Developing and Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Spiritual Life And Spiritual Fire By The Words Of Jesus

Developing and Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Spiritual Life And Spiritual Fire By The Words Of Jesus

Friends, never think of backsliding. Truth be told, once you’ve tasted Jesus and you go back to the world, it will be difficult for you to come back to Jesus (Hebrews 6:4-6). Jesus is the only way to eternal life hence living without Him is destruction without knowing. Note that before the return of Jesus to take up the righteous, the church will make the world wonder by her global relevant impart. Hence, there must be total preparation for the coming of the master and you must be a part of it.

You must have heard so many individuals say that the Old Testament is irrelevant and that what this generation of Christians need is only the New Testament. Please pay no attention to them. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed, simplified and explained. The New Testament was written based on revelations from the Old Testament. So both testaments are vital for your consumption and edification (2 Timothy 3:16).

So far in your Christian walk, you probably enjoy the epistles of Paul and the other disciples, they all received the revelations from the words of Jesus. You must also hunger to be encouraged by the words of Jesus.

Why give attention to the words of Jesus?

  1. They are spiritual words that sustain our lives on earth (John 6:63)
  2. They command wisdom and stability in the midst of storms of life (Matthew 7:24, Isaiah 33:16)
  3. They sustain true soldiers and disciples (Luke 9:43-44, 48)

Further Scripture: Matthew 25:1-9

Prayer line: O Lord, may your spirit-filled words make up my life in Jesus name. Amen!



The supernatural wisdom covenant

Study Scripture: Psalms 105:8-9

He remembers His covenant forever,

The word which He commanded, for a thousand generations,

The covenant which He made with Abraham,

And His oath to Isaac,


Don’t desire to get blessed rather desire to be a blessing to others.

What does it mean to become a blessing (Genesis 12:2-3)?

  1. It is a state of life where you become a resource for other people
  2. It is being possessed by the distribution spirit
  3. It is becoming a savior for people (Genesis 45:7, Obadiah 1:21)
  4. It means to be delivered from the spirit of consumption, greed and covetousness (Luke 16:15)

To be a blessing, you need wisdom. At the base foolishness, ignorance and negligence, careless living is lack of wisdom. Anytime you are frustrated, it means you lack wisdom. Supernatural wisdom places you in charge (Genesis 41:39).

Tools for supernatural wisdom

  1. The tool of salvation and soul winning

The new birth is your access to supernatural wisdom. Salvation is an invitation into the realms of God and the realms of God are the realms of wisdom (Galatians 3:13, Job 32:8). He that wins a soul is a potential celebrity (proverbs 11:30, Daniel 2:3). To be a soul winner is to be addicted to kingdom service. If you desire to be a generational blessing, then you must be completely sold out to God’s kingdom (2 chronicles 1:12, job 29:2-18)

Important quotes:

  • Before you feed the nations start with feeding your neighbors.
  • Following the normal is a philosophy of a chameleon.

Prayer line: oh lord, give me the grace to be sold out to your kingdom on earth in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Understanding The Amour of A True Soldier

Weekly Messages: Understanding The Amour of A True Soldier

The word of God is capable of shaping a man’s thought pattern (Ephesians 6:17). Any character challenge that you have is as a result of lack of God’s word. You can be a Christian and become spiritually malnourished because there is an area in your life that you have not allowed the word of God to work on (Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:9, John 15:3, 6:63)

Two things soldiers are trained for

  1. A sense of attitude
  2. A sense of responsibility – what you are meant to accomplish

Soldiers don’t fight themselves, rather they fight their enemies (2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Timothy 2:14). You must be trained in attitude and aptitude before you go and act (Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:17)

The armour of God that every true soldier must bear (Ephesians 6:10-18)

  1. Gird yourself with truth
  2. The breastplate of righteousness
  3. The gospel of peace
  4. The helmet of salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:8, Isaiah 59:17)

In order to be preserved as a true soldier, you need to become a terrible soul winner and become protective of your salvation.

Prayer line: Father I receive help from above to always put on your armour in Jesus name. Amen!

Captives in the well

Captives in the well

During a bitter civil war, a soldier discovered 10 men thrown into a deep well by the enemies. He was in a hurry to meet his commanding officer, so he got a rope and pulled one man out. The soldier instructed the man to pull the other people out, and the soldier left.

The man waited for the soldier to go out of sight before he dropped the rope and walked briskly away. He was in a hurry to make a business appointment!!

What do you think God will do to that inconsiderate man?

If you were one of the 9 men left in the well, how would you feel?

By the way, who was that selfish, wicked, and self-centred man? He represents the Christian that refuses to evangelize. He has been pulled out of the well of eternal destruction, but he refuses to pull others out.

So, what shall happen to such a Christian when the Lord shall return? Shall the Lord accept his business profit/prosperity as compensation?

There is good news, however. We have a solution for you. We know that you love the Lord and you desire to obey Him. It‘s just that, evangelism … Hmm, evangelism.

Yes, we know and we understand. Let us ask, why do Christians find evangelism difficult?

Most churches no longer emphasize obedience to the Lord. Much emphases is placed on blessings, prosperity, breakthrough and wealth.

There is misunderstanding on how blessings come. Matthew 6: 33; John 12: 26; and John 15: 16 confirm that evangelism is actually the key that unlocks blessings, prosperity, and wealth.   Believers are not properly trained and equipped to share their faith.

So, we have produced the tools for effective witnessing. You can witness and you will enjoy it.

We have designed creative tracts aimed at various groups of people in the society. E.g. Drug addicts, party lovers, youths, prostitutes, prisoners, business executives, politicians, students, cultists, and so on. There are even doctrinal tracts that explain in creative manner complex doctrines like redemption, justification, adoption, repentance and so on. You can give these to new converts. There are also general tracts that can be given to anybody.

All that you need to do is to pick the tracts for the groups that you wish to reach and Karis Tracts will do the rest. These tracts are interesting to read; they are short, sharp, and focused.

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING TIPS: It is recommended that you get a partner if you wish to go on street evangelism. Do not go on outside evangelism alone. Even the Lord sent the disciples out two-by-two.

Unbelievers are all around you. You can drop tracts at fast food centres, (as they eat, they will read) at banking halls, (while they wait to be served, they will read) supermarkets and pharmacy (they will pick it as bonus), barber‘s shop, hair dressing salon, on your seat as you leave the bus or taxi, etc. You do not need to stand by the side of the road to distribute tracts!

You can target secondary and primary school students as they close from school. They are relaxed and friendly at that time of the day.

You can give your child a pack to take to the University. Once naughty students see him/her distributing tracts, they will leave your child alone.

You can order tracts to support ministries in your home town. At no extra cost to you, we can produce tracts in your native language to reach your people.

All our tracts are custom produced for churches, fellowships, individuals, and companies owned by Christians. All your contact details shall be on the tracts that you order.

If you want to invest in soul winning (that is, laying your treasure in heaven), and you do not know who to reach, we can administer the distribution of the tracts for you. You will receive a report on where the tracts went. Your tracts can go to places you cannot reach.
