Weekly Messages: The Forces for Generating Strength and Motivation for My Success Destiny

Weekly Messages: The Forces for Generating Strength and Motivation for My Success Destiny

As a child of God, you are destined to succeed and it is an error for you to fail. Failure is as sinful as sexual immorality that is why apart from understanding that you are destined for success, there are certain forces that you must put in place in order to secure your success destiny.

These forces are:
1. Faith
2. Aggressive prayer

With faith, you understand what God’s promises are, and believe them for your life; with aggressive prayer you enforce the fulfillment of God’s word for your life.

It is wrong for you to remain quiet over any area in your life where you are experiencing failure. Rise up in the place of prayer and enforce success.

Study Scriptures: 1 Peter 2:9, Isaiah 62:6-7, 2 Corinthians 4:8, 1 john 5:4, Isaiah 55:11, Job 14:14, 22:29

Prayer Line: O Lord, I break away every limitation to my destiny in the name of Jesus. Amen

Weekly Messages: Prayer Enforcement for Wisdom and Mental Empowerment

Weekly Messages: Prayer Enforcement for Wisdom and Mental Empowerment

The level of success you will attain in life will determine the level of wisdom and mental empowerment that you posses. Until you visualize where you are going, you will not get there.   Prayer and wisdom are two pivotal pillars for the excellence you desire but until you see it you cannot pray it out.

What Happens In The Place Of Prayer?

  1. You access wisdom the product of mental power. It is in the place of prayer that wisdom is birthed. James 1:5
  2. It increases your reasoning with God status Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 55:10-11, 1:18.
  3. You receive impartation of the spirit of understanding. Daniel 2:23
  4. You receive impartation of the spirit of insight into secrets

Further scriptures: Colossians 2:3, Luk24:30-31, Colossians 1:19

Prayer line: Father I receive a fresh impartation of the spirit of wisdom in Jesus name Amen

Weekly Messages: Understanding My Success Destiny (2)

Weekly Messages: Understanding My Success Destiny (2)

Many people who were famous today were not born in rich homes but because they did not allow their background to keep their backs in the ground and hence they rise to the top. You too can succeed because success is your inheritance.

What Is Success

  1. It is the progressive realization of worthwhile vision or goal to bless humanity and give glory to God.
  2. The blessing of God .Gen 26>12
  3. The increase of God. 1 Cor3>6
  4. Divine enthronement 1 Sam 2>8

Pillars of Success

  1. Until you are saved , you cannot succeed God’s way.Eph1>3, Rev4:11; 5:12
  2. No failure mentality
  3. The right and never give up mentality. The devil bows at the slightest threat Luke. 15>8
  4. A desire to glorify God with my success.
  5. A strong resistance to the opposition of Satan.
  6. Success attracts enemies and that is why you must resist every attack of the devil against your success. Psalms 23:5, 1Peter 5:8-9, Hebrew 11:35, Isaiah 54:17, 8:10.

Prayer Line: O lord I crush every opposition to my success and I press into my success for your glory in the name of Jesus.

Weekly messages: The Treasure of Panting for Divine Presence

Weekly messages: The Treasure of Panting for Divine Presence

Are you c confused about life-.Are you full of mistakes and errors .Do you always miss out in the right things to do or favors, then you lack divine presence? Divine presence means to be a mobile carrier of God, hearing God consistently, you cannot have access to divine presence until you hunger and pant for it. 2 Corinthians 13:14

What Does It Means To Pant For Divine Presence

  1. It is an unwavering pursuit for the fellowship of the Holy Ghost.
  2. A tireless hunger for the companionship of the Holy Spirit.
  3. To be continuously desirous of divine help Psalms 123:2
  4. A desire to carry divinity into your daily affairs.

Everybody is attracted to the person of divine presence. John was in the bush yet multitude followed him there because of God’s presence he commanded. Everything you need foe life, you will find in God’s presence. Start not to pant for divine presence and watch your destiny take a quantum leap.

Prayer Line: O lord grant me the grace to watch and wait on your presence in the name of Jesus Amen.