Children Of Martyrs: Is There Still Hope?

Children Of Martyrs: Is There Still Hope?

Arguably, the greater evil is not simply the persecution of Christians in various parts of northern Nigeria, but the unholy neglect of the northern believers by most of the Christian assemblies in the rest of the country.

 Please ask yourself these questions:

  • Whenever there was religious crisis in the North, how many churches in Nigeria declare prayer and fasting to intercede for the persecuted brethren?
  • How many churches have you observed packaging relief materials to help the persecuted brethren?
  • Have you seen a church take a full page advert in any newspaper to sympathize with the persecuted Christians and protest against the killings of Christians?
  • Which Nigerian church has gathered the widows, the orphans, the bereaved, the homeless and the mutilated to care for them?

“And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; …”

  • 1 Cor. 12: 26. Do  churches in the South believe this?
  • What shall we tell the Lord?


  1. To re-awaken Christians in the South to their spiritual and moral obligations to pray and support the persecuted Christians in the northern part of Nigeria. “And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” 1 Cor. 12:26. The sufferings of the Christians in the North are the sufferings of the entire body of Christ in Nigeria.
  2. To encourage churches and Christians in the South to contribute resources to take care of the children and the widows left behind by those martyred in the North. Stephen’s Centre would be able to do much more if the resources are available.
  3. So far, Canadians and other foreigners have been in the forefront of supporting Christian believers persecuted in the North. The Nigerian church should come forward and champion this cause with the enormous resources that God has given Christians in the South.
  4. To encourage Christian families to adopt the cost of educating these children. Some of them are ready to attend Universities but the resources are lacking. In addition, denominations that have established Universities should grant scholarship to these children.
  5. To mobilize warfare prayers against the satanic forces behind these unwarranted shedding of blood in the country. Bloodshed defiles the land. Churches should make religious violence a consistent major prayer point at each prayer meeting and vigil.
  6. To harness every Christian influence in Nigeria to ensure that government takes the right steps to put an end to religious violence in the country.
