.


  1. The principles of Hard work and Diligence Prov.22vs29; Prov20:4; Prov21:5; Prov10:4,Prov12:24
  2. The principle of kingdom investment (Seed, tithing, sacrifice) Gen8vs22;Ps35vs27, Mal3:10; Prov11:24
  3. The principle of self-discovery/passion Eccl8:1; Isaiah60:1-2; Prov22:29
  4. Principle of spiritual connection and divine direction Job 22vs21-24; Exodus20:23; Exodus35:15
  5. The Principle of financial/business wisdom: Prov24:3-4; Prov9:1; Prov8:12;

POWER FOR WEALTH (Supernatural ability to provoke wealth)

How does this power operate?

  1. Wealth Transfer- wealth of the gentiles and by wisdom (Haggai2:6-7; Isaiah 45:14; Isaiah60:10-11, Prov8:18, Prov4:7-9
  2. Supernatural supply by the covenant of on time supply– 1Kings17:4, 1Kings17:6;
  3. Breakthrough and favour- Exodus3:21; Exodus12:36; Gen39:6; Ps30:5, Prov3:4; 1chron4:9,10
  4. Open heavens: Isaiah 60:1; Mark1:10;


  1. Against upcoming famine: Gen26:1,14,15; Eccl7:12; Psalm37:19
  2. To enhance my dignity as a son and daughter: 1Chron29:12, Psalm:1-end
  3. To defend the church Eccl7:12,Job22:2

PRAYER: Father, I ask according to your word financial prosperity for my next level in destiny in Jesus!