Weekly Message: The Covenant Of Generational Success

Weekly Message: The Covenant Of Generational Success

Everything God is doing, He does it with a generational perspective. Anything that will last must have a generational undertone. Anything that will survive the hostility of the times must be willing to serve a generation (Luke 1:50).

What does it mean to access generational success? 

It simply means to think generational.

  1. To think generational is to think about the future
  2. To think generational is to think beyond your life
  3. To think generational is to think beyond your family
  4. To think generational is to think posterity and not prosperity

The sons of past Nigerian leaders are no where today because their fathers did not think posterity. Your riches will only last forever if you think generational. A prosperity that does not have a future undertone is futile, it may come quickly but it does not last forever. Posterity may take time but it will last forever (Isaiah 2:3)

When God deals with people, He deals with them according to generation (Psalms 109:13). When God blesses, He also visits them with a generational blessing. He treats according to generation (Genesis 50:23, Deuteronomy 23:2)

What is the demand of God on us for this generational success?

  1. For us to reverse and become a light to gentiles (Luke 16:8, Ecclesiastics 10:6-8)
  2. To serve Him, He is looking for those that will serve Him for life (Psalms 2:7-8, Mark 6:23-24, Esther 7:2-3)

Important quotes:

  • Hide your certificate if it cannot transform a life
  • No one is capable of keeping you captive until he locates your brain.

Prayer line: O lord today, I receive divine inspiration for generational impact in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

Weekly Message: Becoming A True Soldier Part 10

No matter what you do, don’t ever forget about rapture. Always remember that your Christianity will be a waste if you miss heaven. It would have been better for you if you had committed all the sins in this world instead of answering a Christian and then you miss heaven because you got carried away with the activities of the church and failed to meet up with God’s standard.

You will fail to make heaven if you live in carnality. The end point of carnality is death; once you lose your touch of spirituality you are carnal. It is not by going to church but by living in purity that you can make heaven. No civilization can deal with the ancient words. God’s word contains His standard and His standard cannot fail and His word is his measuring standard.

When you study Matthew 7:22 from the Message Bible, you will find out that divine supply is not equal to divine presence. Divine presence is costly and is a requirement for you as a true soldier. You can only draw strength to fight the good fight from God’s presence. A good soldier is not afraid to fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12). To arrive as a good soldier of Christ you must fight the good fight and you must fight it till death.

What the true soldier of Christ must fight?

  1. Carnality
  2. Ungodly influence
  3. Manifestations of the flesh
  4. Satanic systems

A true soldier must be willing to die while fighting the good fight (Colossians 3:3). In order to make this fight, you must decide to be on the lord’s side (Exodus 32:26). A true soldier’s marriage or academic or skills is not for his comfort. If God is still struggling to use your beauty or your time or your resources – forget it! You are not a true soldier! A true soldier must sacrifice his life on God’s altar (2 Timothy 4:6). A true soldier performs only for God’s applause (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

Prayer line: Father today I receive the grace to fight the good fight as a true soldier of Christ in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier Part 8

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier Part 8

There is a passion that must engulf every true soldier and that passion must be to fulfill the commandments of the master. It was this passion present in Apostle Paul that made him make some dangerous statements he made as we see in his letters. The easiest way to know what a man is passionate about is from his statements.

You must be passionate about your faith before you can stir up others to believe it and you must be a true soldier before you can be passionate. The commandments of the master is to ‘win souls and to raise for him disciples’, this is the passion of a true soldier.

What will take many Christians to hell is disobedience to God’s will and God’s will is simply: winning souls and raising disciples.

Look at this scripture:

Matthew 7:25

And do you know what I’m going to say?  You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here. (MSG)

For further study read: Matthew 7: 24-29

Prayer line: father, I receive fresh passion to win souls and raise disciples in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 7

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 7

Study Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:4

A True Soldier Does Not Entangle Himself

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.


Many Soldiers (Christians) have allowed themselves to be soiled with sin, bribery, immorality etc. All these vices are entanglements which ought not to be found around true soldiers of Christ. Anytime we are entangled with distractions, we displease God. Salvation is not a call for enjoyment but a call for recruitment into the army of Christ. Being a soldier entails putting on the whole armour of God (righteousness, prayer and more) at every [point in time after all no military man goes around without his uniform. Once you get entangled, you end up in a horrible state (2 Peter 2:20). It doesn’t mean you should give up when you make mistake and get entangled with the flesh, sin etc. But you should ask God for forgiveness. Asking God for mercy means confessing your sins in plain language not speaking in tongues to cover up (Proverbs 28:13).

Prerequisite for freedom from entanglement

  1. He is free from the entanglement of human occupation
  2. He devotes his energy to fight earthly distractions
  3. His thought pattern is focused on the Master (the commander) and His heavenly assignment (the commandment)
  4. The soldier of Christ is in perpetual warfare or perpetual preparation for warfare (1 Timothy 1:18). Everybody will definitely meet this war against entanglement at some point or somewhere. It could be at your workplace or at school or even pleasure from family to leave the faith or wherever. When that illegal bag of money is brought before you, will you sell out? (Romans 8:38-39)

A true soldier is a weapon carrier. We are positioned at different places but we must all have the consciousness that we are soldiers. You don’t play with a military man when it comes to his I.D. or his gun. The military lost their reverence when they began associating with civilians. Similarly, the Christians lost it when they began mingling with sinners. These past years, Christianity has been in the defensive side; it’s time to go on the offensive side.

A Muslim goes into a system with the mindset to influence it for Islam; on the contrary, a Christian enters with the mindset for personal gain. It’s time to adjust. Marriage act, Islamic Studies, Islamic loan are all evidence of Muslims being sold-out to Islam and this is because they understand the message of Islam. Christians on the other hand have failed to understand what God has instructed us to do which is to dominate and promote God’s kingdom everywhere we find ourselves. This is the reason for which most Christians are messing up in leadership positions.

Looking at Hezekiah in the bible, he cried out for mercy when God told Him he was to die and God heard His cry and added 15 more years to his life. In the process, Hezekiah sinned against God, God told him that as a result his next generation will suffer for it. Instead of Hezekiah to ask God for mercy again he relaxed and did nothing about it, he concluded all was well so long as the calamity does not come during his time and he will enjoy peace till he dies (Isaiah 39:8-9). This is the attitude of most Christians today. They feel that they have escaped the calamity of Islam forgetting that their children will meet it if they do nothing about it. You might be thinking you are already old and hence have escaped the calamities of the church which are present now and which are yet to come, how about your children? It’s time to stand for what you believe in!

Prayer line: Lord, deliver me from every form of entanglement in the name of Jesus. Amen!