Developing Spiritual Strength and Fire via the Words of Jesus VIII (Prayer: A Necessity for Sustaining Our Freshness and Spirituality II)

Developing Spiritual Strength and Fire via the Words of Jesus VIII (Prayer: A Necessity for Sustaining Our Freshness and Spirituality II)

You cannot command signs and wonders if you are not a person of prayer. You cannot command signs and wonders if your spirituality is down; if you are fainting in the spirit. Prayer is a vital tool for every believer. The words of Jesus form the foundation for effective prayers. God’s word is the food that nourishes your life.
You pray for several things but most importantly you ought to pray to sustain your spirituality. If you fail to pray, the tendency to fall into temptation is very high because every day for every believer there is temptation and the root of escape is prayer (Matthew 26:41). You pray so that your faith in Jesus will not faint. Once faith fails, you will fall into temptation even without knowing (Luke 18:1). Prayer releases strength upon you when it is persistent, fervent and continuous (Luke 22:40-44). You must ask God to lose you from every distraction limiting your prayer life (Matthew 26:40).
Had the apostles not learnt how to pray from Jesus, Christianity would have been dismissed even before it started. You must learn from their example (Acts 12:5-7, 16:25). Whenever challenges arose, they always prayed together (Acts 4:23-29). Don’t die in silence, form the habit of telling your pastor and brethren your burdens so that they can help you in the place of prayer. Despite the persecution or situation, they always prayed. Even Muslims today pray at all times without any apologies to whoever will be affected. What’s your excuse? Stop finding reasons not to pray!
Remember that God never promised us a life of ease so withdrawing from God because of persecution is unworthy (Matthew 5:10-12).
Prayer line: O Lord, I receive the grace to pray continually without fainting in Jesus name! Amen!

The Faith Tool For Dominion

The Faith Tool For Dominion

God gave us dominion over all things. The word, ‘Dominion’ is derived from the Hebrew word ‘mamlaka’ which means to lead, to exercise influence, to rule and to be in charge. As a believer, God expects you to exercise dominion on every side (Genesis 1:26, Palms 8:6). The number one tool for exercising dominion is the force of faith. Nothing works in God’s kingdom without faith. Faith is the propeller of every kingdom exploits and advancement. When you receive faith, you receive a change of status. Vision becomes television without faith. Nothing can be received without faith. Every other tool for dominion thrives on faith. Faith is the livewire of every believer. Faith is the bow that shoots the arrow of your destiny to the top. Faith is the driving force of every believer (Hebrews 11:1, Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, James 1:5, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38).

Why Do I Need This Spirit Of Faith For Dominion?

There is war over your soul (Zechariah 1:17, Ephesians 6:10-16). Faith is a fundamental fact of our existence, the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. For everything that will ever work out, faith is needed. Faith is the strength needed to fight problems.

Faith can only be used to exercise dominion if it is based on reckless love for God (Galatians 5:6). Three ways this love can be expressed are:

  1. Total commitment to the things of God (Deuteronomy 30:6, 11, 20, 19:9, Psalms 91:14).
  2. An excited sacrificial giving. True lovers are givers. You cannot access God’s kind of prosperity until He becomes your priority (1 Chronicles 29:1-5)
  3. An aggressive and conscious taking risk for God here on earth (Nehemiah 2:2-3, 1 Kings 8:4, Esther 4:16, Hebrews 11:32-40, Obadiah 1:21)

Prayer line: Oh Lord, increase my love to have a stronger faith in You