Obedience to God: My Sure Access To Amazing New Heights

Obedience to God: My Sure Access To Amazing New Heights

Three major steps to scaling new heights:

  1. The voice of God
  2. The hearing of God’s voice
  3. The obeying of God’s voice

Obeying the voice of God is wisdom. Your obedience to God is your immunity to the common frustration of your immediate environment. The more your obedience the higher you scale.

Why obey God’s voice?

  1. Struggling continues until you obey God’s voice
  2. Only obedience can access what the voice of God offers. In the voice of God there is breakthrough, prosperity, academic excellence, marital favor,etc
  3. God’s voice does not profit you until your obedience is fulfilled (2Corinthians 10:6)
  4. Your deliverance and prosperity are all tied to God’s voice but delivered to you on the platform of obedience (Job 36:11)

Spiritual channels of god’s voice?

  1. The written word (in the bible)(Joshua 1:8)
  2. Direct instructions from the Holy Spirit
  3. Spiritual fathers and pastors(Jeremiah 3:15, 2 Chronicles 20:20)

Prerequisites of hearing God’s voice:

  1. You must be born again (John 10:27)

Further scriptures: Deuteronomy 28:1, Genesis 26:2-6, 11-13, Hosea 12:13

Prayer point: oh lord give me the grace to obey your voice in Jesus name. Amen

Scaling New Spiritual Height By The Force Of Spiritual Insight

Scaling New Spiritual Height By The Force Of Spiritual Insight

Text: But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 1Corinthians 2:15 (TLB)

What is spiritual insight?

  1. It is the inner picture you have of a thing
  2. It is the internal vision you have about a thing
  3. It is your capacity to see what god have for you

You cannot scale any height you cannot see. The speed with which you scale is by what you can see. It is insight that determines your height. For you to excel in anything be it in your academics, Ministry, business, career, marriage, etc you must first see it in your spirit. Insight guarantees direction.

You cannot scale new height until you run (gain speed)

Why scale new spiritual height?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1. Because you must scale that height in the spirit before you can scale physically

Why do I need spiritual insight?

  1. Spiritual insight increases energy, longevity and strength. Luke 2:28-30
  2. Spiritual insight determines my possession. Genesis 13:14-15

Nothing is ever yours until you see it in the spirit. Until you see it you cannot seize it, your confession not withstanding. What you behold you become.

Study scriptures: Daniel 2:19, Acts 10:19, Matthew 8:22-25, Deuteronomy 34:7, Jeremiah 1:11, Jeremiah 33:3, Proverbs 4:20-22


Prayer point: Oh Lord open my eyes to see what you want me to see

Engaging The Forces of The Blood and Prayer Power For Signs and Wonders

Engaging The Forces of The Blood and Prayer Power For Signs and Wonders

Study Scripture: Revelations 12:11

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (KJV)

7 Products of the Blood of Jesus

  1. It atones for our sins. The first miracle of the blood of Jesus is Salvation.
  2. It gives us access to God’s presence (Hebrews 4:16)
  3. It removes of the devil’s condemnation and weakens the devil
  4. It sets us free from our past (1 Peter 1:8, Romans 8:1-2)
  5. It covers us and resists attacks of the devil and bondage (Colossians 1:12-14)
  6. It brings healing and destroys plagues and sickness (1 Peter 2:24, Deuteronomy 28:58-59)
  7. It gives us access to light, insight and revelation (1 John 1:7)

The blood of Jesus is a spiritual lubricant that makes prayers work and grants us quick answers to prayers. The blood of Jesus ushers us into God’s presence and provokes judgment in our favor. Everybody prays but heaven decides the answer and favors the right course.

The force of prayer enforces the products of the blood of Jesus to manifest in our lives thereby producing signs and wonders. It is prayer that brings God to the battle scene to defend Himself. Prayer destroys the strongman standing in the way of your advancement.

Further scriptures: Ezekiel 22:30, James 5:16-18, Isaiah 44:24, 41:21

Prayer line: Father I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and my family, let all the prayers in our hearts receive speedy answers in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Developing And Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Life And Fire Via The Words of Jesus – As It relates To Our Commitment To God And Service To Humanity

Developing And Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Life And Fire Via The Words of Jesus – As It relates To Our Commitment To God And Service To Humanity

Study Scripture: Mark 9:33-39

Following the lifestyle of Jesus and the instructions He gave His disciples, we understand that the lifestyle of a servant is an enviable one. If anyone desires to be great, he must first of all be a servant. There is no greatness without the humble heart of service.

Principles of Servant-hood

  1. You must be a servant (Matthew 20:27-28) – a servant has lost his power of resistance. He considers others before himself.
  2. You must give your life as ransom (Romans 12:1) – as a servant, you must burn out your life for others. You embrace God’s dealings in your life by laying down your life for others and for the kingdom. Laying down your life entails putting God first and self last (Romans 8:12-13). It means surrendering your will to God (Matthew 26:39)
  3. You must be humble (Mark 9:37, Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 13:4) – to be humble means not to think of yourself more highly than others. It means not to think of yourself more highly than you ought. The secret to unlocking God’s manifold grace over your life is by bringing yourself low. Jesus humbled himself till death on the cross (Philippians 2:8). Follow Him!


Prayer line: O Lord increase my commitment to you and give me the grace to be humble in Jesus name. Amen!