Weekly Messages: The Anointing For Speed

Weekly Messages: The Anointing For Speed

There is always joy when you make great achievements at an early age. It is not so wonderful if you have to wait so long to receive a particular blessing and that is why God is releasing upon you the anointing for speed in the name of Jesus ( Psalms 90:12, 14)

Characteristics of Speed

  1. It breaks the age protocols
  2. It breaks biological, circumstantial and lawful limitations (Judges 11:1, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10)
  3. It breaks existing standards and records.

Why wait till 40 while you can marry at 25? Why spend 8years to get a degree while you can get in less than 4years? It does not matter the situation surrounding your stagnation, as you tap into the anointing for speed today, you’re liberated in the name of Jesus.

Products of the Anointing for Speed

  1. It is the power and enablement to stand out of the crowd. The crowd is limited in their thinking and the crowd will make you a local celebrity, but when you receive the anointing for speed, everybody lines up behind you Isaiah 52:11.
  2. It calls forth your future into the present.
  3. It gives you speed to recover lost grounds. It releases upon you the strength to work hard and get sold out to your work
  4. It is the take-over and over-taking anointing. This anointing gives you what it takes to mold your character, respect your elders and work hard in your business so that you’ll be accepted by kings.

Prayer Line: O lord speed up my destiny in the name of Jesus; open my eyes to see the opportunities you have provided for me and take them up in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Study Scripture: Jeremiah 1:11-12

Note: Until you see it, God will not hasten it!

Weekly Messages: Faith for Spiritual Sustainability (4)

Weekly Messages: Faith for Spiritual Sustainability (4)

You only have need for sustainability when  you already have a laid foundation. You’ve begun your Christian journey and it will be an error for you not to finish well. To sustain your Christian walk, keep making progress and finish well, you need the faith for spirituality.

The most important reason for which you must ask God for faith for spirituality is for the days ahead include:

  1. They are strength reducing days; they are days when men develop allergies of God 2Timothy 3:1-4 (MSG).
  2. They are days of spiritual cancer and carnality. These are days when men and women are carried away with fashion, pride, sex, nudity, money and material possessions. James 5:3 (MSG)
  3. They are seductive days. They are days of demonic illusion; when there will be so many lies that take away the focus of men from God 1Timothy 4:1-3(MSG)

The truth is that we are already in these days. The life that will drive the faith for spirituality to overcome in these days is a life that is imprisoned by Christ. Apostle Paul finished well because he was locked up in the prison of Christ without bail. God is looking for prisoners who will be sold out to His kingdom. If you are not a prisoner for Christ, you will not be able to sustain your faith in the midst of tribulation (Ephesians 3:1,4, 4:1, Philemon 1:1,9, 2Timothy 1:8)

Prayer line: O lord today I receive the grace to be a prisoner for Christ without bail for life in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Mysterious Force of Raw Bible Faith (4) (The Faith That Works)

Weekly Messages: Mysterious Force of Raw Bible Faith (4) (The Faith That Works)

The faith that works is a responsible faith. It commits God to work on your behalf but it does not make you irresponsible. If you are not spiritually sensitive, you might mistake stagnation for waiting on God. Raw faith acts on God’s word so when God speaks to you concerning a matter; you jack up your faith and take action immediately. It speaks boldly (Genesis 1:2-3) and you confront every ill situation in your life with bible-based words. With this faith, you end famine. Any devil that succeeds in shutting your mouth will succeed in shutting down your faith. To make faith work, you must ignore your feelings. If you want to reason it, it will not work. Mix faith with senses and it will not work (Hebrews 4:2)

Raw Faith cannot be contained. Raw faith dares the impossible. Raw faith is a scriptural voice and mouth that cannot be controlled by mockers, gainsayers and doubters. It is a rugged never-give-up faith (Hebrews 4:2, 11:6). Raw faith is simply knowing the will of God and going all the way to actualize it. Faith comes by hearing, it works by acting, and it produces results by acting.


  1. It gives you a firm standard for righteousness even when nobody is there (Acts 4:18, Daniel 3:16-17).
  2. It gives you supernatural financial prosperity (Isaiah 60:10-11)
  3. It guarantees your deliverance from satanic bondages and yokes (Ephesians 6:16)
  4. It commands surprises (2 Kings 7:5)
  5. It makes God identify with you
  6. It commands your profits

Prayer line: Father I receive the faith for spiritual sustainability in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Faith For Spiritual Sustainability (3)

Weekly Messages: Faith For Spiritual Sustainability (3)

The reason most believers don’t finish well is because they don’t pay attention to the faith for spiritual sustainability. The Holy Spirit wants to birth this faith in our hearts because our spirituality is the base of our Christianity. God pays attention to our spiritual sustainability, and that is why church service is not to receive material blessings alone, though they are good but to stir up the faith that will sustain us till eternity. This is the faith that keeps us going in the midst of hot tribulation (Revelation 12:12, Matthew 24:12). This faith unlike the faith for exploit and faith for subduing kingdom is the faith that determines our eternal destination. God want us to be like Jesus; this is the essence of Christianity. It is God’s major dream for your life, if you backslide then you have lost touch of this goal (Romans 8:20). It is this faith that helps you remain conformed to Jesus. It is this same faith that gave the heroes of faith a hope for a better resurrection (Hebrew 12:12, Romans 8:16, Daniel 11:32, Hebrew 11:35-37).


Strong and consistent intimacy with the person of the Holy Spirit. It is this relationship that helped Jesus in his work on earth. Intimacy simply means into-me-see. It means seeking God to understand what He wants you to do. It is the most important relationship in your Christian faith. The right attitude is not to visit God’s presence but to tabernacle there. You cannot succeed in your Christian without the help of the Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6)

Prayer line: O lord, I desire to be in an intimate relationship with you, give me the grace to continue to tabernacle in your presence in Jesus name. Amen!


Spiritual Song: