Sharia Or Christainity: Smugglers in Corridors Of Power in Nigeria

Sharia Or Christainity: Smugglers in Corridors Of Power in Nigeria

A Christian is murdered for his faith every 5 minutes…
Eleven Christians are murdered for their faith every hour… and over 100,000 Christians are murdered every 365days.
The question is this “if a knife is held against your throat, will you deny Jesus Christ?”
Recently, four young children who were captured by the ISIS terrorists (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria; extremist militant group that rules by Islamic law) were forced to deny Jesus Christ and these were their words “No, we love Yesua (the Iraq name for Jesus), we have always loved Yesua, we have always followed Yesua, Yesua has always been with a us.” After the ISIS forced them to covert and yet again they refused, these four children were beheaded.
Sadly, Many Nigerians who profess to be Christians are denying Christ daily. The main reason for their denial is that they would rather choose their life here on earth more than dying for what they belief. Denial might not come in form of being killed by some ISIS group… IT IS ACTUALLY REMAINING SILENT WHEN IT’S TIME TO SPEAK UP FOR HIM.
Operating under the Islamic practice of “Taquiyya” which permits a Muslim to defeat an “infidel” in order to gain the mastery over him, here are some shocking and revealing truths on the activities of Muslims in Nigeria, while Christians just sit, watch and pray without doing anything to defend their faith;
At the beginning in 1914, southern Nigeria was smuggled into a political entity called Nigeria, which was and has continually been subtly governed by the Islamic sultanate.
In 1986 the leaders of the Muslim North surreptitiously smuggled Nigeria into the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and kept it out of public knowledge for 10 solid years.
In 1999, the sharia was smuggled in to the national constitution, thereby creating a dual ideology for the nation. This has given birth and immunity to the monstrous t dreaded Islamic terrorism movement-BOKO HARAM.
Between 1975 to 1999, Nigeria was smuggled into the Islam in Africa Organization, D8, which was a compromise of section 10 of the constitution on separation of state and religion.
Smuggling of the Quran and Islam into the church via hellish conspiracy called “CHRISLAM”-an unholy amalgamation of Christianity and Islam. ERROR!…For what fellowship hath light with darkness.. (2Cor.6:14-16)
Now in 2016, we are faced with the smuggling of Islamic religious Studies (IRS), into our children’s brain/mind through subtly devised curriculum merge of CRK, IRS, Civic Education, Social Studies and Security Education into one compulsory subject.
Forceful smuggling of “Fulani herdsmen” who actually are Islamic fundamentalist and terrorist, into our villages, communities and cities. This is being sponsored by the federal government all in the name of “Grazing Bill”
These are all clear cases of Religious SMUGGLING. SMUGGLING, being the illegal transportation of objects, substances, information or people, out of a place into a prison, or across an international or intra-national border in violation of applicable laws or other regulations.
“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.” ACTS 17:26

The Heart Of Stone Or Christ?

The Heart Of Stone Or Christ?

After a long manhunt, the Police finally arrested the serial murderer that specialized in painfully and slowly killing children. His choice of victims seemed to be children between the ages of 2—5 years old. His method of killing them was the same. He would go to a park, find a child playing  alone and lure the unsuspecting child away.

Then, he would use chloroform to make the child unconscious and dunk the child inside a sack and disappear with his victim. After getting to his hideout, he would begin a deliberate torturing  of the innocent child with blade and knives. The child would bleed to death while he watched without any emotion. By the time he was finally arrested, he had killed five innocent children, two boys and three girls. Rational human beings could not believe that such a monster could be alive. To add insult upon injury, he later claimed that he did it because he was mentally deranged. How would you describe this man? A monster? An animal? A beast? A lunatic? Whichever adjective you employ, you have just described an abortionist. As a matter of fact, the lady committing abortion is worse that this man. While this man is killing the children of other people, the abortionist is killing her own child. Abortion is not merely “evacuating” a fetus from the womb, it is actually murdering a human being. According to the National Right to Life, a pregnancy normally covers forty weeks, beginning at fertilization, when the sperm and the ovum meet to form a single cell. All the characteristics of each person—sex, eye colour, shoe size, intelligence, etc. – are determined at fertilization by the baby’s genetic code in the 46 human chromosomes. Every person begins as a separate single cell; nothing new is added except oxygen and nutrition. If the process is not interrupted, a human being will live approximately nine months in the mother’s uterus and decades outside of it. At Three Weeks: The baby’s heart begins to beat and pump blood. At Six Weeks: The baby has brain waves that can be measured with an electroencephalograph. (The end of human life can be defined as the cessation of brain waves, but many ignore the scientific evidence of brain waves in unborn babies). At Seven Weeks: The baby is swimming in the amniotic sac with a natural swimmer’s stroke and is already kicking. At Eight weeks: The baby begins swallowing. At Nine Weeks: Parents can watch their baby moving around inside the uterus on an ultrasound scanner. At Ten to Eleven Weeks: The baby can breathe amniotic fluid and urine, is sensitive to touch, and can seize an object placed in his or her hand. At Eleven Weeks: All the baby’s organ systems are functioning. Although still so small that the baby could stand on an adult’s little fingertip, his or her little feet are perfectly shaped. The baby has a skeletal structure, nerves, and circulation, as well as eyelids, nails, and fingerprints. At Fourteen Weeks: The baby’s heart pumps several quarts of blood enough through his or her body every day. At Eighteen Weeks: The child is perfectly formed. At Nineteen Weeks: The baby can conceivably survive outside the womb. Kenya King was born in Florida on June 16, 1985, at nineteen weeks, or just little more than 4 ½ months after her life began. She weighed eighteen ounces. With each abortion that is carried out, a human being is murdered. The person that commits abortion is a cold-blooded murderer that will rather murder an innocent baby rather than have her life of fun interrupted by pregnancy. Or maybe, would rather commit murder than face the consequence of her life of immorality. Either way, the abortionist is a cold blooded murderer that kills her own child. If you are guilty of the sin of abortion, now is the time to repent and ask God for forgiveness. There is no difference between the abortionist and the armed robber that kills to steal. Both of them are murderers. Pray right now and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you and cleanse you from the unrighteousness of shedding innocent blood. To avoid the sin of abortion, STOP  sexual immorality. God ordained sex for marriage. Be patient until you get married. Prostitution is not an alternative profession. There are other jobs that could be done to generate income.


Corruption in Nigeria

Corruption in Nigeria


Corruption is an endemic disease that has eaten up every facet of the Nigerian society such as the economic sector, social sector, political sector etc. It has been an issue of great concern for patriotic citizens of the country. As most people have come to the conclusion that corruption cannot be completely eradicated in the country, on the contrary, I believe that together we can stop it. Together, we can eradicate this vice that has eaten deep into the fabrics of this great nation. Faithhouse agents of national transformation believes strongly in a better Nigeria.

Major Causes of Corruption in Nigeria

Bad Leadership: Most leaders in Nigeria believe in personal interest oriented programmes and policies. Leadership here is not limited to political office holders alone. It encompasses every sphere of human existence in the society. As they engage in corrupt practices, the masses follow in their steps.

Other causes of corruption in Nigeria include the following: weak government institutions, lack of openness and transparency, inefficient political processes, poverty, greed and covetousness, unemployment, poor moral standards.

Effects of Corruption in Nigeria

Ø It limits national progress

Ø It destabilizes the economy

Ø It causes strife in government establishments

Ø It mitigates against foreign investments

Ø It destroys a nations reputation on the international scene

Effective Control of Corruption

Every action begins in the mind. The mind is at the root of every form of corruption. Therefore, to effectively challenge or control corruption in our beloved nation, we must first change our mindset. Since the mind is in the realm of the invisible, it is very spiritual. Physical solutions can hardly solve spiritual problems. The most it can do is scratch the surface. We must therefore, first engage spiritual forces to proffer solutions to our corruption problem. By spiritual forces, we mean the Word of God and prayers.

The established government agencies on corruption like NAFDAC, ICPC, EFCC etc. must rise up to the challenge. The rate of corruption is a sign of their ineffectiveness and inadequacies. Therefore, they must be closely monitored. Committees must be set up to check the activities of these agencies. However, it takes spirituality to destroy the spirit of corruption.

Finally, the solution to the problem of corruption begins with me and you. It is our problem and individually, we all have our roles to play. We must all rise up with one voice and stamp out corruption in its entirety from our nation. In that your family, job, union, business, church, NGO, project, school, class etc. you can be a force of change.

Welcome to the New Nigeria! Welcome to a corruption free nation.

God bless Nigeria!