The Law Of Perpetual Burning

The Law Of Perpetual Burning

Study scripture:

The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out. – Leviticus 6:13

For you to keep burning for God, you need to stay away from carnality and from people that will extinguish your fire. With the high level of spiritual confusion in the body of Christ following different indoctrinations, it is advisable as a Christian to keep the level of your fire in check. People tend to lose their fire because they rather dwell on their past experience with God than crave to be perpetually burning for God.

What then is the law of perpetual burning?

  1. It is the law of removal of ashes (Leviticus 6:10)

Ashes represent materials that are incombustible. When you allow ashes in your fire place, you can only produce smoke and can’t rekindle your fire.

What Are These Ashes?

  • They are personal spiritual achievements.
  • They are past experiences in the Lord.
  • They are testimonies of spiritual breakthrough.
  • They are past failures.
  1. The law of adding fresh wood to your fire (Leviticus 6:12)

This refers to the fresh wood of a strong prayer life.

What happens when you add a fresh wood of prayer?

  • You will hear fresh voice in God’s presence
  • You access fresh grace (Jude 1:20).
  • You access deep revelation.
  • It gives you fresh contact with transformation and transfiguration. (Luke 9:28-29).

Further scripture: Leviticus 6:8-13.

Prayer line: O Lord give me the grace to keep my fire burning through a life style of prayer, I destroy sleep and slumber in my life in Jesus name Amen.

The Purging Of The Spirit

The Purging Of The Spirit

Study Scripture: but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth                                                                                     2 Thessalonians 1:13

Your journey on earth is too long and you are not permitted to carry the weight of sin with you on that journey and that is why as a believer you need this purging of the spirit. Your usage by God as a believer is proportional to your sanctification (purging). And this sanctification can be possible if you make the commitment to receive sanctification of the spirit. The more you purge yourself, the more God uses you. The purging of your spirit helps you to create a deep relationship with God.

What Then Is This Purging Of The Spirit?

  1. It is the sitting of the Lord upon us to make us instrument of profitable service and sacrifice (Malachi 3:3).
  2. This purging deals with the spirit of rebellion (Ezekiel 20:38).

What This Purging Does?

  1. It prepares us for quality usage (2 timothy 2:21)
  2. It prepares us for multi-faceted usage.

Further scripture: I Peter1:2

Prayer Line: Oh Lord empty my bowl for you use in Jesus Name Amen. 

The Product Of Deliverance

The Product Of Deliverance

Study Scripture: have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.                                                      – Psalm 74:20

Jesus gave us the deliverance to walk out from the place of darkness by him guiding our feet. Whenever God guides us we are delivered from darkness (Isaiah 48:17). Whenever you are seated in heavenly places you are in light and you are sitting above darkness because darkness cannot withstand the effect of light. And when you believe in God, you won’t walk in darkness (John 8:12).

What Are The Manifestations Of Light?

  1. It is deliverance from the shadow of death and misdirection; two forms of darkness can operate in a man’s life and that is, the darkness that operates as a result of devil’s manipulation and the one that operates as a result of ignorance (Luke 1:79).
  2. It offers to us the light that opens secrets (Daniel 2:22).
  3. It is the deliverance from the rules of people in darkness (Ephesians 6:12).
  4. It is a deliverance from lack (Isaiah 58:10).

How Can We Access This Light

  1. Through knowledge
  2. Through faith empowered word (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Further Scriptures: Ephesians 5:8, John 12:46, Obadiah 1:17, Matthew 4:16, Isaiah 9:2, John 1:5-6, Isaiah 30:12, Roman 11:33, Isaiah 45: 3, Job 24:4, Ecclesiastics 11:7.

Prayer Line:  Oh Lord guide my feet and order my step in Jesus Name Amen.



The fourth product of the wisdom we access by our position in the Heavenly Places is Robust Mental Exploits. Problems may abound but through effective use of the mind, one can excel. Robust Mental Exploits refer to engaging the mind to solve life problems and produce innovative ideas. Everything in life including ‘healing’ starts from the mind. A productive mind is God’s provision for the believer (Isaiah 1:18). Once you obey the principles of wealth creation, you will create wealth. One of these principles is ‘strategic thinking’. Four daily tools to employ daily for possibility are: PRAY, READ, THINK, WRITE, and TAKE ACTION

What you must know?

  1. The frustration of mankind is their inability to use their minds effectively
  2. The state and quality of your mind determines the state and quality of your life
  3. Every breakthrough in history, advancement in science answered to mental breakthrough/ productivity

What does the productive mind offer?

  1. Quick understanding and quality decision (Isaiah 11:3, Psalms 119:9)
  2. Possibility and positive approach to life issues
  3. It stirs up the success, think and grow rich DRIVE

Some Recommendations for a productive mind

  1. Lie on the left side of your head while sleeping (it helps your thinking faculty relax)
  2. Think for 15minutes before you pray in the Holy Ghost
  3. Diversify your financial investments
  4. When you feel a slight headache, take chilled water mixed with two sachets of peak milk and two cubes of sugar

How to access mental exploits?

  1. Feed your mind (body) with the right type of food (1 Timothy 4:13)
  2. Versatile reading i.e. acquire informative power (Hosea 4:6, 2 Timothy 4:13)
  3. Productive and Strategic thinking – the right thoughts provoke the right actions (Luke 15:17)
  4. Quality prayer life
  5. Ask God for financial wisdom (James 1:5)

Important Quotes

  1. Not everyone with a mind engages in productive thinking
  2. The dignity of destiny lies in the mind
  3. The mind is at its maximum potency between the ages of 19 and 23years
  4. Much prayer and less thinking is simply bodily exercise that profits little
  5. Spiritual revolution without an accompanying mental revolution is an incomplete revival

Further Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 10:5, James 1:5, Isaiah 30:21, Proverbs 2:2, Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer Line: Oh LORD, I for your wisdom to create wealth and provoke possibilities in Jesus name. Amen!