The fourth product of the wisdom we access by our position in the Heavenly Places is Robust Mental Exploits. Problems may abound but through effective use of the mind, one can excel. Robust Mental Exploits refer to engaging the mind to solve life problems and produce innovative ideas. Everything in life including ‘healing’ starts from the mind. A productive mind is God’s provision for the believer (Isaiah 1:18). Once you obey the principles of wealth creation, you will create wealth. One of these principles is ‘strategic thinking’. Four daily tools to employ daily for possibility are: PRAY, READ, THINK, WRITE, and TAKE ACTION

What you must know?

  1. The frustration of mankind is their inability to use their minds effectively
  2. The state and quality of your mind determines the state and quality of your life
  3. Every breakthrough in history, advancement in science answered to mental breakthrough/ productivity

What does the productive mind offer?

  1. Quick understanding and quality decision (Isaiah 11:3, Psalms 119:9)
  2. Possibility and positive approach to life issues
  3. It stirs up the success, think and grow rich DRIVE

Some Recommendations for a productive mind

  1. Lie on the left side of your head while sleeping (it helps your thinking faculty relax)
  2. Think for 15minutes before you pray in the Holy Ghost
  3. Diversify your financial investments
  4. When you feel a slight headache, take chilled water mixed with two sachets of peak milk and two cubes of sugar

How to access mental exploits?

  1. Feed your mind (body) with the right type of food (1 Timothy 4:13)
  2. Versatile reading i.e. acquire informative power (Hosea 4:6, 2 Timothy 4:13)
  3. Productive and Strategic thinking – the right thoughts provoke the right actions (Luke 15:17)
  4. Quality prayer life
  5. Ask God for financial wisdom (James 1:5)

Important Quotes

  1. Not everyone with a mind engages in productive thinking
  2. The dignity of destiny lies in the mind
  3. The mind is at its maximum potency between the ages of 19 and 23years
  4. Much prayer and less thinking is simply bodily exercise that profits little
  5. Spiritual revolution without an accompanying mental revolution is an incomplete revival

Further Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 10:5, James 1:5, Isaiah 30:21, Proverbs 2:2, Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer Line: Oh LORD, I for your wisdom to create wealth and provoke possibilities in Jesus name. Amen!

The Training In Continuous Sanctification

The Training In Continuous Sanctification

What Is Training?

Training is an activity of education given to an individual by his teacher, that in the absence of his teacher, he shall carry it out.

The Branches or Kinds of Sanctification

  1. The sanctification by abstinence. It is an effort base kind of sanctification. It demands you to put an effort in other to keep off or stay away from sin (1st Thessalonians 4:3-4).
  2. The sanctification of the spirit. It is a spirit base kind of sanctification (2nd Thessalonians 2:13).

What Sanctification Does For Us?

  1. It gives one honour (2 Corinthians 6:17).
  2. It delivers from the error of balminess (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
  3. It helps to keep us fit in the spirit.

Further scriptures:   1 Peter 1:2, John 17:17-19, 2 Timothy 2:4

Prayer line: Oh LORD enlarge my capacity to obey you and remain sanctified through your word in Jesus name, Amen.

The Heavenly Places Provision For Health And Cure

The Heavenly Places Provision For Health And Cure

We are attacked by sickness due to the lack of God’s word in our hearts. It is important to know that in the absence of divine health; vision is aborted, you can’t serve God effectively and you cannot accomplish the assignment that God given to you.

As a born again, health and cure is your heritage and according to God’s design, you ought not to be sick (3 John 1:2). Any attack on your health, is an attack on your prosperity.

Why health and cure?

  1. It is a proof of our heavenly places identity (Isaiah 53:5).
  2. It is our security against financial devourers (Mark 5:25-26).
  3. It is our provision for sacrificial offering (Jeremiah 8:22, Job 13:1-4).

Covenant Ways to Access Health and Cure (THINGS YOU MUST DO)

  1. Watch your diet (Genesis 2:14-16).
  2. Be diligent (Ecclesiastics 10:18)
  3. Always have a good rest (Exodus 3:16-17)
  4. Be joyful always (Proverbs 17:22)
  5. Engage in physical exercise (1 Timothy 4:8)
  6. Get medical attention regularly (Luke 10:34-37)

Prophetic Ways to Access Health and Cure

  1. Diligently seeking after God (Exodus 23:25-26)
  2. Prompt sacrificial seed offering (Proverbs 3:7-10)

Important Quote:

  • Any rich man that is sick is poor
  • Your service to God is your health insurance

Further scriptures: Psalm 50:5, 91:16, 126:6, Isaiah 38: 1-5, Hebrews 11:6, Proverbs 11:24, Galatians 6:7, Genesis 8:22, Job 13:1-4, 3 John 1:2, James 5: 14, Matthew 8:17

Prayer Line: Oh Lord, by your word I gain divine health and authority to subdue sickness in Jesus name, Amen.

Clerics embark on empowering abandoned IDPs in North-West on fishing business-kingdomnewng

Clerics embark on empowering abandoned IDPs in North-West on fishing business-kingdomnewng

Evangelist Buru, in a statement, said the gesture is aimed at creating job opportunities and to seriously reduce over-dependence on humanitarian assistance from donor-organizations, including the Red Cross, NEMA, SEMA and volunteer organisations, state and federal government.

“The essence is to make them to be dependent of themselves like every other businessmen and women across the globe.”


Pastor Buru with a female victim of B/Haram

The Christian cleric, who visited River Kaduna with teams of Muslim and Christian scholars to donate cash to some of the selected women refugees, also met and interacted with other fishermen in the area, and held dialogue with them on the importance of promoting peaceful co-existence, religious tolerance and better understanding among different faith organisations.

He also appealed to all the fishermen to immensely cut down prices of their fresh fish from the River so as to enable the women sell at affordable price to their customers.

“Recession is real; every family man must go back to business, in order to meet up, and that is why we are encouraging the female refugees to re-dedicate their time in learning other skills and businesses, to take care of their families.”

Pastor Buru said there is need to support most of the female refugees with some little capital, in order to encourage them to start a good business that could change their lives for better, and reduce over-dependence on all sorts of humanitarian assistance that is coming from national and international communities.

He noted that most of the female refugees that are currently living in some parts of the northern states were already into selling of fish business at their home state, Borno, adding that supporting them with some little capital would surely boost their morale for engaging in the fish business and other sundry businesses that could enable them cater for their children’s needs, including their education.

Pastor Buru then called on the 19 Northern states’ philanthropists, Northern Governors Forum, Northern Senators, religious bodies, “JNI & CAN,” unions of tertiary institutes’ lecturers.

He also enjoined northerners to form a Foundation capable of supporting the need and demand of North-East IDPs and also in training most of their youth on other various skilled acquisitions.

Responding, Mama Aisha from Gamboring Gala of Borno state, and a beneficiary, thanked Pastor Buru for assisting many refugee women with capital to start fish business. “Indeed, starting selling fish business will help me in providing food and paying house rent for my children, and also supporting them to have quality education like any other child.”

Mama Aisha said, “This is the season of having many fresh fish from river, as the rain has started going, and normally most of us are into selling fish business in our former territory – from Baga to other places – before the sudden attack of Boko Haram 10 years back.”

Additionally, Mama Aisha also said that, “Most of the women that are staying in Kaduna and other parts of the north have become widows as a result of Boko Haram that killed their men,” she said, stressing that there are over 9 children that are now staying with her; and without doing any business, their lives will be in danger as there is no one now that is supporting them with anything to eat.

Mama Aisha called on Nigerians to help IDPs and also introduce various skilled programs so as to help them fight poverty, hunger and unemployment, which are ills disturbing women refugees that are now living in various northern Nigerian states. She added that, “We need more capital to start other businesses so that we can take over fish farming business in Nigeria.”