Engaging The Forces of The Blood and Prayer Power For Signs and Wonders

Engaging The Forces of The Blood and Prayer Power For Signs and Wonders

Study Scripture: Revelations 12:11

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (KJV)

7 Products of the Blood of Jesus

  1. It atones for our sins. The first miracle of the blood of Jesus is Salvation.
  2. It gives us access to God’s presence (Hebrews 4:16)
  3. It removes of the devil’s condemnation and weakens the devil
  4. It sets us free from our past (1 Peter 1:8, Romans 8:1-2)
  5. It covers us and resists attacks of the devil and bondage (Colossians 1:12-14)
  6. It brings healing and destroys plagues and sickness (1 Peter 2:24, Deuteronomy 28:58-59)
  7. It gives us access to light, insight and revelation (1 John 1:7)

The blood of Jesus is a spiritual lubricant that makes prayers work and grants us quick answers to prayers. The blood of Jesus ushers us into God’s presence and provokes judgment in our favor. Everybody prays but heaven decides the answer and favors the right course.

The force of prayer enforces the products of the blood of Jesus to manifest in our lives thereby producing signs and wonders. It is prayer that brings God to the battle scene to defend Himself. Prayer destroys the strongman standing in the way of your advancement.

Further scriptures: Ezekiel 22:30, James 5:16-18, Isaiah 44:24, 41:21

Prayer line: Father I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and my family, let all the prayers in our hearts receive speedy answers in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Developing And Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Life And Fire Via The Words of Jesus – As It relates To Our Commitment To God And Service To Humanity

Developing And Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Life And Fire Via The Words of Jesus – As It relates To Our Commitment To God And Service To Humanity

Study Scripture: Mark 9:33-39

Following the lifestyle of Jesus and the instructions He gave His disciples, we understand that the lifestyle of a servant is an enviable one. If anyone desires to be great, he must first of all be a servant. There is no greatness without the humble heart of service.

Principles of Servant-hood

  1. You must be a servant (Matthew 20:27-28) – a servant has lost his power of resistance. He considers others before himself.
  2. You must give your life as ransom (Romans 12:1) – as a servant, you must burn out your life for others. You embrace God’s dealings in your life by laying down your life for others and for the kingdom. Laying down your life entails putting God first and self last (Romans 8:12-13). It means surrendering your will to God (Matthew 26:39)
  3. You must be humble (Mark 9:37, Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 13:4) – to be humble means not to think of yourself more highly than others. It means not to think of yourself more highly than you ought. The secret to unlocking God’s manifold grace over your life is by bringing yourself low. Jesus humbled himself till death on the cross (Philippians 2:8). Follow Him!


Prayer line: O Lord increase my commitment to you and give me the grace to be humble in Jesus name. Amen!

The Pale Horse Must Not Be Released

The Pale Horse Must Not Be Released

Let me start by declaring that I am not a prophet. Nevertheless, I wish to invite you to kindly consider the issues stated below. I have no doubt that Nigeria would overcome its travails, due to the mercies of God, but I am apprehensive that it should not get worse, before it gets better.

In September 2013, Sister Ngozi called me and shared with me how she heard God say on 4th September, 2013, “the red horse has been released”. She found the “red horse” in Rev. 6: 4. I published this experience coupled with another revelation in August 2014 onwww.kingdomnewsng.com(http://kingdomnewsng.com/prophecies/102-brace-yourself-is-the-black-horse-released)

According to the Revelation account, when the red horse would be released, men would be given power to kill each other on earth as part of God’s judgment. It would be recalled that the period 2013 marked the escalation of worldwide murder, particularly by Islamic insurgents. In 2014, ISIS consolidated its hold on terror when it captured Mosul in Iraq and took mass murder to new heights in this generation. Around this period, countries such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Mali, and Central African Republic were witnessing bloodshed. In Nigeria, Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen were gathering steam. The Red Horse, was marching through the earth.

During the National Conference, his grace, Bishop Bagobiri, the Catholic Bishop of Kafanchan, shared with us a dream of severe famine coming upon Nigeria. According to him, the famine he saw would be so severe even dogs would be looking at people as food. Immediately, I remembered the vision of the “red horse” and I understood that after the red horse, the “black horse” follows. The black horse signifies famine. I published the article in 2014 under the heading: “Brace Yourself: Has the Black Horse Been Released?” (Link above) I warned people in 2014 that famine was coming and the solution would not be in stockpiling food, but in “righteousness”. Today, Nigeria and Venezuela cannot say there is no scarcity of food.

In the past few days, a question has suddenly been sounding within me that says, “What follows the black horse?” It is the “pale horse”. The Bible says in Rev. 6: 8 – And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.God ordained Nigerian Church to harvest souls for the kingdom of God but what is looming on the horizon wants to harvest souls for hell. Death rides the Pale Horse and Hell follows him.
Why? Why is the Nigerian Church witnessing the judgment of the Gentiles?

Please look around you. You would observe that the ground is being prepared for massive destruction of lives. Those whom Satan wants to use do not hide their intention. In fact, they gloat and boast about it. Agents of destruction are deliberately building tension in the nation that will sooner or later erupt into an orgy of violence and destruction. Only heaven can disarm them. Only heaven can speak peace to the land. But, would heaven lift a finger?  If heaven permitted the Red Horse and the Black Horse to march through the land, would heaven intervene to stop the Pale Horse?

Yes, heaven would intervene, if we do what heaven wants. Heaven wants repentance in the Church. Heaven wants righteousness in the land. Heaven wants only the Glory of God in His Church. God will not share His Glory with anyone, but the Nigerian Church is sharing it with Mammon. The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Rom. 14: 17) Today, there is no righteousness, peace and joy in the land, because the people of God have turned the kingdom of God into meat and drink.

This is a call to repentance in the Nigerian Church. A lot of prayers and fasting are going on, but very little repentance is manifesting. God wants righteousness proclaimed in the midst of His congregation. He wants His people trained and raised in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. He does not want to share Sunday sermon with Mammon and prayer vigil with money. He wants unity and brotherly love in His Church not strife and discord. He wants to see humility amongst His shepherds because He has not called any man to be a superstar.

Pro. 16: 7 – “When a man’s way please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Why aren’t our enemies at peace with us? Already, some Christians report dreams and visions of massive slaughter and terror in the land. The answer is repentance.

“Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” Hos. 6: 1-2

The President of CAN has declared a solemn assembly of fasting and prayer for 21st and 22nd September, 2016. Let Nigerian Christians utilize it to repent and genuinely turn around to righteousness. Let the cry for repentance reverberates all over the Church.

The Pale Horse is prancing, yearning to be unleashed to march through our land. It must not be let loosed.

Lo, I have told you.

Your brother,


Source: kingdomnewsng.com

Developing and Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Spiritual Life And Spiritual Fire By The Words Of Jesus

Developing and Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Spiritual Life And Spiritual Fire By The Words Of Jesus

Friends, never think of backsliding. Truth be told, once you’ve tasted Jesus and you go back to the world, it will be difficult for you to come back to Jesus (Hebrews 6:4-6). Jesus is the only way to eternal life hence living without Him is destruction without knowing. Note that before the return of Jesus to take up the righteous, the church will make the world wonder by her global relevant impart. Hence, there must be total preparation for the coming of the master and you must be a part of it.

You must have heard so many individuals say that the Old Testament is irrelevant and that what this generation of Christians need is only the New Testament. Please pay no attention to them. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed, simplified and explained. The New Testament was written based on revelations from the Old Testament. So both testaments are vital for your consumption and edification (2 Timothy 3:16).

So far in your Christian walk, you probably enjoy the epistles of Paul and the other disciples, they all received the revelations from the words of Jesus. You must also hunger to be encouraged by the words of Jesus.

Why give attention to the words of Jesus?

  1. They are spiritual words that sustain our lives on earth (John 6:63)
  2. They command wisdom and stability in the midst of storms of life (Matthew 7:24, Isaiah 33:16)
  3. They sustain true soldiers and disciples (Luke 9:43-44, 48)

Further Scripture: Matthew 25:1-9

Prayer line: O Lord, may your spirit-filled words make up my life in Jesus name. Amen!