The Troubled Country: One Nation, Two Political Systems

The Troubled Country: One Nation, Two Political Systems

“To keep Nigeria one is a task that must be done”, “Go on with one Nigeria” (GOWON) are some of the slogans or catch phrases used during the Nigerian Civil War of 1967 – 1970.  There is no doubt that these slogans contributed to the success of the war in favour of the Federal Government.  The question now is whether Nigeria can remain one in the face of two ideologies, two religions and a pided country of North and South – two amalgamated countries not integrated but segregated in townships, neighbourhood, schools etc.  Presently under Buhari’s APC government, power sharing has entrenched two political systems in one Nigeria.  There is therefore the need for dialogue with respect to unity whether it is sacrosanct or not.  NCEF has come to the conclusion that it is only through dialogue, balance of power and, above all, one political system that we can continue to go on with one Nigeria.

After stating briefly the political history of Nigeria and the disparity between North and South, the distinction between Islam and Islamists, we concluded that Islamists under the name of Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen have not taken over completely but have and are still conducting Jihads. The NCEF borrowed from one Majeed Dahiru that there are fundamental beliefs that are Muslim but not Islamic. These are (1) concept of Caliphate, (2) the question of the people of the book and; (3) the question of Bid’ah [innovation] and concluded that “Islam is a peaceful religion and is a blessing to mankind. The virtues of mercy, grace, love, justice and forgiveness are the hallmarks of this great religion. Muslims must reflect on these virtues always, as the essence of Islam will always be mirrored by the conduct of Muslims.”

The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF), after one year in existence, took time to study the political history of Nigeria and has come to the conclusion that the competition for power since 1914 was rooted in two unequal instruments – Ethnicity and Religion, Muslim religion had a very large followership then and now, while ethnicity either in population or land space cannot inpidually compete with Islam. The North contested for power on the basis of religion – Islam, the South and Middle Belt on the other hand, contested on the basis of ethnicity that resulted in two parallel political platforms. The Ethnic Nationalities of the country numbering over 390, relied on their ethnicity and ethnic organizations for the competition. Nigeria has three major Ethnic Nationalities of Hausa/Fulani, Nd’igbo and Yoruba, which the British had hoped would assimilate the other over 300 Nationalities.  This however did not happen even though some of these minority tribes have lost their languages.  Nigeria, today, has over 500 languages according to the Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN).

Islamic North remained potent as a result of the religion of Islam, thanks to the industry of Sir Ahmadu Bello (the Sardauna of Sokoto), Sheikh Abubakar Gumi and Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI).  Christian South and Middle Belt on the other hand, was weakened and rendered ineffective by the multiplicity of denominations and tribalism.  Christian leaders such as Awolowo, Azikiwe, Akintola, Aguiyi-Ironsi, Gowon, Obasanjo and Jonathan were more concerned about their ethnicity and with Gowon, more concerned with his being a Northerner. These Christians leaders inpidually did not see Christianity as a unifying factor that would protect civilized culture and values.  Muslims were able to work stealthily all these years because of one of its tenets Taqiyya which, until this day, is not understood by non-Muslims in Nigeria.  Islam therefore became and remained the major factor in the quest for political power in Nigeria.  It can safely be said that whenever a Christian rules the country, it is because they were allowed by the Muslims to rule.

Military coup entrenched two political systems in the country, and to do this, the Military re-organised the intelligence service in line with what the Nazis, the Communists and Apartheid South Africa did that resulted for Nigeria two system of Justice as exemplified by Major Bamidele and Major General Vatsa cases. We now have two systems of justice.

The Report then considered docility among Christians and the disagreement between the Catholic Secretariat and CAN on the question of CAN TRUST FUND and disunity. The report was emphatic that CAN TRUST FUND flier is not “propaganda for a perceived war on Muslims” and went on to advice that Church leaders must be careful not to be seen as proxies of Islamists in Nigeria.

The Genesis of the Muslim Brotherhood and its relation with Nigeria, for this we referred to the Tribunal of Inquiry on Kano disturbance headed by Justice Aniagolu, JSC and Shagari’s biography Called to Duty suggested that Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood influenced the Military in Nigeria that staged coups from 1975, and thereafter. We listed some of the modus operandi of the Brotherhood, on organization of civil Jihad, etc that helped to promote Islamism in Nigeria.

We showed how Christian organisations in the country became agents and proxies for the Islamists. Attached is a 7 page Aide Memoir titled ‘Political Platform for Christians in Nigeria’ which we believe was responsible for instructions being issued by the Islamists that control all the 32 or so political parties through the Intelligence Service not to meet with NCEF and thereafter appointed Ali Modu Sheriff as hatchet man to complete the destruction of PDP as a political party.  At this juncture the question all Christians must ask is, which of the 32 parties can Christians say has or would protect its interests in Nigeria? The answer is none, and we established in this Report how the Islamists were able to achieve this feat. First by security clearance, thereafter abolition of Independent Candidacy and, perhaps the most important, is that votes seldom counts.

We pointed out that these factors coupled with “Mukharabat” operatives everywhere, Christians as a political force is less than 10% even though Christians constitute more than 50% of the population.  With respect to security, we showed how the Islamists not only control the conventional security apparatus of the Armed Forces and the Police but went further to create the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, a special “Sharia” Police of the Islamist.  With these vast powers, they decided to confront the Legislature – the Senate.  The Islamists want to remove Saraki as Senate President though a Muslim is not a known Islamist.

We reported on Pastor Musa Dikwa who harassed Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor of CAN.  He has, however gone to the President of CAN to apologize.

We explained the brush His Eminence, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor had with the Intelligence Service and the correct story concerning his private plane. Confirming government statement at the time that Pastor Ayo had nothing to do with 9.3 million dollars cash meant for payment of mercenaries not purchase of arms from South Africa, in Pastor Ayo’s plane when it landed South Africa.

We referred to the Chibok girls and the fact that a Committee has been set up to carry out fresh investigation into the abduction of these girls and that we owe our gratitude to the Anglican Church for this development.

In this Report, we have tried to show how and why Nigeria became an Islamic State. Christians should not believe that it is otherwise. There is much work to be done for Nigeria to return to the state it was before taking membership of OIC in 1986. All denominations under Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) must immediately improve and disseminate the facts above and ensure that Christians, especially the children, know the history of Nigeria and the fact that Nigeria is made up of the Negro aborigine and Negroid Arab stock that migrated to the North East – the Kanuri, and to the North West by the Hausa and later Fulani and that having lived together for centuries, it is time that we blend into Nigeria as one country with one destiny. This can only happen if we see ourselves as equals and fellow country men and women, not rulers and the ruled, but citizens that want prosperity for everybody, and a country with no slaves. This can be done, because the most prosperous nations, what Cardinal Onaiyekan calls the first league players – United States, Europe, Russia, India, China etc have since discarded nobility even in countries that have kings and queens like United Kingdom, Belgium and Japan etc. These countries have whittled down monarchy in the strict sense. Above all, is the fact that these first league players are presently living in peace and in enjoyment of their prosperity.

On the mechanism of change we wrote it is a known fact that economic, social, political and military power ultimately comes from the consent and obedience of the people, power therefore is not inherently fixed and stable but rather is fragile and shift accordingly to peoples’ will to consent to and obey a ruler. In the circumstance, Christians in Nigeria are capable of applying pressure on the ruler through withdrawal of obedience. Christians, in a non-violent struggle, must find ways to promote the ideas that the President’s power depend on the consent of Nigerians including Christians.

It is also correct to say that Rulers depend ultimately on people to run the country, and once a group decides to stop obeying the ruler, the power of the ruler diminishes. This, no doubt, explains why attempts have been made all the time by the Islamists to pide Christians in Nigeria so that they never arrive at a situation whereby power of the Islamists will diminish. The Dioceses of Enugu, Nsukka and Awgu on 3rd July, 2016 and, as the Report goes, staged a protest match – “the Enugu Catholic Diocese shelved its plan to march to the government house. The march was tagged “Diocesan peaceful prayerful protest march”. It was reported the planned march failed to hold after Governor Ugwuanyi and some members of State Executive Council visited the Church leadership to call off the march after they were informed of an alleged plan by miscreants including pro-Biafra activists to use the protest march to cause a breakdown of law and order”. Although, this is not a good reason for calling off the march, after all the European Cup Championship took place successfully in France notwithstanding Islamist threat. It is the duty of the Governor as Chief Law Officer of the State, to protect peaceful demonstration. Christians in Enugu State have made the point, and since then herdsmen have not attacked their communities.

The Church also made known its opposition to the proposed grazing bill in a joint press statement read by the Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Rt. Rev. Callistus Onaga, and the Bishops of Awgu and Nsukka dioceses. “The free grazing of cattle in our areas has now become a threat not only to the growing of crops, which is the mainstay of our sedentary people, but also to our lives. The nomadic lifestyle makes policing and the pursuit of criminals much more complex and hazardous, while providing terrorists like Boko Haram operatives with ready cover for penetrating every nook and cranny of our country,” the statement said.  This is an example of a non-violent protest that can be used by Christians should it become necessary.

The next stage, should it arise in the future, we hope and pray that it will be “National peaceful prayerful protest march” of all Christians in towns, states, zones and nationwide”. Peaceful demonstration constitutes a “weapon” of a type to ensure that the ruler rules by treating all segments of society together and fairly. However we have stated above that one of the key strategies of the Islamist is co-opting key leadership of Christians.

The new Exco of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) under the leadership of Dr. Supo Ayokunle must continue the good work of Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor on Christian unity. He must recognize that Nigeria’s main problem is one nation with two irreconcilable political systems of Liberal Democracy and Sharia. That only a minority of Islamists in Nigeria are demanding full blown Sharia while the rest of Nigerians have opted for Democracy that was agreed upon by our founding fathers and the British at Independence in 1960.  Sharia issue is a matter for a referendum not imposed stealthily by Islamists in the military.

Exco must as a matter of urgency establish for Christians a platform for participation of Christians in the politics of Nigeria. At the moment, all the 32 parties set up by the military supervised by the Intelligence Services and the National Security Adviser are agents of Islamization.  Nigeria needs a political party or parties that will protect Christian democratic way of life. The Church must fight discord and cynicism among the body of Christ, promote sound civic education for Christians especially Christian politicians and generate good Church leadership. Tackle laidback mentality that accepts 2nd class status, speak out prophetically and uncompromisingly on the root causes of persecution and actions to make the point – legitimate, proportionate self-decency. Christians must be educated to be fearless and courageous in the face of persecution. The spirit we have received from Christ is not one of fear and cowardice.  In the face of persecution, our response should not be that of fear or intimidation which is the goal of the Islamists but rather should be as stated in 2 Tim 1:7. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and a sound mind”. There is a need for the Church and Christians to always be bold to speak and condemn evil against humanity. The Church needs also to be proactive to fulfil her role of being a prophetic voice to judge events in the land, in the light of God’s Word, proclaim pine punishments against evil and offer a vision of healing and salvation to the people.

God bless Nigeria


Weekly Message: The Covenant Of Generational Success

Weekly Message: The Covenant Of Generational Success

Everything God is doing, He does it with a generational perspective. Anything that will last must have a generational undertone. Anything that will survive the hostility of the times must be willing to serve a generation (Luke 1:50).

What does it mean to access generational success? 

It simply means to think generational.

  1. To think generational is to think about the future
  2. To think generational is to think beyond your life
  3. To think generational is to think beyond your family
  4. To think generational is to think posterity and not prosperity

The sons of past Nigerian leaders are no where today because their fathers did not think posterity. Your riches will only last forever if you think generational. A prosperity that does not have a future undertone is futile, it may come quickly but it does not last forever. Posterity may take time but it will last forever (Isaiah 2:3)

When God deals with people, He deals with them according to generation (Psalms 109:13). When God blesses, He also visits them with a generational blessing. He treats according to generation (Genesis 50:23, Deuteronomy 23:2)

What is the demand of God on us for this generational success?

  1. For us to reverse and become a light to gentiles (Luke 16:8, Ecclesiastics 10:6-8)
  2. To serve Him, He is looking for those that will serve Him for life (Psalms 2:7-8, Mark 6:23-24, Esther 7:2-3)

Important quotes:

  • Hide your certificate if it cannot transform a life
  • No one is capable of keeping you captive until he locates your brain.

Prayer line: O lord today, I receive divine inspiration for generational impact in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

No matter what you do, don’t ever forget about rapture. Always remember that your Christianity will be a waste if you miss heaven. It would have been better for you if you had committed all the sins in this world instead of answering a Christian and then you miss heaven because you got carried away with the activities of the church and failed to meet up with God’s standard.

You will fail to make heaven if you live in carnality. The end point of carnality is death; once you lose your touch of spirituality you are carnal. It is not by going to church but by living in purity that you can make heaven. No civilization can deal with the ancient words. God’s word contains His standard and His standard cannot fail and His word is his measuring standard.

When you study Matthew 7:22 from the Message Bible, you will find out that divine supply is not equal to divine presence. Divine presence is costly and is a requirement for you as a true soldier. You can only draw strength to fight the good fight from God’s presence. A good soldier is not afraid to fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12). To arrive as a good soldier of Christ you must fight the good fight and you must fight it till death.

What the true soldier of Christ must fight?

  1. Carnality
  2. Ungodly influence
  3. Manifestations of the flesh
  4. Satanic systems

A true soldier must be willing to die while fighting the good fight (Colossians 3:3). In order to make this fight, you must decide to be on the lord’s side (Exodus 32:26). A true soldier’s marriage or academic or skills is not for his comfort. If God is still struggling to use your beauty or your time or your resources – forget it! You are not a true soldier! A true soldier must sacrifice his life on God’s altar (2 Timothy 4:6). A true soldier performs only for God’s applause (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Prayer line: Father today I receive the grace to fight the good fight as a true soldier of Christ in Jesus name. Amen!

NCEF Strategic Meeting and What You Must Do Now As A Christian!

NCEF Strategic Meeting and What You Must Do Now As A Christian!

Hello, this post is not meant to incite racial, tribal or religious conflicts but meant for information and change purpose…









9.          INTERNATIONAL PROPHETIC MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION (IPMA) (Inc. Worldwide College of Bishops & Ministers, Africa, UK & USA)








The Christian Elders Forum (CEF) present; all Heads of Blocs of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN); Other Arms of Christian Bodies; Arch Bishops, Bishops, General overseers, Reverends, Pastors, Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Gentlemen of the Press, Ladies, Gentlemen and Fellow Nigerians;



We are all here gathered today in one accord to address some significantly remarkable issues about our nation, Nigeria. You will all agree that this is an epoch event as it is one of its kind and it is in order to prevent instability in the Country, occasioned by the tension generated by certain events of recent times which is putting to a test our collective resolve as a democratic and secular State. To the Christian community, all we observed is an Islamization  process and we stand to be corrected looking at the issues listed below. Such issues that we intend to address and protest are as follows in stickers forms:


  • IStandforNigeriaConstitutionNotSharia.
  • IStandforNigerianIntelligenceServiceNOTasNorthernInstitution.
  • IStandforReconciliationCommission ForAllNigerians.
  • IStandForAproposedAgeForFemaleMarriageAndNumbersOf Children.
  • IStandForNATIONALConference2014Reportor.
  • IStandforNigeriaAsSecularDemocraticStatewithNoPolitical-Islam.
  • IStandforAppointmentsOfChristiansFromTheNorthAlso.


  • IStandAgainstKadunaReligiousBillByEl-RufaiAndOthers.
  • IStandAgainstNigeriaMembershipOfAny IslamicCoalition.
  • IStandAgainstCentralBankofNigeriaGrantOfJaizBankIslamic BankingInThe36States.
  • IStandAgainstShariaLawsInOurLegalSystem.
  • IStandAgainstGrazingRightsRoutesReserves(3Rs)ButONLY GrazingRanches.
  • IStandAgainstBasicEducationCurriculumOfCRSmergedWithIRSasReligionAndNationalValue.
  • IStandagainstAttacksOfIndegenous ChristiansHomestead.
  • IStandAgainstSkewedAppointment of NorthernersByThe President.
  • IStandAgainstEatingOfCowMeatUntilTheAbuseByFulaniHerdsMenAreCurtailed.

We fully support the current all out war against Corruption. We believe  that this monster should be firmly dealt with –and it is the responsibility of ALL NIGERIANS. Our church leader’s role in speaking with their members and demanding godly restitution is very much in order.

However, we are concerned that the RULE of Law in this process should be adhered to. We are concerned at the deliberate disregards of courts orders on the Fundamental Human rights of Nigerian Citizens. Unfortunately, the wheel of Justice which is known to grind slowly-grinds more slowly in Nigeria. Nevertheless, we live in a democracy. The protection of this hard fought democracy is for the benefit of all. Perceived selective action in this fight against corruption is sending out very wrong signals. We call on the Government and the Law courts to ensure that those currently invited by our Anti-corruption agencies have their bail rights fully protected and ensured.



We note the emergence of various groups purported to be parts of CAN and attempting to infer there is a division within CAN  and cast aspersions on the CAN Electoral process–even as we approach the elections of our new leadership. We are not unaware of the likelihood of sponsored persons and groups organizations that perceive CAN in negative light and wish, for the personal and group self-interest to create non-existence confusion and divisions.

As with all organizations who have their internal structures and process, CAN structures are well in place. We do wish to unequivocally state that we have implicit confidence in our Electoral process to stay with the process and ensure a duly elected CAN leadership. Under God, we shall have our chosen leadership.

We call on well meaning Nigerians to please join and pray for the elections and advice against undue interferences by external bodies and demonic forces of wickedness.



In recognition of Nigeria’s multi-religious and democratic Status, section 10 of the 1999 Constitution prohibits the adoption by the Federal or State government of any State religion. Therefore;

–      The adoption and implementation of the Shariah law and principles by some States in Nigeria is a clear and blatant violation of section 10 of the Constitution;

–      The deployment of the resources and institutions of the State for the promotion of Shariah is unconscionable and violation of the Constitution and offence against the sensibilities of the diverse Nigerian people.

–      The current trend whereby States deploy public revenue to fund activities, functions and programs of Islam are discriminatory and a clear adoption of the Shariah as State religion to the detriment of non-Muslims. It is unjust and a violation of the ideals of sections 16(1) (a)(b) and 17 (1) (2) (a) (3) (a) Y(b) of the 1999 Constitution which provides equal status and opportunity for every citizen.

–      The selective and discriminatory economic empowerment of Muslim clerics by some States in the North, in particular Kano state, by their placement on the government payroll is a clear violation of the ideals of democracy and social justice as entrenched in section 14(1) of the 1999 Constitution.

–      The proposed Kaduna Religious law violates the Freedom of association, expression, Conscience and Right of worship as entrenched in section 15(3) (d), 38, 39 and 40 of the 1999 Nigerian constitution.

There are adequate provisions in the Penal Code to curtail religious extremism, criminality and terrorism. The escalation of religious extremism, criminality and terrorism is due to the failure of leadership to enforce extant laws due to religious bigotry and discriminatory tendencies and sympathy for religious persecution, extremism and terrorism.

–      The proposed Kaduna Religious law is an attempt to adopt and institutionalize preferred religion by the State and religious practices acceptable to the government for the time being.

Section 2 of the 1999 Constitution forbids the control and management of the Nigerian State by any person or group except in accordance with the provisions of the 1999 Constitution. Therefore,

–      The lopsided appointment and constitution of the Federal government and some States which is rampart with the appointment of persons of particular religious faith and ethnic nationality constitute abuse of power; and breach of sections 15(1)(2)(4)(5) of the 1999 Constitution;

–      The composition of defence institutions and internal security agencies with persons of particular ethnicity and religion is in breach of the Federal character principles in section 14(3) of the Constitution and induces a state of apprehension and insecurity.

–      The predominance of persons from a particular section of the country does not foster the much needed sense of national unity.

The inexplicable selective deployment and use of the armed forces to protect the economic rights of some citizens such as armed offensive against cattle rustling while ignoring the unabated threats of Fulani cattle herdsmen against the lives and economic interests of majority Nigerian people, constitutes abuse of power; and unacceptable desecration and erosion of cherished national value of respect for life above materialism.

We view the selective and discriminatory use of the armed forces and security agencies of the State against unarmed citizens as attempts at stimulating and escalating crises to justify fascism. Therefore,

Enjoin governors and elected public officers to rise to the demand of leadership to protect the lives, and the economic interests and rights of their people.

The national assembly is therefore invited to conduct a public hearing and inquest to audit the above appointments.

Nigeria is a republican State with a democratic Constitution and institutions. Therefore;

–      The Bill proposing amendment to Section 262(1) of the 1999 Constitution to expand the existing jurisdiction of the Shariah Court of appeal and the State by including criminal matters is insensitive and inconsistent with democratic and republican ideals of the Constitution and the Nigerian State.

The proposed amendment is a desecration of the sanctity of the FCT as a symbol of national unity, which should be preserved.

–      Nigeria’s membership of religious organizations, association, particularly the Organization of Islamic Cooperating countries and the coalition of Islamic nations against ISIS, is insensitive, against our best national security interest and democratic and democratic norms.

To maintain the Unity, faith, Peace and corporate progress of Nigeria, we demand that the Shariah should be expunged from the Constitution and Shariah based public institutions, agencies and practices in the States should be abolished.

In this respect we demand the return to status quo as per the republican Constitution of 1963.


We are disturbed by the virtual northern Islamization of the key security units in the country. Under the present administration, the signal we are receiving is that it is only Muslims from the North that are capable of managing security units in Nigeria. Not only is this policy direction a total negation of the Federal Character principle in appointments into Federal offices, it also promotes the possibility of a section of the country using the instruments of the state to oppress, suppress, and intimidate other parts of the nation. The Federal Character principle was introduced as check and balance to ensure that there is mutual safety and respect amongst all the divergent groups in the country. It is very unfortunate that the Buhari Administration has demonstrated outright disrespect for this erstwhile sacrosanct national value.

Today, the following appointments have been made in key security units in the nation:

Director General, Department of States Services                  –                       Muslim North

Minister of Defense                                                                –                       Muslim North

Minister of Internal Affairs                                                     –                       Muslim North

National Security Adviser                                                       –                       Muslim North

Economic and Financial Crimes Commission                         –                       Muslim North

One is bound to ask, with these lopsided appointments, in favour of the Muslim North, are the intelligence services Nigerian institutions or Northern Islamic institutions? We are certain that if previous administrations headed by Christians from the South had attempted this type of flagrant insensitive appointments, the Muslim North would have cried foul. The ethnic domination of the security and intelligence services in the nation should be corrected.

We demand an immediate reversal of this obnoxious pattern of Muslim North domination of the intelligence services. It cannot be in the best interest of Nigeria. We call on Mr. President to respect the fragile balance of the Nigerian polity and cease causing tension and uneasy in the nation through insensitive and discriminatory appointments. We also call on the National Assembly to pay attention to this flagrant abuse of the Federal Character Principle because it can easily encourage ethnic cleansing and genocide.

To confirm this apprehension, there is currently an atmosphere of palpable fear in the nation. Dr. Frederick Fasheun commented recently that President Buhari is “governing Nigeria by intimidation”. The President should resist the temptation of using executive power to bully Nigerians. The nation is slowly turning into a Police State through the domination of the security units by the clansmen of the President. Nigerians are “free-born” therefore; every form of arrangement that could be manipulated to oppress and intimidate Nigerians should be dismantled forthwith.
