Corruption in Nigeria

Corruption in Nigeria


Corruption is an endemic disease that has eaten up every facet of the Nigerian society such as the economic sector, social sector, political sector etc. It has been an issue of great concern for patriotic citizens of the country. As most people have come to the conclusion that corruption cannot be completely eradicated in the country, on the contrary, I believe that together we can stop it. Together, we can eradicate this vice that has eaten deep into the fabrics of this great nation. Faithhouse agents of national transformation believes strongly in a better Nigeria.

Major Causes of Corruption in Nigeria

Bad Leadership: Most leaders in Nigeria believe in personal interest oriented programmes and policies. Leadership here is not limited to political office holders alone. It encompasses every sphere of human existence in the society. As they engage in corrupt practices, the masses follow in their steps.

Other causes of corruption in Nigeria include the following: weak government institutions, lack of openness and transparency, inefficient political processes, poverty, greed and covetousness, unemployment, poor moral standards.

Effects of Corruption in Nigeria

Ø It limits national progress

Ø It destabilizes the economy

Ø It causes strife in government establishments

Ø It mitigates against foreign investments

Ø It destroys a nations reputation on the international scene

Effective Control of Corruption

Every action begins in the mind. The mind is at the root of every form of corruption. Therefore, to effectively challenge or control corruption in our beloved nation, we must first change our mindset. Since the mind is in the realm of the invisible, it is very spiritual. Physical solutions can hardly solve spiritual problems. The most it can do is scratch the surface. We must therefore, first engage spiritual forces to proffer solutions to our corruption problem. By spiritual forces, we mean the Word of God and prayers.

The established government agencies on corruption like NAFDAC, ICPC, EFCC etc. must rise up to the challenge. The rate of corruption is a sign of their ineffectiveness and inadequacies. Therefore, they must be closely monitored. Committees must be set up to check the activities of these agencies. However, it takes spirituality to destroy the spirit of corruption.

Finally, the solution to the problem of corruption begins with me and you. It is our problem and individually, we all have our roles to play. We must all rise up with one voice and stamp out corruption in its entirety from our nation. In that your family, job, union, business, church, NGO, project, school, class etc. you can be a force of change.

Welcome to the New Nigeria! Welcome to a corruption free nation.

God bless Nigeria!