Weekly Messages: Benefits of the Death of Christ on The Cross (2)

Weekly Messages: Benefits of the Death of Christ on The Cross (2)

Study Scripture: Genesis 3:14-19

And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.  

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.  

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;  

Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.  


If you wish to discover the problem of man, you go back to the Garden of Eden but if you want to find the solution to these problems, you go to the cross. The serpent in the above scripture represent Satan or his works. From the moment Adam fell, he came the food of Satan (God cursed the serpent to eat dust and God cursed the man and called him dust). You must understand that sin reduces you to dust and hence an easy prey to the devil. At this point, man became at the mercy of Satan. Satan turned everything God created for man to help him in his dominion mandate against man and man has been struggling ever since.

The Old Testament is a shadow of things to come. The brass serpent in the book of Numbers chapter 21 represented what was killing the Israelites at the time and as long as the afflicted persons looked up to it, they were set free. Similarly, Jesus was battered mercilessly in order for Him to represent what man was suffering. He became sin and took up the punishment for your sin. The cross is very authentic and remains the solution to all your life’s problems.

The crown of thorns on the Head of Jesus at crucifixion represents the thorns and thistles God cursed man to have as his produce from the earth. It is the solution to your financial struggles. From Hebrews 2:14, you find the solution to sickness, premature death and every affliction in your health. Understand fully that Jesus has [paid the price for all your sufferings. If Satan had known that Jesus’s death will grant you so much victory, he wouldn’t have let Jesus die but glory be to God Almighty that by the power of the cross, you have victory in n every area of life.

Further Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:8, Colossians 1:13, 1 John 3:8

Prayer line: O Lord, I thank you for the death of Jesus on the cross and my victory over Satan. Today, I enforce my victory in every area of my life and I take back all that the devil has stolen from me in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Spiritual song:

By your blood you, crushed principalities

Jesus Jesus

By your name, established authority


Jesus the righteous

Chorus: Jesus Jesus Jesus

You have conquered all

Jesus Jesus Jesus

You reign over all

Weekly Messages: Benefits of The Death of Christ on The Cross

Weekly Messages: Benefits of The Death of Christ on The Cross

The death of Jesus on the cross made a lot of privileges available to every human on earth in fact, His death give us access to our original inheritance and possessions from when the world first began. It is his death that gives us access to what Adam lost as a result of disobedience. The benefits of Christ’s death include:

  1. Healing and freedom from sickness. Jesus was bitten and battered so that we can be free from every affliction in our health. As a child of God, you are not permitted to be sick anymore once you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. 1 Peter 2:24
  2. Wealth and financial prosperity. Jesus left His riches and wealth in His kingdom and became poor on earth so that by His poverty you too can be rich. Quit struggling and suffering in lack and want and key into God’s financial provision for you today by the cross. Isaiah 60:1
  3. Deliverance from every affliction. If the enemy is oppressing you in any area of your life it is because you are ignorant of your victory over Satan by the cross. Rise up today and enforce your deliverance from every affliction from hell. Colossians 1:13

Your miracle has been ensured but you must catch it but there are certain contenders of this miracle which you have received. These contenders are ruthless, loaded, sophisticated, networked, persistent, poisonous, and deadly and will stop at nothing until they have destroyed you. That is why you must rise up in the place of prayer and consistently enforce your victory in the name of Jesus!

Further Scriptures: James 5:17, Psalms 76:20, 1 Corinthians 16:9, Colossians 2:15

Prayer line: O Lord, I enforce my victory in my health, finances, career and family in the name of Jesus Christ and I command every satanic oppressor of my life to get lost in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Excavating the incorruptible treasure of heaven –a meek spirit

Weekly Messages: Excavating the incorruptible treasure of heaven –a meek spirit

When you think about humility, it looks like what’s the deal with humility that God is always talking about it? The truth is that the bible cannot lie and the bible tells us in the book of James 4:6 that God resist the proud and give grace to the humble. A proud man reminds God of Satan because pride was Satan’s offence and till today he has not repented.

Meekness means respect for others a genuine respect that comes from the heart.

Meekness means respect for your assignment, you’ll always go back to him for guidance and it takes humility to do that. God is meek and that is why he is asking us to be meek, God in Christ is the greatest example of meekness Philippians 2:5-8

Meekness seeks no reputation, it does not seek recognition. When you blame god for your faults and exempt yourself, it is pride. When you cannot associate with the low class, you are proud. God has every reason to be proud but he still focuses on meekness Psalms 8:4. God hates everything that looks like pride Proverbs 6:16. In fact, humility is the weakness of god. When you are meek, you can get anything from god.


Benefits of a meek spirit

  1. Meekness is your easy access to answered prayers (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  2. Meekness releases insight and direction to you (Psalms 25:9)
  3. Meekness releases grace upon your life (James 4:6)
  4. Meekness shortens your destiny journey. It is better for you to humble yourself before god before he uses circumstances to humble you. You are not at your peak, not because it’s not your season but god is waiting for you to be humble before he will lift you. (Deuteronomy 8:2, 16)
  5. Meekness attracts god’s mercy (1st Kings 21:29)

2nd Kings 22:19-20, Isaiah 38:1-5

Further scriptures: Psalms 45:4, 1st peter 3:15

Prayer line: oh Lord, change my heart, i open my spirit to you today, release upon me the spirit of meekness in Jesus name.


Weekly Messages: Enforcing The Role of God’s Word In The Empowerment of Your Mind (5)

Weekly Messages: Enforcing The Role of God’s Word In The Empowerment of Your Mind (5)

God’s word is His messenger and it prospers wherever He sends it so you need to have the consciousness of prosperity in all your endeavors. For your glorious future, God is set to empower you spiritually, mentally and financially and but it will interest you to know that amongst these three, the role of mental empowerment cannot overemphasized.

No matter how anointed you are, God will not step down from your mind resting place to teach you life’s basics. It is your responsibility to empower your mind for productivity; you don’t get this one by revelation but by information.

You must be willing to stretch your mind to solve problems. What your mind cannot manufacture, you cannot manage. This means that your certificate which you acquired in school will need you to provoke spiritual intelligence – mental empowerment when critical issues arise.

At salvation, your mind was regenerated and not removed. God gave you access to the mind of  Christ hence it is  no more time to handover issues to God and relax your  mind and then watch things spoil. Even God engaged His mind to make creation work (Hebrews 11:3, Jeremiah 29:11). E. W. Kenyon said: “make your brain work, it will sweat but it will develop to make you a wonder to those around you”.

Two major forces that provoke your mind for mental productivity are:

  1. God’s word: God’s word is a mind booster so eating the word is taking in divine mental supplements for mental success (Romans 12:2). Your mind is what provokes the will of God for your life and that is why you must renew your mind with God’s word. Nothing empowers your mind like God’s word (Joshua 1:8, Psalms 82:6, 119:97-98, 1:2, Daniel 1:17, 1 Corinthians 2:16).

Through God’s word, you develop your mind to manage your family and then the enemy cannot afflict your family. Your access to receiving God’s word to work in your mind is MEDITATION. Do you need academic/ career/ family/ marital/ financial/ business success? Then stay on God’s word (Proverbs 22:29, Psalms 119:99). The seed you sow notwithstanding, if you refuse to invest on your in the area of your need, you will remain stagnated.

  1. Prayer Power: praying according to what is written is what grants you quick answers and solutions. When you are seeking answers to an issue in life, you concentrate on it and pray and when you pray, you should have a pen and paper to write what God tells you to do. If you pray in tongues, you will not have a rough life in fact, praying in the Holy Ghost is the easiest way to send your angels on errand and charge your mind (1 Corinthians 14:4, Job 32:8).