Weekly Messages: Becoming A Hero of Faith (4)

Weekly Messages: Becoming A Hero of Faith (4)

God has a spiritual calendar for the world and the church. In every university, the senate decides the academic calendar and every lecturer follows suit despite his position or rank. Similarly, God has a program for His church and His people and our ability to key in to what He wants determines whether He will approve our lives and add us to the list of the heroes of faith.


Who are the heroes of faith?

  1. They are men that finish well
  2. They are men that are passionate about the will of God and are ready to do God’s will even though it will cost them their lives
  3. They are men that endure hardness
    4. They are men and women that God and heaven have accepted their personality.


God’s agenda for the now is that God is looking for men and women who will represent Him fully. We are all students in God’s program and He’s watching out for the right personality to be formed in us before He can use us. Heroes of faith are men and women who put their lives on the line to represent God fully. God is looking for foot soldiers that will stand out for him and it begins with us having the right personality. God has a better respect for us before our offering; so our lives must be presentable first before God will receive anything from us.


The personality that is approved by God

  1. A predictable personality
  2. An accountable personality
  3. A transparent personality
  4. An acceptable personality
  5. A personality that has no personal agenda but following God


Serving a delicious food in a dirty plate is contamination. Similarly, God will not use a contaminated vessel. All through the Scriptures, we find that men and women whom God used were first sanctified. Before God will use you, your personality must be in order. Once you start running into error, you find out that you are losing God’s direction; it simply tells you that something has gone wrong with your personality.


It is important for you not to wait till you are rejected by God and then you start making adjustment so it its better you begin with processing your personality until it is approved by heaven. Most men who are rejected by God don’t usually find their way back. Prophet Samuel made the mistake of assumption in his walk with God and it almost cost his ministry. 1 Samuel 16:1-7. Also, King Saul lost his leadership position because of his inappropriate personality. 1 Samuel 15:22. When you study Abel and Cain when they offered sacrifices to God, you realize that God had respect for them first before He looked at their offerings.


Further Scriptures:  Philippians 1:21, Daniel 1:4-5, Genesis 4:4-5, 2 Timothy 2:20-21, Matthew 24:13-15, 24-25, 45-46


Prayer Line: O lord process my life until my personality is approved by you in the name of Jesus! Amen!

Weekly Messages: Unveiling God’s Plan 2016

Weekly Messages: Unveiling God’s Plan 2016

The reason God is empowering us is so that we can serve Him and be a blessing to the dying world.  We need to have the mentality of being a blessing to people – no more consumption but distribution. You must serve God first before you become a blessing to others. God will not leave you empty or frustrated so long as you are willing to serve God and bless humanity. If you are lacking finances, remind God to bless you because you are serving Him and also to enable you bless others. Genesis 12:1-2

To collect blessing is for babies. What God wants to be doing this year is to make everyone a blessing. Why did God empower Moses? God empowered Moses so that he will deliver the children of Israel from captivity and then the children of Israel can now go and serve God. Another important thing is obedience to God. It is a major key to our service to God and our becoming a blessing to humanity. Job 36:11, Isaiah 1:19.

The contention has always been service to God. God can go outside humanity to deliver and bring something to our lives to enable us serve Him. Anytime you serve God, Satan will rise up to tempt you but you must overcome him with God’s word just like Jesus did in Matthew 4:10. After Jesus served God on earth, God made him a generational blessing (Matthew 28:18, Philippians 2:5-10). The devil is a cheat, don’t listen to him. Being a BLESSING IS SUPERIOR TO BEING BLESSED. John 12:26

Serving God is God’s pathway to the transformation of nations. Example Greece and France are crashing now because they felt they could do without God but any nation going against God will never prosper. Isaiah 60:12. God sees Nigeria as a missionary and as such the churches in Nigeria must rise up and focus on ministry. 1 Chronicles 28:9

Three areas of empowerment

  1. Spiritual empowerment: this will come in three forms – Holy Ghost power, Holy Ghost baptism and words backed with power (Ecclesiastics 8:4). It also includes your hearing from God, quick answers to prayers and freedom from sickness and affliction. This year, God will deal with Nigerian politicians the way He dealt with Nebuchadnezzar until they bow to Him. Nobody can do without spiritual power and God is the ultimate source of spiritual power. Psalms 63:1-2, Acts 6:8. Make sure you pray for any sick person on your way this year, they shall receive their healing.
  2. Mental empowerment: this means to be incredibly wise and intellectually brilliant. It means to have a brilliant and sound mind and to experience spiritual common sense. It is the Joseph-order of national problem solving and the Job 32:8 manifestation. You determine your price when you are so good. Once you develop your mind, substandard living is over for you. Go for excellence in all your endeavors. Daniel 5:11-29, 1 Corinthians 2:16
  3. Financial empowerment: when your mind works, your finances will work. Ministry without finance could be very frustrating. Money makes ministry move faster. The difference between a matured single man and a married man is money. You need money for ministry this year hence you must ask God for a release of your finances. Romans 4:17, Ecclesiastics 9:5

Prayer line: O Lord, empower me spiritually, mentally and financially for effective ministry this year in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: The Faith That Overcomes Successfully (2)

Weekly Messages: The Faith That Overcomes Successfully (2)

The faith that overcomes successfully is the faith that thrives on love for God. This faith is the faith the bible describes in 1 Corinthians 2:9, it is called the eyes-has-not-seen faith. Until your faith is based on love for God and humanity, it will not produce. Before you ask God for anything, be sure that you must connect it to God’s business and care for people and be sure He will answer you. Be it marriage, business, academics etc. once you center it on God’s love, it will work.

Love for God means laying down your life for God. John 10:17, 15:13. Your love for God is your access to heaven’s blessings. Wherever you find faith in the bible, you find love. Love plus faith multiplies God’s grace upon your life. Your faith will only produce when your love for God is in place.

When you love God, He will make the small thing in your hand to work. When your love for god increases, your faith will produce.

The faith that overcomes successfully is the faith that takes prompt action over what is spoken. Remember blind Bartimeaus, when he heard that Jesus was passing by Jericho, he screamed till Jesus called him, he took action and received his deliverance. You must take quick action over every God’s word spoken over your life. Faith without work is dead – that is the scripture. Your faith confessions are mere public speaking until you take action. Every little action counts.


Further Scriptures: Exodus 4:2-5, Genesis 22:2, Luke 5:18, James 2:14-24, 1 Corinthians 16:22, John 15:13, Mark 2:2, Hebrews 11:24-25, 1 Timothy 1:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, Titus 2:2, Galatians 5:6, 1 Corinthians 2:9


Prayer line: Father increase my love for you so that my faith will produce in Jesus name. Grant me the grace to take prompt action once every word of God is spoken to me in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: The Faith That Overcomes Succesfully

Weekly Messages: The Faith That Overcomes Succesfully

The faith that overcomes successfully is the never-wavering faith. This is the faith that does not doubt God’s word and His promises. This faith takes God’s word for what it says and it works exactly the same. James 1:5-7


The faith that overcomes successfully is the nevertheless faith. This is the faith that works irrespective of the circumstances.


What does the nevertheless-faith do?

  1. It provokes God to avenge you. Luke 18:7-8
  2. God will do that hard thing that is your desire. 2 kings 2:10
  3. It opens your destiny to lime-light. 1 kings 15:4
  4. It compels consistency in prayers, opposition notwithstanding. Nehemiah 4:8-9


Further scriptures: Romans 1:17, Hebrews 10:38, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Luke 5:5


Prayer line: lord by your word, in the remaining 7 days of this year cause my life to shine in the name of Jesus. Amen!