Developing and Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Spiritual Life And Spiritual Fire By The Words Of Jesus

Developing and Sustaining Spiritual Strength, Spiritual Life And Spiritual Fire By The Words Of Jesus

Friends, never think of backsliding. Truth be told, once you’ve tasted Jesus and you go back to the world, it will be difficult for you to come back to Jesus (Hebrews 6:4-6). Jesus is the only way to eternal life hence living without Him is destruction without knowing. Note that before the return of Jesus to take up the righteous, the church will make the world wonder by her global relevant impart. Hence, there must be total preparation for the coming of the master and you must be a part of it.

You must have heard so many individuals say that the Old Testament is irrelevant and that what this generation of Christians need is only the New Testament. Please pay no attention to them. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed, simplified and explained. The New Testament was written based on revelations from the Old Testament. So both testaments are vital for your consumption and edification (2 Timothy 3:16).

So far in your Christian walk, you probably enjoy the epistles of Paul and the other disciples, they all received the revelations from the words of Jesus. You must also hunger to be encouraged by the words of Jesus.

Why give attention to the words of Jesus?

  1. They are spiritual words that sustain our lives on earth (John 6:63)
  2. They command wisdom and stability in the midst of storms of life (Matthew 7:24, Isaiah 33:16)
  3. They sustain true soldiers and disciples (Luke 9:43-44, 48)

Further Scripture: Matthew 25:1-9

Prayer line: O Lord, may your spirit-filled words make up my life in Jesus name. Amen!