Weekly Messages: Understanding Our Covenant of Success

Weekly Messages: Understanding Our Covenant of Success

Salvation is what you have to access success. In salvation, every failure is terminated salvation in Christ Jesus is what makes you a success.Salvation is not a subtraction  or the reason for your failure it is God’s provision for your success. It is a big lie to use salvation as an excuse for failure in any area of your life.

Revelations 5:9-12

 And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
 And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.”

Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, 12 saying with a loud voice:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

It is either you succeed by God’s way or by Satan’s way. Some rich people have served their time as mad people in order to be rich years and that’s Satan’s way. You have a better heritage in Christ, everything written in Revelations 5:12 is what Jesus has secured for us by his blood. It is yours and you must claim them with your words!

Every success must be for God’s glory. If you don’t want God to take glory then don’t desire success. This success that you desire starts with:

  • No failure mentality
  • A consciousness that you are born to win

The success God desires for us is an all-round success. People must see your success and glorify God because of you, it is not a hidden agenda; that’s why you have the best results in your academics, family life and ministry Matthew 5:16, James 1:17

Don’t have a mentality of failure if you must succeed; don’t have a wrong mentality about yourself, don’t have a wrong mentality about yourself, don’t fill your thoughts with thoughts of failure, never position your mind for ‘E’ before you write an exam.

When you embrace this success mentality, it affects your dressing- you dress smart. You become a light (attraction) in every area. In fact, it is your success that draws unbelievers to follow you to God.

Jesus was glorified and He wants us to enjoy in His glory. Anytime God gives us success for His glory John 17:1-13.

Scriptural Proofs that God Wants You To Succeed

  • God’s thoughts for you are thoughts of success Jeremiah 1:5; 29:11
  • Everything works out for good for those hat love God Psalms 35:27

The secret of your success this month is to keep declaring God’s word on success. Never keep quite about your success. Any area of life, attacked by failure, react and aggressively go for success (health, marriage and career)

  • God has designed us for exploits Daniel 11:32


Important Quotes:

  • If I speak to myself more than the devil speaks to me, nothing shall stop me.
  • Salvation is the foundation for my all round success

Prayer Line: Father, I call forth my success and I command my light to break-forth in every area in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Covenant Provisions for Securing God’s Voice for My Generational Blessings

Weekly Messages: Covenant Provisions for Securing God’s Voice for My Generational Blessings

Every miracle is tied to hearing God’s voice and obeying God’s instructions promptly, God has given you dominion over life situation but it is your obedience to God that gives you access to your dominion. It is when you hear God that you will know what to do.

Sometimes you can fast and pray until you hear God because, when you fast your flesh is weak and spirit is strengthened. God speaks to you through audible voice, His word and His prophets (2 chronicles 20:20). Your destiny is fast as your obedience to your prophet. Your obedience to your prophet delivers you from unnecessary prayers and fasting Acts 10, 2kings 4:1.

Once you submit to your prophet doors will open for you based on your obedience to your prophet. Irrespective of age differences, your prophet remains your prophet Hebrews 7:2. Submitting to your prophet delivers you from affliction 2 Kings 7:1 Deuteronomy 21:5.

Never go ahead with a decision without the seal of your prophet, because that is where your breakthrough lie!

Prayer Line: Lord from today I make a commitment to submit to my prophet for my advancement, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven

You only excavate what is hidden and it is only a treasure that you will go through the rigorous  process of excavation to collect. Just like we have physical treasures, we have spiritual treasures that are incorruptible

Study Scripture: Matthew 6:19-20

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:


Excavation means the use of very sophisticated machines to dig out. It takes a long time just like when a borehole is being sunk or the procedure that goes on in the quarry. Excavation is not a small job. The rigorous process of excavation for a particular treasure determines its worth.

One of the characteristics of the heroes of faith is that they pursue an incorruptible treasure and this made the whole world rally around them. You must pursue the same.

The first incorruptible treasure we must pursue is the TREASURE OF INTIMACY WITH GOD. The treasure of intimacy with God is of highest value. Beyond what you want to do for God, God wants to be with you. In fact, your effectiveness in doing things for God depends on the extent you have been with Him.

What is Intimacy with God?

  1. It is an uninterrupted connection with the demands of heaven
  2. It is pursuing to become a spiritual house
  3. It is securing a permanent and unbroken walk with God

All the heroes of faith were men who walked with God. You must desire earnestly to remain in the beautiful presence of God. Genesis 5:21-24

Enoch walked with God for 30years; you don’t have any reason not to serve God staeadily, you don’t have any excuse to backslide at any point in your Christian walk with God. It is possible to be intimate with God in the midst of corruption, Enoch did it and so can you! With family, marriage, academics, business, career, life goals, whatever be the case, prosperity or delay; WALK STEADILY WITH GOD Psalms 27:4

It is not goose pimples or lifting of hands and crying but the permanent residence of God’s presence in your life. Intimacy with God is having a relationship with God in the manner you can approach your roommate. Exodus 33:11, Joshua 1:1

Prayer Line: Lord speak to me, give me the grace to dwell in your presence like Moses, David and Joshua did in Jesus name. Amen!


Night of Change and Power Message

Night of Change and Power Message

The Change in your life is a function of your decision. When you decide you need a change, you go for it, you cry out to God for change and obey His leadings for the change you need.

Study Scripture: Job 14:14

If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.

Newton’s first law of motion states that “a body will remain static until an external force acts on it.” In the same way, until an external force acts on your life, you will not receive the financial, spiritual, career and marital change you need and the force that can cause this change is the power of God.

The bitter truth is that you are due for change. You must be abreast with this fact, that this is your time for change. Say to yourself repeatedly “I’M DUE FOR A CHANGE” it is time for you to change your maturity, perception, mindset e.t.c to get to the height you need. You must become uncomfortable with delay and launch in for God’s power to hit your life so that you’ll become the key player and not the story teller.

The change that you need starts with a God-inspired dream. If there is no dream, you will end up as a drum and your life ends in doom. It is your dream that makes you restless and keeps your mind working until you receive your change. Until you have a dream you will not have a pursuit. Do you have a dream Genesis 11:6

The next step to take after you have received a dream and how to fulfill the dream is to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Challenge your mindset, move away from loop-sided thinking Genesis 12:1-4; in this scripture God was asking Abraham to leave his household and their way of thinking and he obeyed, but it was not until Abraham separated from Lot in Genesis 13:14 that his eyes opened to God’s huge plan for him. You must change your thinking.

The future belongs to those who believe what they dream. Until you believe, there will be no performance. You must see the vision of your future, write it down and pursue it. Luke 1:45, Jeremiah 1:11-12

When you have seen your future, then you must get direction. God does not guide those who want to run their own life. God will guide your steps if you will let Him. God speaks to those who take time to listen and He listens to those who take time to pray Isaiah 40:21

Pursue your dream now! All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. Get the right image! What matters most is how you see yourself. View yourself the way God views you. Jeremiah 29:11

Think big from today and daily arise and speak into your spirit man what God has described for you!

Prayer Line: O Lord, open my eyes to see my future, give me the faith to believe and the strength to pursue my dream in Jesus name. Amen!