The Replacement Generation Leaders


Our generation of error, deviation from sacred spiritual virtues and carnality has become so deep, so glaring that there is a need for a replacement generation to secure the future of the church.  Stories from the scriptures reveals men who worked with God, spiritual burden bearers whose lifestyles became landmarks for generations. Men never who never compromised God’s holy standards in the presence of mockery, perils and a negative society.

This book is therefore a guide for recovery and a lucid insight for raising a replacement generation of spiritual sons who shall restore the lost glory. Recommended for Pastors, Bishops, Ministers, Missionaries, Laymen, Spiritual leaders and individuals who desire God to use them in their generation as tools for spiritual revival. It’s time to recover the lost spiritual ark.


Product Description

Our generation of error, deviation from sacred spiritual virtues and carnality has become so deep, so glaring that there is a need for a replacement generation to secure the future of the church.  Stories from the scriptures reveals men who worked with God, spiritual burden bearers whose lifestyles became landmarks for generations. Men never who never compromised God’s holy standards in the presence of mockery, perils and a negative society.

However, in our times, these spiritual values and godly legacies have been lost to an empty, corrupt and wicked generation of ignorant and carnal men. This error have caused a colossal damage to the church of Jesus Christ and her reputation in the society which was not so from the beginning.

This book is therefore a guide for recovery and a lucid insight for raising a replacement generation of spiritual sons who shall restore the lost glory. Recommended for Pastors, Bishops, Ministers, Missionaries, Laymen, Spiritual leaders and individuals who desire God to use them in their generation as tools for spiritual revival. It’s time to recover the lost spiritual ark.