Supernatural success is a generational kind of success. It does not and will not end with you or your children but go on to your 4th and 5th generation.
1. Nobody actually hates success
2. Every reaction against success is an expression of envy
3. Everybody believes in success
4. Success is not a matter of luck but a matter of the intensity of light you carry
5. Every success is rooted in what say, heard and have seen
Before you were created or formed in the belly God knew you, sanctified you and ordained you to be successful. So anything short of that is not God’s will for you. God desires and is interested in your success in every area of your life. Jesus himself said


1. We are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13)
2. We are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14a)
3. We are a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14b)
4. We are raised up together with Christ (Matthew 5:1)
1. The mind of Christ is creative mind
2. The mind of Christ solves problem
3. The mind of Christ provides solution
4. Inside the mind of Christ is the deposit of wisdom
5. The mind of Christ is superior to education
6. It delivers from captivities
1. Challenge your mind daily to get results
2. Stir up your mind by voracious quest for knowledge
3. Stop wasting and start thinking
4. Speak to yourself positively and watch your life make progress
May God cause your mind to produce exceedingly in your business, marriage, academics, health, Amen.

Walking In The Spirit : Becoming A True Soldier Part 17

Walking In The Spirit : Becoming A True Soldier Part 17

Walking in the Spirit

For the believer, living like a civilian in the midst of war exposes you to danger. Thus, you should be sober and vigilant. When the devil wants to pull you down through your spirit and he doesn’t succeed, he operates from the external i.e. physical through sickness, loss, lack, e.t.c. The devil cannot go for your spirit if he cannot weigh your spirit down.

Things I must understand as a believer:

  1. I have an enemy – the devil.
  2. I have been enlisted in God’s army.

The reason the believer is susceptible to the devil’s attacks and temptations is because the believer is not serious.

  1. I have a Commander.
  2. I have a uniform.
  3. I have my armor.
  4. I have my training.
  5. I have a victory.

Training in the Spirit means walking in the Spirit.

What does it mean to be trained in the Spirit?

  1. Walk in the Spirit Romans 8:1-4.

How do I walk in the Spirit?

  1. By being led by the Spirit and not by your senses Romans 8:14, 2 Peter 1:20-21

Because the battle is a spiritual one, it requires spiritual leading (of the HolySpirit)

 Prayer point: Dear Lord, give me the grace to be led by you.

Weekly Message: The Covenant Of Generational Success

Weekly Message: The Covenant Of Generational Success

Everything God is doing, He does it with a generational perspective. Anything that will last must have a generational undertone. Anything that will survive the hostility of the times must be willing to serve a generation (Luke 1:50).

What does it mean to access generational success? 

It simply means to think generational.

  1. To think generational is to think about the future
  2. To think generational is to think beyond your life
  3. To think generational is to think beyond your family
  4. To think generational is to think posterity and not prosperity

The sons of past Nigerian leaders are no where today because their fathers did not think posterity. Your riches will only last forever if you think generational. A prosperity that does not have a future undertone is futile, it may come quickly but it does not last forever. Posterity may take time but it will last forever (Isaiah 2:3)

When God deals with people, He deals with them according to generation (Psalms 109:13). When God blesses, He also visits them with a generational blessing. He treats according to generation (Genesis 50:23, Deuteronomy 23:2)

What is the demand of God on us for this generational success?

  1. For us to reverse and become a light to gentiles (Luke 16:8, Ecclesiastics 10:6-8)
  2. To serve Him, He is looking for those that will serve Him for life (Psalms 2:7-8, Mark 6:23-24, Esther 7:2-3)

Important quotes:

  • Hide your certificate if it cannot transform a life
  • No one is capable of keeping you captive until he locates your brain.

Prayer line: O lord today, I receive divine inspiration for generational impact in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Covenant Power of Prosperity

Weekly Messages: Covenant Power of Prosperity

God is a God of covenant. For every promise He makes, He must surely fulfil. God wants to make you a living proof. It is your heritage to prosper. You don’t need to carry money around, what you need is to operate by the covenant of prosperity. A covenant is an agreement between two parties where both parties agree to meet certain ends of the agreement (Genesis 17:4-7, Galatians 3:13-14).

The covenant of prosperity will only work for you if you obey God correctly. Obeying God correctly is a call to service. Serving God is not just coming to church but also sacrificing your time, money and energy to advance God’s work. You are not blessed until you are connected to the covenant (Exodus 23:25-26).

Covenant Strategies

  1. Obedience to God’s word
  2. Kingdom addiction
  3. Lifestyle of prayer

Obedience to God includes obedience in paying your tithe, giving your offering and sowing of seed. You don’t enjoy supplies until you obey the principle of supplies which is the principle of giving and giving to the right person. When you give to a righteous fellow, you reap the fruit of righteousness. When you sow to a prophet, you reap the reward of a prophet which may only last for a time (Mathew 10:41). When you sow to your father, you reap your father’s inheritance which is for a lifetime (Genesis 27:1-4, 49:1-4).

When you give excuses to give to God, He will in turn give you excuses when you ask Him for blessings. Understand that seed sowing can avert death, sickness and accident for you and your family. Don’t even try to divide your tithe and pay some. It is wrong. When you fail to pay your tithe, devourer will eat your finances. When you fail to support God’s work with your substance, you will make financial losses (Haggai 1:1-9, Malachi 3:10). Until you think of what to dangerously give to God as a seed, God will never think of what to give you (Proverbs 11:34)

Six major covenants of Faithhouse (Psalms 89:34)

  1. Covenant of on-time supply
  2. Covenant of ‘we don’t take no for an answer’
  3. Covenant of life and peace
  4. Covenant of angelic and divine direction
  5. Covenant of fertility, reproduction and fruitfulness
  6. Covenant of seeing ahead (vision, divine secrets and speed)

Prayer line: O Lord give me the grace to give continually to support your work so that i will not lose my blessings in Jesus name. Amen!