The breakthrough spirit is a violent spirit.
As a believer I am not meant to be harassed by hell.
As a believer I am not meant to die prematurely.
As a believer I am not meant to be oppressed in my dreams.
As a believer I am not meant to have any form of miscarriage; miscarriage of purpose, vision, children etc.

Lam 3:37 (KJV, MSG)
People are oppressed because they are not anointed.
There is an anointing for everything and anything; there is an anointing for sales, negotiation etc. If you must live above circumstances and oppression of the devil you must work with the anointing at all times.
People are oppressed because they don’t recognize the anointing and anointed. Disregard for a spiritual head or prophet is a direct disregard of the anointing; the anointed one or anointing you don’t respect will not work for you.
People are oppressed because they don’t think to be anointed is necessary – TO BE ANOINTED IS NECESSARY. The anointing is not meant for pastors alone. In a time like this when almost everyone is doing the same type of business you do, attending the same lectures, writing the same exams, working in the same office etc. The only thing that can differentiate you and cause you to stand out above the afflictions of sickness, poverty, death and all oppressions of the devil is the anointing. You must note that without the anointing evident in your life, you are an ordinary Christian and can be preyed upon by the devil. Acts 2:17, 1 Sam 10:6
People are oppressed because they don’t know what it means to be anointed.
There is an anointing beyond preparation; Anointed people most times do not need to prepare for task ahead.

You must understand that;
The anointing stands against the oppression of the devil.
The anointing is beyond government policies.
It is the spirit that rises up against the storms of life (Luke 8:25)
Psalm 74:20
Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. (KJV)
Isaiah 59:19
The anointing raises your head up in the midst of oppression.
Psalm 92:10, psalm 89:20
The anointing gives me access to the touch not status.
1 chronicles 16:22, Psalms 105:13-15, Luke 4:17-30.




STUDY SCRIPTURE: Until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ. -Ephesians 4:13 (MSG).
The scarcity of a thing indicates value. As it is that precious stones are not seen just any where so also is anointing. As we approach the end of age, God is searching for those to pour out His spirit on because the anointed ones are scarce. This particular anointing is an anointing to heal but it is an anointing to live by the dictates of Christ. God wants to pour out this anointing on us to equip us for this time but the issue and question remains ARE WE READY?.
An effective, fresh, continuous work with God is at the mercy of the anointing.
Eloquence, oratory, extra degree from prestigious universities is not equal to the anointing.
The anointing immediately sets a man apart from his age mates.
The anointing is a starting point of spiritual revival in a generation.
The anointing is the answer for this generation.
The anointing places a man as a spiritual authority.
It is of important to know that :Brokenness in every generation is as a result of the anointing. The anointing provokes jealousy and range in the kingdom of darkness. To be anointed is to become the target of the devil. Once a man is anointed hell seeks to contaminate and pollute the anointing. And that untested anointing can not become power. There is an anointing to live by and an anointing to perform.God is looking for men and women that He can be proud to call His vessel.
Anointed men are scarce because; these men are not ready for an attack on their earthen vessels (2nd Corinthians 4:7). The attacks on the earthen vessels includes, attack on the realms of wilderness and attack on the realms of hunger and lack. you need to be prepared for these attack anytime you desire the anointing. know that as a believer, your greatest enemy is your flesh.
further scriptures: 2nd kings 5:20-27, Luke 4:2, Obadiah 1:21.
prayer line: Oh LORD empower me not to exchange the anointing for money or few moments of pleasure, in Jesus name Amen !.



Study Scripture

Tell the people, ‘This is what the sovereign LORD says: I will put an end to this proverb, and you will soon stop quoting it.’ Now give them this new proverb to replace the old one: ‘The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled!’

  • Ezekiel 12:23 (NLT)

Everything answers to power and Faith is the knob of power. It is not God’s will for His prophecies over our lives to be retarded but for us to access quick blessings as we find in the scripture above. So far we have looked at the following dimensions of faith:

  1. Violent Faith (Matthew 11:12). This is needed to confront all battles of life.
  2. Overcoming Faith (1 John 5:14). This is needed for subduing harassments of the devil
  3. Commanding Faith (Exodus 37:7). This deals with the forces of hell in the realm of the spirit

Access to Products of Power

We access the products of power through the following:

  1. Spirit of Obedience (Job 36:11).
  2. Spirit of Dedicated service (Exodus 23:25).
  3. Sacrificial giving. When you give your offerings and pay your tithes and sow your seeds, you are not supporting the church, rather, you are investing into your future. Investment unlike ‘support’ yields profit. So keep investing through your sacrificial givings.

What are these products of power?

  1. Captivity Turning (Psalms 126:1-4, Job 42:10)
  2. Result-oriented wisdom/ Applicable wisdom

This is the wisdom needed for continuous financial flow. It is the Heaven sense that makes live robust (Ecclesiastics 10:10, Luke 2:52). It is the wisdom that builds destiny. The beauty of your life depends on the level of wisdom you command. It grants you solution to your problems. It is your winning ticket in the race of life. It is the cheapest way to humiliate Satan Proverbs 4:7, 3:13-15


God’s wisdom during lack offers Sacrifice/ Distribution/ Giving as a way out while man’s wisdom offers save/accumulation/receiving     (Proverbs 11:24, Psalms 126:3-6). If you wish to live in abundance then subscribe to God’s wisdom.


Don’t get too used to the natural; stop following systematic regulation, follow prophetic progression. Anytime, any day, THE COMMUNION is ever effective. Wherever you apply the Blood of Jesus, solution comes (1 Corinthians 10:16 MSG)


Further Scriptures: Romans 8:11, Psalms 105:14-15, Romans 11:33, 10:17

Prayer Line: OH LORD, I receive this wisdom for all round success in Jesus name. Amen!



Study Scripture

In the last day, that great [day] of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink

  • John 7:37 (KJV)

The reason for which so many believers are powerless is because they are not genuinely thirsty for spiritual power. The same you fail to eat when you lack appetite; that is the same way, you will lack spiritual power when you are not thirsty for God’s presence. Behind powerlessness is thirstlessness.

You cannot be thirsty for power and carnality at the same time. You cannot be thirsty for spiritual power and at the same time thirsty for sin/earthly things. Power is at the mercy of thirst and you cannot thirst until you tarry in God’s presence (Acts 1:8, Luke 24:49). It is in God’s presence that you receive spiritual empowerment. A man of spiritual thirst will always escape temptation. In God’s presence, you feed on God; see the way The Message translation puts it: You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat (Matthew 5:6 MSG)

What to thirst for?

  1. Thirst after righteousness (Matthew 5:6)

2 Thirst after prayer (Luke 18:1)

Until you’re thirsty, there is no in-filling of spiritual power (John 4: 8-15, 31-34)

In summary of this series, here is a list of all the laws of spiritual powerlessness:

  1. A wrong heart
  2. Spiritual Carelessness
  3. Disregard for the demands of the cross
  4. Thirstlessness

You shall not be a victim of these laws in Jesus name. Amen!

Prayer line: Oh LORD give me a heart that hungers and thirsts for you in Jesus name. Amen!