Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind

The success and prosperity you desire in your life begins from your mind. Your mind is the root of your products and your products determine your prosperity. Te tree basic recommendations of Jesus for the believer are passion, prayer and intelligence (Matthew 22:37 – MSG). Don’t focus on prayer and passion and forget about intelligence. It is an error if you are a believer and your unbelieving colleague is beating you in your business.

In the past, the gap between our level of thinking and that of God is equal to the distance between heaven and earth but now the bible assures us that we have the mind of Christ and admonishes of to think like Christ. (Isaiah 55:9, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5).

At salvation, we receive a possibility mind, an inspirational mind, a creative mind, a solution driven mind, a willing mind and a sound mind. (Job 32:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 1:19)

For your mind to produce and be delivered from every dullness, it needs empowerment by Gods word. An empowered mind is a producer of an enviable product, the only thing that the world respects is, bypasses age and academics, turns your academics into a treasure. Your mind is empowered by what you say and the things you do.  An empowered mind manifests with intelligence, excellence and deep insight. It is an enviable product. Toady your mind is empowered by Gods word in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer Line: O Lord I crush every dullness of mind and I activate my mind to begin to produce results in Jesus name. AMEN

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven (3)

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven (3)

A pure heart is a heart devoid of all kinds of wickedness and evil. The value God places on a pure heart is a very high price. All through the bible, we find that God respected those with a pure heart and rejected those with a contrary heart. The offerings we give God and our daily kingdom activities don’t matter to God as much as our heart does. Many good works has been condemned because they were produced from an impure heart. It is because of these heavenly incorruptible treasures of pure heart that you find David all through psalms asking the lord for his mercy, purging and justification

A pure heart is a consistent purging of God. A pure heart produces a predictable and transparent lifestyle. There is no good thing that will come out of a double minded man or a deceitful heart, instead it is destruction and lack of trust that such an individual will reap. It is very paramount in your daily walk with God that you ask God for a consistent purging of your heart.

Without a pure heart, you cannot approach Gods presence and there are lots to enjoy in God’s presence. It is a pure heart that helps you fear and reverence God and without it you cannot serve God. Until you serve God, you will not enjoy the goodness of the lord. Consistent study of God’s word is your access to a pure heart.


Study Scriptures: Jeremiah 17:9, proverbs 4:23, psalms 51:12

Prayer Line: Lord purge my heart of every filthiness and prepare my heart a dwelling place for you in Jesus name, Amen. Lord let my heart be the temple of your spirit. Let my spirit feel the warmth of your embrace. Let me be a holy habitation where your spirit is pleased to dwell.

Oh Lord I long to know your glory, I want to offer a sacrifice of praise. Fill this temple Lord with your spirit once again.

Weekly Messages: Provoking Grace and Favor for Success

Weekly Messages: Provoking Grace and Favor for Success

Success is a journey not an event, everybody is not in the same level of success; everybody succeeds based on his own capacity.

Zerubabbel was to build a house for God during hard times in the economy and he was worried on  how to go about it but God consoled him with Grace. Zechariah 4:5-7

Are you tempted to sort your lecturer because of course you are not sure of? Or are you tempted to cheat in your business or give up on your career? What you need is Grace!

If you lack grace in your life, you will keep struggling; you’ll work like an elephant and feed like an ant. Grace is what colors your effort and covers your errors.

Types of Grace

  1. General grace: this grace is available to every one for natural provisions like breathing. Matthew 5:45
  2. Salvation Grace: this is the grace that finds you and brings you out of sin. It does not care about whom you are but wants you of condemnation. Titus 3:4-6
  3. Supernatural Grace: this is the grace that causes you to succeed and you are the one to search for it. Hebrews 4:16

It is divine help and divine speed from, God.

How to access supernatural grace

  1. Deep character pursuit: Hebrews 1:9 Sin turns grass to grace. You cannot enjoy this grace if you are living in sin. The three Hebrew boys and Daniel are vivid epitomes who accessed grace through character. They were exploits of grace on the foundation of their vow to holiness.
  2. Addiction to God’s word and sticking to your area of calling: worded men are graced men. Worded men don’t lack grace because the indwelling of the word of God in them is the provoker of grace. The more you study God’s word, the more grace rubs off on you. Just as the lion cannot win the race on water or by flight but by land, neither can the fish win the race by land or by flight but by water nor the eagle win the race by water or land but by flight, in the same way you cannot succeed when you are not in the area of your calling. You are sharpest in your gifting and smartest in your calling. Galatians 2:9
  3. A heart for God and God’s work in church: psalms 84:1. Just as blood speaks, seed also speaks. You must serve God with your time energy and money. Don’t hold back your tithe or your seed or offering or else struggle will be the order of the day for you. When Gods servants make declaration upon your life, your seed is what speaks for you and provokes your results. Elijah emptied the last container of water and provoked rain, Bill Gates sowed his first profit and today he is one of the richest men in the world.
Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven (2)

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven (2)

It does not take one hour to excavate treasures of high value including oil and diamond but so much energy and time. Similarly, the incorruptible treasures of heaven require that you press in very strongly to access them. Apart from intimacy with God, another incorruptible treasure of heaven is the pursuit of a clean heart. 1Timothy 1:5
God does not recognize a crying eyes but a crying heart, the center of your destiny is the heart of your destiny. Your face before God is your heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Every moment of your life you ought to ask God to purge your heart because a pure heart is what you need in your work with God. For you to be constantly fresh with God, you need to have a clean heart.

What Does It Mean to Have A Clean Heart?
• A broken heart: Your ability to repent depends on the state of your heart. David did not commit a less sin than Saul but because David was broken, he fulfilled destiny but on the other hand Saul was not broken and he did not fulfill destiny.
A man that is broken will always receive mercy from God.
Study Scripture: Psalm 51
Prayer Line: O lord, break me the more! Deliver me from pride and arrogance, purify, purge and cleanse my heart in the name of Jesus, Amen!