Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

No matter what you do, don’t ever forget about rapture. Always remember that your Christianity will be a waste if you miss heaven. It would have been better for you if you had committed all the sins in this world instead of answering a Christian and then you miss heaven because you got carried away with the activities of the church and failed to meet up with God’s standard.

You will fail to make heaven if you live in carnality. The end point of carnality is death; once you lose your touch of spirituality you are carnal. It is not by going to church but by living in purity that you can make heaven. No civilization can deal with the ancient words. God’s word contains His standard and His standard cannot fail and His word is his measuring standard.

When you study Matthew 7:22 from the Message Bible, you will find out that divine supply is not equal to divine presence. Divine presence is costly and is a requirement for you as a true soldier. You can only draw strength to fight the good fight from God’s presence. A good soldier is not afraid to fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12). To arrive as a good soldier of Christ you must fight the good fight and you must fight it till death.

What the true soldier of Christ must fight?

  1. Carnality
  2. Ungodly influence
  3. Manifestations of the flesh
  4. Satanic systems

A true soldier must be willing to die while fighting the good fight (Colossians 3:3). In order to make this fight, you must decide to be on the lord’s side (Exodus 32:26). A true soldier’s marriage or academic or skills is not for his comfort. If God is still struggling to use your beauty or your time or your resources – forget it! You are not a true soldier! A true soldier must sacrifice his life on God’s altar (2 Timothy 4:6). A true soldier performs only for God’s applause (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Prayer line: Father today I receive the grace to fight the good fight as a true soldier of Christ in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Dealing With Robbers Of Destiny

Weekly Messages: Dealing With Robbers Of Destiny

Destiny is God’s predestined position or situation for your life. You are making little progress daily in your life and destiny compared to the greater level that God expects you to operate yet even at that your little pace, the devil is not happy. He will keep fighting to pull you down. There are certain things that the devil will always send into your life to rob you of your destiny; they are called destiny robbers.

Manifestations of these destiny robbers

  1. Spirit of ignorance: ignorance is the lack of knowledge of the relevant information needed to advance your God-ordained destiny. Ignorance is not an excuse not to fulfil your destiny and it is your responsibility to be abreast with the facts you need for your destiny to succeed (Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13)

How to acquire knowledge

  1. Read and meditate on God’s word
  2. Act on God’s word
  3. Read wider than your field
  4. Listen to tapes of God‘s word by sanctified men of God
  5. Catch the spirit at work in Faithhouse


  1. Disobedience: disobedience is refusal to obey God’s instruction or carry out orders given to you by both God and man. Obedience to God’s instruction is important in the fulfilment of destiny. Blessings accompany obedience whereas grievous consequences follow disobedience (Psalm 78:10, Acts 5:29, Leviticus26:15-16, Deuteronomy 28:1-3)
  2. Sin and wickedness: sin is simply refusal to do what you know you ought to do. Sin and wickedness will definitely stop you from reaching the height God has intended for you (James 4:17, Job 11:14, John8:44)

Prayer Line: O Lord, today I crush every robber of destiny hanging around my life in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 9

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 9

2 Timothy 2:4

No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. NKJV


In the above scripture, we can find a warning against entanglement as a true soldier. For the scripture to warn us against entanglement, it simply means that there is a tendency for entanglement. The truth is that entanglement does not only refer to negative habits but also positive activities. If you are not careful as a true soldier, even the simple good things you do in your service to God could become an entanglement. When an activity in church or your regular business comes in between your spiritual worship to God, it is an entanglement and you must fight against it.


Everybody you see in the street is possessed by one spirit or the other and the lesser spirits are always subdued by the higher spirits hence you must always build up your spirit to remain victorious. Also bear in mind that there is the glory of the world that corrupts which the church can only overcome in the place of power. This power is received by sanctification and investment in the secret place.

Learn how to fight with your hands and your legs. You don’t submit to the challenges you meet along your path because the Spirit of God in you is far stronger than anything in the world (1 John 4:4 MSG) and that is why you must not leave your house carelessly but you must prepare yourself in the spirit realm against any odds on the way. The easiest way to win a fight is to be on the offensive side and you don’t sharpen your sword in the battle front. Always be prepared!

How to be free from entanglement (John 17:15)

  1. The place of sanctification
  2. Always visit the secret place


Prayer Line: Father, today I sanctify myself by the blood and I receive grace to always dwell in the secret place in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Covenant Power of Prosperity

Weekly Messages: Covenant Power of Prosperity

God is a God of covenant. For every promise He makes, He must surely fulfil. God wants to make you a living proof. It is your heritage to prosper. You don’t need to carry money around, what you need is to operate by the covenant of prosperity. A covenant is an agreement between two parties where both parties agree to meet certain ends of the agreement (Genesis 17:4-7, Galatians 3:13-14).

The covenant of prosperity will only work for you if you obey God correctly. Obeying God correctly is a call to service. Serving God is not just coming to church but also sacrificing your time, money and energy to advance God’s work. You are not blessed until you are connected to the covenant (Exodus 23:25-26).

Covenant Strategies

  1. Obedience to God’s word
  2. Kingdom addiction
  3. Lifestyle of prayer

Obedience to God includes obedience in paying your tithe, giving your offering and sowing of seed. You don’t enjoy supplies until you obey the principle of supplies which is the principle of giving and giving to the right person. When you give to a righteous fellow, you reap the fruit of righteousness. When you sow to a prophet, you reap the reward of a prophet which may only last for a time (Mathew 10:41). When you sow to your father, you reap your father’s inheritance which is for a lifetime (Genesis 27:1-4, 49:1-4).

When you give excuses to give to God, He will in turn give you excuses when you ask Him for blessings. Understand that seed sowing can avert death, sickness and accident for you and your family. Don’t even try to divide your tithe and pay some. It is wrong. When you fail to pay your tithe, devourer will eat your finances. When you fail to support God’s work with your substance, you will make financial losses (Haggai 1:1-9, Malachi 3:10). Until you think of what to dangerously give to God as a seed, God will never think of what to give you (Proverbs 11:34)

Six major covenants of Faithhouse (Psalms 89:34)

  1. Covenant of on-time supply
  2. Covenant of ‘we don’t take no for an answer’
  3. Covenant of life and peace
  4. Covenant of angelic and divine direction
  5. Covenant of fertility, reproduction and fruitfulness
  6. Covenant of seeing ahead (vision, divine secrets and speed)

Prayer line: O Lord give me the grace to give continually to support your work so that i will not lose my blessings in Jesus name. Amen!