Wisdom access to an impact-filled life

Wisdom access to an impact-filled life

Wisdom simply means spiritual common sense. It is not everybody that operates with spiritual common sense but it is God’s will for every believer to operate like Him. Throughout the bible it is evident that our God operates in wisdom and power and Genesis 1:26 confirms that He wants us to do the same.


In 1 kings3:7, King Solomon asked God to give him understanding in order for him to know how to go out and come in. Wisdom/ Spiritual common sense means to know ‘how to go out’ and ‘how to come in’. There is a ‘know-how’ to every situation. You don’t just go anywhere at any time. (See Genesis 34:1-27)


Spiritual common sense also means applying god’s principles in the scriptures in our daily lives. God never makes mistakes and if we walk in accordance to God’s will, we will not make mistakes too. There is no life situation that does not have a replica in the scriptures. For every situation, there is need for us to go back to God’s word and receive instructions on how to solve our problems.


It is an offense for a child of God to act stupidly. If you are often cheated, it is a sign of mental dullness. Mental dullness is not God’s will for you. You activate your mind in the place of prayers and refuse to be cheated in your dealings with men. Apply wisdom in everything you do.


Wisdom delivers from wastage of age and time.


Important quotes:


  • Show me a man of undeniable impact and I will show you a man of wisdom
  • Wisdom requires patience. If you try something and it is not working, press forward!



Study Scripture:


Proverbs 23:26

 My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways. (KJV)

Proverbs 23:26

Dear child, I want your full attention; please do what I show you. (MSG)

Prayer line:

This my mind, you must wake up in the name of Jesus! Amen!