Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 7

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 7

Study Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:4

A True Soldier Does Not Entangle Himself

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.


Many Soldiers (Christians) have allowed themselves to be soiled with sin, bribery, immorality etc. All these vices are entanglements which ought not to be found around true soldiers of Christ. Anytime we are entangled with distractions, we displease God. Salvation is not a call for enjoyment but a call for recruitment into the army of Christ. Being a soldier entails putting on the whole armour of God (righteousness, prayer and more) at every [point in time after all no military man goes around without his uniform. Once you get entangled, you end up in a horrible state (2 Peter 2:20). It doesn’t mean you should give up when you make mistake and get entangled with the flesh, sin etc. But you should ask God for forgiveness. Asking God for mercy means confessing your sins in plain language not speaking in tongues to cover up (Proverbs 28:13).

Prerequisite for freedom from entanglement

  1. He is free from the entanglement of human occupation
  2. He devotes his energy to fight earthly distractions
  3. His thought pattern is focused on the Master (the commander) and His heavenly assignment (the commandment)
  4. The soldier of Christ is in perpetual warfare or perpetual preparation for warfare (1 Timothy 1:18). Everybody will definitely meet this war against entanglement at some point or somewhere. It could be at your workplace or at school or even pleasure from family to leave the faith or wherever. When that illegal bag of money is brought before you, will you sell out? (Romans 8:38-39)

A true soldier is a weapon carrier. We are positioned at different places but we must all have the consciousness that we are soldiers. You don’t play with a military man when it comes to his I.D. or his gun. The military lost their reverence when they began associating with civilians. Similarly, the Christians lost it when they began mingling with sinners. These past years, Christianity has been in the defensive side; it’s time to go on the offensive side.

A Muslim goes into a system with the mindset to influence it for Islam; on the contrary, a Christian enters with the mindset for personal gain. It’s time to adjust. Marriage act, Islamic Studies, Islamic loan are all evidence of Muslims being sold-out to Islam and this is because they understand the message of Islam. Christians on the other hand have failed to understand what God has instructed us to do which is to dominate and promote God’s kingdom everywhere we find ourselves. This is the reason for which most Christians are messing up in leadership positions.

Looking at Hezekiah in the bible, he cried out for mercy when God told Him he was to die and God heard His cry and added 15 more years to his life. In the process, Hezekiah sinned against God, God told him that as a result his next generation will suffer for it. Instead of Hezekiah to ask God for mercy again he relaxed and did nothing about it, he concluded all was well so long as the calamity does not come during his time and he will enjoy peace till he dies (Isaiah 39:8-9). This is the attitude of most Christians today. They feel that they have escaped the calamity of Islam forgetting that their children will meet it if they do nothing about it. You might be thinking you are already old and hence have escaped the calamities of the church which are present now and which are yet to come, how about your children? It’s time to stand for what you believe in!

Prayer line: Lord, deliver me from every form of entanglement in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Filling Of The Spiritual Vacuum

Filling Of The Spiritual Vacuum

Hab 2:14 The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea

As cliché as it might sound, the saying that nature abhors vacuum is very true in its entirety. Be it school, home, church, club, or any other community of human existence, this saying holds sway. Even in our individual lives, vacuum is abhorred. Whether we like it or not; one can even choose to ignore this fact, but to one’s detriment. Islam by reason of its mode of operation has thoroughly capitalized on this. The religion by way of its dynamism has integrated itself into all aspects of human existence. For Muslims, the religion has become a way of life. There is no vacuum in the life of a Muslim because Islam has filled it up.

The Nigerian case portrays this fact. The problem with Christianity is that we Christians have not accepted it as a way of life. We are yet to understand the Kingdom Culture. The Kingdom Culture goes beyond religion. This is where the Christian sees and understands that it is a way of life. Until we do so, Muslims will continue to “persecute” us. The spiritual vacuum in the life of an average Christian has made it such that he cannot stand the least challenge to his faith. He will tend to give in at the least test to his faith.

To fill up our spiritual vacuum and be able to imbibe the Kingdom Culture, we must engage the following:

  • DISCIPLESHIP: we must go beyond the level of normal Christian living. Every Christian must of a matter of necessity and urgency seek to be a disciple. The issue of discipleship in the life of a Christian can never be over emphasized. A disciple is one that has counted all things as nothing compared to the life of Jesus. A disciple is someone who sees everything in life the Jesus sees them. His life is under the control of Jesus and his discipler.
  • SELFLESSNESS: we must also understand that we are owned. Everything the Christian has belongs to God. Everything the Christian has must be used to render services to the Kingdom of God. You must begin to live beyond yourself. As much as is within your capacity seek to help others and alleviate the plight of the less privileged.
  • STEWARDSHIP: as a Christian you must strive to give account of everything you have. All that a Christian has is God’s and must be used to serve God. You must give back everything you for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
  • CULTURAL INFLUENCE:here is another important aspect of the Kingdom Culture every Christian must imbibe. Honestly, this is where Islam has got it right while Christianity has succeeded. As a Christian, you must carry the kingdom culture into every sphere of influence. You don’t practice the Christian faith in the church alone. You must take it to the society where it is needed more. Take the Christian values into your school and work place as the case may be.
  • TERRITORIAL EXPANSION: you must understand and hold fast to the fact that the kingdom culture is the best societal system that can operate in this world. It is the catalyst for national transformation.Therefore, you must seek to make sure everyone you meet buys into this culture. This is the Great Commission. It is a fundamental responsibility of the Christian.