Weekly Messages: The Spirit Access to Wisdom And Power (2)

Weekly Messages: The Spirit Access to Wisdom And Power (2)

The Holy Spirit is the activator of God’s work on earth and God’s Provision for daily release of power. It will be wrong to think that we can access wisdom and power without the Holy Spirit.
Two Reasons Why We Need the Spirit Access
1. To access mental and spiritual discipline
2. To access heaven’s intelligence for earthly inventions.

Four Ways to Access the Spirit of God
1. Consecration: An unclean person cannot access the spirit for power.
2. The Pursuit of God: As you pursue God, He pursues you.
3. Praying in the spirit
4. Dwelling in God’s presence
God’s presence is the most efficient means to access the spirit power. When you dwell in God’s presence you discover the secrets you need to subdue the mountains before you. Until you know the person (Holy Spirit) behind the presence, you cannot access the power. Seek the help of the Holy Spirit today to dwell in God’s presence forever.
Benefits of dwelling in His Presence
1. Guarantees God’s ownership over your life.
2. You become the temple of God.
3. Every darkness in your life disappears.
What Happens When You Are a Person of God’s Presence?
1. Holiness becomes your lifestyle (Your errors are exposed)
2. The fear of God is multiplied in your life (You begin to avoid sin and access divine wisdom)
3. You gain divine direction
4. You access Intellectual Brilliance and Spiritual Wisdom
5. You provoke profit in business

Study Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:14 (MSG)
“The amazing grace of the master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.”

Further Scriptures:
Isaiah 6:1-5, Deuteronomy 8:18, Daniel 5:10-17, Jude 1:20, Romans 8:19, Psalm 66:3, 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, Ephesians 4:30, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Exodus 39:7, Proverbs 9:10

Important Quotes:
• Power is only granted to the person of God’s presence.
• The person that dwells in God’s is a spiritual man and sickness does not dwell in a spiritual man.
• If you are not full of His presence, you will be full of mistakes.

Prayer Line: Father, make me a person of your presence; I want to be a person of your presence; in the name of Jesus! Amen!

Weekly Message: Scriptural Tool For A Life Approved By God (2)

Weekly Message: Scriptural Tool For A Life Approved By God (2)

Apart from being a living sacrifice there is something else God demands from a life he must approve. We understand that if we fail to become living sacrifices just like Jesus was we will fail our generation. (John 12:23-27)The next tool which we have observed from the scriptures to be costlier than the tool of a living sacrifice is the tool of obedience. (1 Samuel 15:22)
A life of obedience is a major tool to attaining God’s approval. A life that must count to both God and man is a life of unreserved obedience. Unreserved obedience grants us unreserved access to God. Obedience gives you access to spiritual authority. You can only be in command when your obedience is complete. (2 Corinthians 10:6). It is only at this point that you can mesmerize the devil.
Most times when we disobey God we tend to use sacrifice to compensate God but until we obey God completely no sacrifice of ours will be acceptable to Him. Your offering can be disobedience if you are not walking in obedience. If God is calling you to be a prayer warrior don’t go and sow
What happens when you are disobedient?
1. When you are disobedient , you lose the touch of God
2. When you are disobedient , you frustrate God’s grace upon your life
3. When you are disobedient , you deprive your generation of divine providence
4. When you are disobedient , you attract curses
We must follow our lord Jesus example of obedience if we must be approved of God. Going to the cross to die was not fun for him but he did it to obey God. The bible explains that Jesus learned obedience through his suffering. Don’t be scared to suffer in the process of obeying God for that is the sole essence of your life – obeying God. (Hebrews 5:8)
Study scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:18-20
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Prayer line: Lord, grant me grace to obey you beyond my will even if I have to suffer that I may please you forever in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Message: The Spirit Access To Wisdom And Power

Weekly Message: The Spirit Access To Wisdom And Power

One of the benefits of the cross is the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy n Spirit is the God of the now. The Holy Spirit is then doer of God’s word. The Holy Spirit is the conveyor of God’s voice (Isaiah 30:21). The Holy Spirit is the seal of the believer (Ephesians 1:13). The Holy Spirit is the conveyor of God’s presence ad with God’s presence aiding I us, we will shine forth glory and beauty. Every wisdom we seek is embedded I the Holy Spirit. If you are baptized with the Holy Ghost you are missing out a lot ad you will ever access God’s wisdom.
The Holy Spirit knows all things so when you have Him you have all things. He functions everywhere at the same time. You will never remain a mediocre after you’ve an encounter with the Holy Ghost. (John 3:8, 2 Corinthians 3:8)
The spiritual doors to wisdom and power
1. Blazing purity ad consecration (Proverbs 1:7, Daniel 1:8, 20)
2. Unbroken lifestyle of worship
3. Voracious huger ad study of God’s word
4. Frequently praying in the Holy Ghost (Jude1:20)
Important quotes
 Intellectual power is useless without spiritual power
 Spiritual wisdom is the highest level of wisdom
 Speaking I tongues is spiritually natural ad naturally spiritual
 Physical death egis with metal death ad metal death egis with spiritual death
Further scriptures: 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 Corinthians 2:4, Romans 8:11, Daniel 5:10-14, 6:1-4
Prayer line: O Holy Spirit fill me to the brim. I will never lack wisdom again I Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Message: The Cross As An Access To Wisdom and Power (2)

Weekly Message: The Cross As An Access To Wisdom and Power (2)

The second dimension of the cross is ‘the cross for Jesus Christ’. It is our obligation as believers to identify with the cross of Jesus. It is not enough to be born again but to share the burden of the cross with Jesus. The wisdom and power of God is only accessible through the cross of Jesus Christ. Job 28:28 tells us that God is the only one that knows the way to the location of wisdom and God has shown us this way which is through the cross.

1. Identify with the cross: this means to share the burden of the cross with
Jesus. Sharing the burden with Jesus means that we must be crucified with Jesus. It means that we must die to self. The self (flesh) is a limitation to the working of God in our lives. (1 Corinthians 2:8, Matthew 16:24-25).
The question we must ask ourselves is this: who is taking the glory in everything I do? God or me? we must not let ourselves stand in the of God’s manifestation in our lives. The process in identifying with the cross is the process of brokenness. Until we are broken we cannot access God’s wisdom.
2. Rebirth: after we are broken, we come to the point of rebirth. When we are broken, God renews us and lets His glory shine through us and this glory is God’s wisdom and power. Until we access he cross, the glorious riches attached to the cross will elude us. (Hebrews 12:2, Philippians 2:9-10)
Understand that the cross is our deliverance from every sin and bad habit. The cross grants us access to the crown of wisdom here on earth and eternally. God’s wisdom gives us access to provisions, dominion and eternal peace.

Further Scriptures: Colossians 2:14, 1 Kings 4:20-24

Important quotes:
 Identifying with Jesus gives us a sharper mind than that of Solomon;
 Until self is crushed under the cross, any sin can crush you
 God does not gamble with his anointing and power, he is not ready to raise any Samson in this season who will mess up his anointing.
Prayer line: O God, I lay down my life for you and I crush every self limiting my access to the wisdom behind the cross. I receive the impartation of wisdom and power in Jesus name. Amen!