If it Were Possible to Live Forever

As the funeral procession approached the cemetery, the young beautiful wife of the deceased was wailing loudly and crying.
“I will die with him. My life is finished … They will bury me with you today. We are going together … you cannot leave me like this!”

Sympathizers were all in tears as each person lamented and mourned the sudden death of this promising young man who died unexpectedly in a motor accident. He had just gotten married and with a top management position in a bank, he seemed set to have a promising life. So, who could blame his wife if she was so distraught and overwhelmed with grief?
Suddenly, loud sounds of gunshot rent the air. What?! Armed robbers! At a funeral procession? Don’t these armed robbers know when and where to strike? (No, apparently they do not know). The robbers were trying to snatch a car around the area in which the funeral procession was taking place.
Immediately, everyone took off in search of safety. People ran crouching helter-skelter to avoid stray bullets. Some hefty men, with chests like barrel of oil, went straight on the ground, flat; chest first and chin hugging the dirt. The dignified executives in polished black funeral suits forgot comportment and executive mien — they hit the dirt, fast. Since no one knew from which direction the bullets were coming, everyone hugged mother earth.
Did I say everyone? Yes, everyone; including the beautiful bride that seconds ago was offering to die with her deceased husband. When the opportunity came for her wish to be granted, she disappeared, neat.
Long after the armed robbers had gone, she could not be found. After diligent search, they located her behind a tombstone, shivering like a jelly. You see, no one wants to die; including you and I.
The greatest fear that man has is the fear of death. Man will complain that life is hard and it is rough but, offer him death as an option and he will tell you that he will still manage.
If any inventor can produce an elixir of life, kings and nobles will be his ardent customers.
In ancient China, during the Qin dynasty, Qin Shi Huang sent an alchemist, Xu Fu, with 500 young men and 500 young women to the eastern seas to find the elixir of life—they never returned. The ancient Indians also have their myth about Amrita, the drink of immortality. It did not work; they died.
Even in contemporary times, eccentric billionaires have been heard of, sponsoring researches to prolong life forever. The researches are on-going; the billionaire sponsors are dead.
Yet, it is possible to live forever. Eternal life is available and it is free. Why are some people unwilling to receive it? Maybe, the condition man has to meet before receiving eternal life is too high for most people to accept.
What is the condition for eternal life? Simple. Repent. It is as simple as ABC. Stop committing sin, confess your past sins and ask for forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ and you have eternal life. This means, stop telling lies, stealing, cheating, hating other people, lusting, and so on.
You ask, why does it have to be through Jesus Christ only? Why not through the other religions or the traditional religions, …? Because it is Jesus Christ that shed His blood on the cross of Calvary to atone for your sins and died on the cross to save your soul. To confirm that He alone is the giver of eternal life, He arose from the dead and He lives forever. Which of the other founder of other religions rose from the dead? None. A dead person cannot give you life. If they cannot give themselves life, how can they give you life?
You can pray right now and confess to God that you are a sinner and ask for forgiveness of your sins through Jesus Christ. You can easily ask Jesus Christ to come into your life as your Lord and Saviour, right now. It is as simple as that.
Next, you need a Christian fellowship so that you can grow in the faith. This is where we come in.
After you have accepted the free gift of eternal life, you need to study the Bible and learn a lot about God and, of course, the devil. He wants to steal that eternal life from you. You must know how to handle him and his forces of darkness.

Youth Leader Resigns To Fight El-Rufai Conspiracy and Anti-People Policies

National Youth leader of Southern Kaduna People’s Union (SOKAPU), Comrade Nasiru Jagaba, has resigned his appointment with Kaduna state government with the sole aim to deal with ‘contending issues’ bothering on conspiracy, prejudice, social denigration/denial, anti-people polices and grazing reserves in their area.

Addressing newsmen shortly after his resignation from Due Process Office in Kaduna, Jagaba said he deliberately resigned to join his people to also stand against anti-people policies of Governor Nasir El-Rufai against Southern Kaduna people.

In an elaborate text, Jagaba bloated that, “I just tendered resignation letter with Kaduna state government because my conscience leaves me with no other choice.”
He continued that, “I’ve sensed a conspiracy by the government of the day to cage me, put a gag on my mouth and to make me docile and voiceless.”

He further said, “This has informed my decision to put up my resignation letter so as to stand with my people, to raise my voice against prejudice, social denigration and denial.”

Jagaba, in company of other exco-members, also said, at a time like this – when his people are faced with so many subjugations, “silence is betrayal” and, therefore, called for radical departures from the destruction of Southern Kaduna.

“The mission to which Southern Kaduna youth called me is the most difficult one even when pressed by the demands to break the silence, especially now that we have found ourselves in the hands of an evil organization that acts without conscience, morals, human dignity and respect for rule of law or fear of God,” he said, adding that, “I am saddened with anti-people policies of Nasir El-Rufai towards the good people of Southern Kaduna.”

According to him, “El-Rufai wakes up every day to manufacture very harmful and demonic policies to cripple our will and spirit,” – a recap on the governor’s recent announcement of his intention to build Grazing Reserves across communities in Southern Kaduna.

Doing so, according him, would mean to cohabitate Southern Kaduna with the same strange and volatile Fulani that have been attacking defenceless communities in the same area. “Since Fulani started their barbaric activities somewhere around 2010, they have burnt over 500 houses and killed over 4000 lives, especially women and children.”

He expressed worry that El-Rufai’s land reclamation programme in the state has failed to note that governance is a continuous enterprise, saying late Governor Ibrahim Yakowa of the state set up a committee and issued a government White Paper that explicitly created a boundary between Ghagyi Villa and Polytechnic with a sketch plan produced and signed by Surveyor-General of the state.

“But, in cruel display of power, El-Rufai had sworn with Holy Qu’ran to demolish the area, even when the matter was still pending in court, showing he has no respect for the rule of law.”

They queried that El-Rufai has no any visible development in Southern Kaduna since he assumed office as governor, other than grazing reserves that he forcefully wants to establish in the area and planned demolition of Gbagyi Villa. The plan not to site FG proposed universities in Kaduna South was among issues raised against El-Rufai.

Massacre in Kodomu: Is Nigeria Now A Jungle?

Gentlemen of the press,
It is with a heavy heart that the Bwatiye Community represented by our umbrella organization, *PENE* *DA* *BWATIYE* wish to address you today. We draw attention to the massive destruction of the rural town of Kodomun in Demsa Local Government of Adamawa State and the brutal cold blooded murder of twenty five (25) persons comprising our revered elders, young and middle aged men, women and children. As we address you today, the entire population of about 2,500 inhabitants are now homeless and scattered in towns and villages as Internally Displaced Persons.
Please recall that from January to July this year, similar mass killings took place in the Bwatiye villages of Koh, Goron, Ndikajam, Tabongo, No-Ine Fawaire and Jimoh in Girei Local Government Area of Adamawa State where seventy two (72) deaths were recorded including the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of Vunoklang, a suburb of the Jimeta metropolis. These killings were perpetrated by suspected Fulani Herdsmen and their hired mercenaries. Up to this time, no one, to the best of our knowledge has been questioned or sanctioned by the authorities over the incidence and no compensation to the victims.
As painful as the destruction and looting of property and the brutal killings of our defenceless people and the removal of some vital parts of their bodies for ritual purposes have been, we have managed with difficulty, to implore our communities to refrain from taking the law into their own hands. While we continue to look up to the State Government for justice and protection, unfortunately, government failed in this regard. We find this failure of government unacceptable, as it is equally becoming more challenging to restrain our people from rising up to their own self defence by every possible means against armed Fulani herdsmen that are using assault riffles and hard core military weapons, as didi in Koh, Ndikajam, No-Ine, Tabongo Goron, Fawaire and Jimoh in Girei Local Government Area.
The impunity of these invaders will not stop unless the government ceases to treat them with kid gloves. We are gratified that the president of the Federal republic of Nigeria, President Muhamamdu Buhari has at last directed the security agents to disarm them. However, we wait to see what will happen, for with the likes of commissioner of Police of Adamawa State as law enforcement officers, we will be faced with either inaction or complicity. You will recall that this Commissioner of Police on Tuesday 2nd August, 2016 said no life was lost in the invasion on Kodomun and that he did not allow his men to intervene in the attack because according to the Commissioner of Police, this was a Communal clash and to do so, would appear to be taking sides. We feel that this man is not fit for Command. He should be removed immediately by the Inspector General of Police.
In light of the foregoing, we unequivocally affirm that it is not a coincidence that the brunt of these murderous attacks have been directed mainly at the ethnic nationalities and other well meaning citizens who are opposed to this diabolic agenda.
The activities of these evil men is not limited to the Bwatiye alone, it is rather a carefully calculated and orchestrated agenda by these dangerous external Fulani Marauders in collaboration with their local herdsmen and sponsors to lay state, sack and take over the fertile agricultural lands of the indigenous groups.
First they struck in Dumne and massacred several Yungur people. In 2012, they invaded Lamurde LGA and touched several of the Sobo settlements through a highly sophisticated mercenary force whose advance was only checked through the late intervention of a combined team of police and military troops.
Between 2010 – 2014, through the diabolic Boko Haram sect, these blood thirsty organizations laid waste to the largest concentration of ethnic nationalities in Yobe, Borno and Adamawa States destabilizing in the process the Marghi, Higgi, Fali, Gude, Janyi, Kilba, Hona, Lala, Bura, Ga’anda, Mboi, to name a few. The strategy they employed is a simple one isolate the different ethnic nationalities and strike them at will. They started this in Plateau State, then moved to Nasarawa and Benue States. They have laid siege to Kogi, Ekiti, Ondo, Enugu, Delta, Taraba, Kaduna, Zamfara, Nasarawa States etc. This is therefore, a wake-up call on all and sundry to stand up and fight this common evil by all well meaning and peace loving Nigerians.


1. That, as a matter of priority and urgency, government should immediately come to the aid of the victims of the Kodomun massacre through the provision of relief materials. Government should also rehabilitate and settle the affected community as houses and property have been destroyed and they could hardly afford to provide shelter for themselves.
2. We as a people have a well known attribute of love for peace and good communal life with all people who seek sojourn in Bwatiye land. We would cooperate with Government in finding ways to ensure that justice is done through the CONSTITUTION OF HIGH POWERED JUDICIAL PANEL OF ENQUIRY with task to ascertain the true position of the immediate and remote causes of all these deadly attacks on innocent and defenceless people, in all cases by surprise in their sleep, on their farms or as in the case of Kodomun as the people gathered to bury their dead. We call on the government of Adamawa State, His Excellency Mohammed Umaru Jibrilla to take this important step to provide a permanent settlement to the raids and feuds in the interest of peace in Adamawa State.
3. We assume government is aware that unless culprits are brought to book, we run the danger of communities resorting to the dreadful steps of securing justice against the tenets of civilized society. The danger is that as no section of the citizenry or ethnic group has a monopoly on violence, other groups will take measures to protect themselves and their property. The result is going to be chaos and disorder in the country beyond the scope of government to control, should it desire to do so at this stage, we call on the government to check this dangerous drift to anarchy.
4. Consequently and more importantly, we demand the immediate disarming of Fulani Herdsmen and immediate proactive steps towards restoring amicable farmers / grazers relationship for the benefit of peace and harmony in Adamawa State.
In conclusion, *PENE* *DA* *BWATIYE* *WORLDWIDE* here again calls loudly to all Bwatiye sons and daughters and other ethnic nationalities to in spite of our distress, to keep the faith in the Federal and State Governments, to remain law abiding, respecting all constituted and responsible authority.
We appreciate you the media and look forward to your reports.
Sign for and on behalf of the Bwatiye Worldwide.
National President, Pene Da Bwatiye.

Source: Kingdomnewsng.com



Training of the Spirit

Your spirit is the first point of attack; so when you are spiritually famished, your life is finished.                  (1 Corinthians 10:3). When you are not spiritually well fed, anything can have access to your spirit. Therefore, it takes the armor of God to overcome every form of deception of the devil.

What it takes to be a true soldier (training in the spirit)

  1. The training in the Word of God (Sword of the Spirit) Ephesians 6:11-18

Every ancient person passed successfully because of their training in the Word. The essence of the capacity of God’s word is for the capacity to withstand the enemy’s darts. Learn the secrets of those who have gone ahead.

Ways to train the spirit

  1. Praying always with all prayer.
  2. Supplication in the Spirit.
  3. Persevered watching – this is having a “never give up” watch over your soul. You will become a victim of satanic attack if you don’t watch over your soul. So, pray before you go, check your spirit before you move.
  4. Supplications for the Saints.

Why persevered watching?

  1. To escape the attack of the adversary. Another word for persevered watching is Sobriety of the Spirit.
  2. It grants you access for the preservation of your faith. (1Corinthians 10:11-12, 1 Peter 5:7). Cultivate God-confidence When the eyes of the Lord are on you as a believer, you are preserved. Your confidence should not be built on anything but on Christ. You don’t know the validity of your spirit until appear before temptation.
  3. It delivers us from the spirit of no return Hebrews 6:1

When you backslide, it is difficult to return. Don’t ever try backsliding. You may not come back.

Prayer point: Father, grant me the strength to persevere and not backslide in the name of Jesus, Amen.