The Necessity of Fresh Fire

The Necessity of Fresh Fire

Study Scripture:

Before them fire devours, behind them a flame blazes. Before them the land is like the garden of Eden, behind them, a desert waste ­­­­­­__ nothing escapes them. – Joel 2:3 (NIV)

I was in a luxurious bus one day en-route Lagos and while I was yet putting myself together to lead worship songs and minister to the passengers, a lady in the bus started preaching. Her ministration was so hot that everybody in the bus was tremendously blessed. A time came in the course of our journey when the lights in the bus were turned off and in the midst of the darkness, this same lady was making out with a guy (a stranger) in the bus. By the time the bus stopped at Benin, the two lovebirds located a hotel and lodged there. Very disappointing, not so? This lady fell victim of this immoral act because she was not on fire. She was a Christian but she lacked fire.

Why must you subscribe to fresh fire?

  1. To fight against unprepared temptation (James 1:12, Luke 4:13, Psalms 95:8, Hebrews 3:8). As Christian, there are always times when you will find yourself in the wilderness (difficult situations) and it will seem as if you are not making progress. And it may be one wilderness after the other for you; nevertheless, God is still God, so, be encouraged. It is in the wilderness that the devil will come to minister to you and make suggestions that will not profit your Christian walk. This wilderness may come in the form of unanswered prayers, loss of loved ones, lack and want, delay in marriage, unemployment, misbehaviour of a spiritual authority etc. but whatever the case, don’t fall into the devil’s trap. It is in the wilderness that temptations come on a high scale, and if you are not fire, you will fall prey to the devil. Being on fire helps you to stand strong in the midst of temptations and come out victorious.
  2. It is the purchasing power of oil in the midnight (Matthew 25:1-10). Don’t be like the foolish virgins who failed to buy extra oil and as a result, they couldn’t power their lanterns in the midnight; and eventually they missed the bridegroom. In the absence of light, you can’t see. In the absence of light, you will experience fear. Jesus baptized his disciples with fire but Simon Peter did not maintain the fire, and when he sought heat from a physical fire, he denied his master. You need to always be on fire so that you will always have access to the oil. You purchase this oil in the place of prayers (Matthew 26:41).

Further Scriptures: Luke 12:49, 1 Corinthians 7:32-34

Prayer Line: Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace to remain on fire for you. Amen!

The Laws of The Spirit for Accessing God’s Presence and His Prosperity

The Laws of The Spirit for Accessing God’s Presence and His Prosperity

Study Scripture:

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

  • 3 John 1:2

It is God’s will for every believer to be prosperous and you cannot access God’s level of prosperity outside God’s presence. In order for you to dwell in God’s presence as well as enjoy His order of prosperity, there are certain laws you must obey. These laws include:

  1. The Law of The Spirit of Diligence

God rewards everyone that seeks Him diligently. On the other hand, you cannot expect financial success if you are not diligent in your business. You see, for you to experience God’s presence and His prosperity, you must be diligent both in your dedication to God and in whatever work you are doing to make earnings.

(Proverbs 22:29, 4:23, 2 Peter 1:5, Hebrews 11:2, 3 John 1:2)

  1. The Law of The Spirit of Knowledge

This means knowing what God is saying per second per second. It also refers to knowing what to do in order to improve on your business to earn more. It refers to revelation, insight, and ideas.

(Proverbs 24:3-5, 14, Daniel 11:32, Philippians 3:10)

  1. The Law of The Spirit of Faith

This gives you access to unimaginable solutions. It turns captivity. It commands strength. It commands courage in the midst of opposition. It crushes fear and intimidation. It makes all things possible. You access God’s presence and hear His voice by faith. In God’s presence; healings take place, miracles happen, evil chains are broken and divine ideas are released. The more you draw close to God, the more your faith increases. The greater your faith, the greater prosperity you will command in all spheres of life.

(Luke 1:37, 45, Mark 4:40, Matthew 8:6-10, Romans 4: 16-17, Acts 3:16, 2 Corinthians 4:13)

Further Scriptures: Romans 8:1-2, Isaiah 11:1-2, Exodus 23:25-26, Isaiah 38:1-5, Genesis 39:21

Prayer Line: Father in the name of Jesus, I receive access to the Spirit of Diligence, Knowledge, and Faith in Jesus name. Amen!

The Law of Perpetual Burning III

The Law of Perpetual Burning III

Study Scripture

Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing.

  • Romans 8:7 (MSG)

The role of fresh fire and consistent worship in the life of a believer cannot be over-emphasized. Consistency in the place of worship is required of every believer that desires success in his personal walk with God. Being on fire delivers the believer from the predicaments of carnality.

A carnal Christian is one without fire, lacks spiritual sensitivity and cannot comprehend the voice of the Holy Ghost. A carnal Christian is one who will never accept instructions or rebuke from God or spiritual authority. He would rather explain away his shortcomings; and as such, he cannot out grow them.

Predicaments of Carnality

  1. Carnality makes you an enemy of God (Romans 8:7). A carnal Christian can neither please nor hear God.
  2. It keeps you in the baby level of Christianity thereby frustrating your Christian walk (1 Corinthians 3:1).
  3. It limits your dedication to God and His work.

As a believer who desires to be victorious in his walk with God, you must be committed to resisting every agenda of the enemy to drag you into carnality. One way to know that you are becoming carnal is when you are doing things for yourself more than you are doing for God. When you start paying more attention to yourself, your physical appearance and your comfort; more than you pay attention to the things of God; watch it, carnality is knocking on your door.

When you spend more hours watching movies than you spend praying; when you visit cinemas more than you visit God’s presence; when you spend more hours on phone calls than the hours you spend praying; when you can’t compare your church offering to the amount you spend on junks; when you miss church services for no tangible reason; watch it, carnality is calling your name.

Receive grace today to love God more and resist carnality in Jesus name. Amen

Further Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:10, Romans 8:27, 2 Peter 2:15, 1:5

Prayer Line: Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace to love you more and be more dedicated to you and my service to you in Jesus name. Amen

Access to Wealth and Abundance

Access to Wealth and Abundance

Study Scripture:

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers as it is today           – Deuteronomy 8:18 (NIV)

The presence of God is basically targeted against poverty. Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and well-being that is considered acceptable in society. It is God’s for you to step out of poverty and into wealth.

When people of God are empowered financially, they can easily pursue their God-given goals and purposes; and Jesus’ provision for your access to riches is found in 2 Corinthians 8:9. He became poor that you might be rich. Bear in mind that there is nobody stopping you from becoming prosperous; so wake up your mind, generate ideas and become wealthy (Ecclesiastics 5:9).

Every Christian ought to take responsibility for the society in which he lives. He must bring the salvation to the society; bring God into politics, the economy and business. He cannot achieve all these without money. The more money you earn, the more you can help others, be of service, make a bigger impact and fulfill your purpose. Sunday Adeleja once said that, “Money is only worth making if it is going to be used to set others free”.

Poverty leads to hunger, illness, illiteracy, homelessness and unemployment in the society. The different types of poverty are:

Financial poverty: this is a state of “lack of cash”. In order to step out of this type of poverty, you must change your present state of thinking. Don’t depend on the bank to increase your money, increase your money by yourself (John 6:6).

Mental poverty: this is a state of “no idea”. You create money by raising worthwhile ideas. Favour only works for those who think and produce results. Never depend on a single income, make investment to create a second income (1 Corinthians 2:16).

Social poverty: this is a state of “no friends”. Irrespective of your good idea, you need human support and you can’t have that if your friendship bank is poor. Quality friendship guarantees prosperity. When you have a million dollar vision, don’t surround yourself with one cent minds. True friends are always there when you need them but fake friends are only there when they need you (Proverbs 13:20).

Knowledge poverty: prosperity comes in line with your knowledge base. There is no wealth like knowledge and there is no poverty like ignorance. God has a glorious financial destiny for you but it is your responsibility to acquire the level of knowledge needed to get there (Jeremiah 29:11).

Physical poverty: this is a state of ill health. When you lack sound health and strength, you are not prosperous. God’s will for you is divine health and prosperity, so don’t give room for sickness to prevail in your body (3 John 2).

Spiritual poverty: this refers to having a poor relationship with your maker. Spiritual blessings come by faith in God. Faith is a spiritual virtue. Faith is the bridge between where you are and where God is taking you. Faith produces courage and boldness needed to combat poverty (Luke 1:45, Romans 8:6, 1 Corinthians 2:13-15).

Prayer line: Oh LORD, I receive grace to take practical steps out of poverty and into the abundance you desire for me in Jesus name. Amen!

Study Scripture:

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers as it is today           – Deuteronomy 8:18 (NIV)

The presence of God is basically targeted against poverty. Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and well-being that is considered acceptable in society. It is God’s for you to step out of poverty and into wealth.

When people of God are empowered financially, they can easily pursue their God-given goals and purposes; and Jesus’ provision for your access to riches is found in 2 Corinthians 8:9. He became poor that you might be rich. Bear in mind that there is nobody stopping you from becoming prosperous; so wake up your mind, generate ideas and become wealthy (Ecclesiastics 5:9).

Every Christian ought to take responsibility for the society in which he lives. He must bring the salvation to the society; bring God into politics, the economy and business. He cannot achieve all these without money. The more money you earn, the more you can help others, be of service, make a bigger impact and fulfill your purpose. Sunday Adeleja once said that, “Money is only worth making if it is going to be used to set others free”.

Poverty leads to hunger, illness, illiteracy, homelessness and unemployment in the society. The different types of poverty are:

Financial poverty: this is a state of “lack of cash”. In order to step out of this type of poverty, you must change your present state of thinking. Don’t depend on the bank to increase your money, increase your money by yourself (John 6:6).

Mental poverty: this is a state of “no idea”. You create money by raising worthwhile ideas. Favour only works for those who think and produce results. Never depend on a single income, make investment to create a second income (1 Corinthians 2:16).

Social poverty: this is a state of “no friends”. Irrespective of your good idea, you need human support and you can’t have that if your friendship bank is poor. Quality friendship guarantees prosperity. When you have a million dollar vision, don’t surround yourself with one cent minds. True friends are always there when you need them but fake friends are only there when they need you (Proverbs 13:20).

Knowledge poverty: prosperity comes in line with your knowledge base. There is no wealth like knowledge and there is no poverty like ignorance. God has a glorious financial destiny for you but it is your responsibility to acquire the level of knowledge needed to get there (Jeremiah 29:11).

Physical poverty: this is a state of ill health. When you lack sound health and strength, you are not prosperous. God’s will for you is divine health and prosperity, so don’t give room for sickness to prevail in your body (3 John 2).

Spiritual poverty: this refers to having a poor relationship with your maker. Spiritual blessings come by faith in God. Faith is a spiritual virtue. Faith is the bridge between where you are and where God is taking you. Faith produces courage and boldness needed to combat poverty (Luke 1:45, Romans 8:6, 1 Corinthians 2:13-15).

Prayer line: Oh LORD, I receive grace to take practical steps out of poverty and into the abundance you desire for me in Jesus name. Amen!