Weekly Messages: Understanding The Demand Of Hardness In Becoming A True Soldier

Weekly Messages: Understanding The Demand Of Hardness In Becoming A True Soldier

Study Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1-3

We used to be scared of soldiers but not anymore because soldiers have compromised, they now take bribes so not every offence will be effectively punished. Similarly, every believer is a true soldier of Christ and hence, must not compromise in order to meet up to God’s standards. You become what you eat, i.e. what you hear and what you see hence you must constantly feed on God’s word.

There are three major things that have brought the church to the place of compromise and they are: the spirit of religion, covetousness and immorality. These are all distractions the devil has released upon the church and because the church fell for it, Islam is gradually manipulating Christians to leave the faith.

The means by which we remain true soldiers to the end is by enduring hardness. We are called into an endurance battle. In order to endure hardness you must pay attention to the following:

(a) Fighting the good fight (2 Timothy 4:7)

(b) Finishing well

(c) Keeping the faith

You need to endure hardness against the pride of life, lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh.

A soldier doesn’t have a will of his own. He is bent on carrying out the orders of his master.

So long as you are in the kingdom, endurance is inevitable (2 Corinthians 6:4-5). What will validate your work as a true soldier is hard times. If you don’t train hard, you cannot perform well in the field. You can’t make full proof of your ministry until there’s endurance.


Why do you need to endure?

  1. Our Commanding Officer – Jesus endured (Hebrews 12:2-3).
  2. My generation depends on it (Matthew 12:46-50)

Prayer line: Oh Lord, grant me the grace to endure hardness in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Weekly Messages: Dealing With The Enemies Of Unimaginable Progress

Weekly Messages: Dealing With The Enemies Of Unimaginable Progress

There are laws pertaining to progress and it is God’s will for us to make progress on every side (Proverbs 4:18). When you disobey the laws of progress, you will delay your progress. The bible is full of prophecies and principles and only when you apply them will you make progress.

There are two major enemies of progress and they are:

  1. The spirit of gross foolishness. A fool does not listen to anybody (Proverbs 24:7, 26:11, 11:29, 10:8, 15:5, Ecclesiastics 10:2)

Manifestations of foolishness:

  1. living a life independent of God. Psalms 14:1, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 25, 2:14
  2. hearing without taking action
  3. a life of ingratitude
  4. spending without thinking (Proverbs 21:20)
  5. repeating mistakes (Proverbs 26:11)
  6. a life of laziness and you idleness ( Proverbs 6:10-11, Ecclesiastics 9:10)
  7. High level disobedience: to instructions from God and your spiritual leader

Manifestations of disobedience: stubbornness and unteachable spirit (1 Samuel 12:15, 15:23, Job 36:11, Isaiah 1:18-19, 2 Corinthians 10:6)

How to deal with these enemies?

  1. Take counsel/ advice (Proverbs 20:5, 24:6, 15:22)
  2. Go for knowledge (Psalms 19:2, Daniel 11:32, Proverbs 24:3-4)
  3. Keep pressing on

How to press on?

  1. Be progress conscious
  2. React against stagnation
  3. Refuse to remain at a spot
  4. Keep moving at all cost
  5. Take forward steps
  6. Secure your future in the place of prayers

Note that there is a level of progress you will only access when you meet the right men.

Prayer line: O Lord, order my steps to men that will cause my destiny to advance in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier Part 5

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier Part 5

A true soldier is organized to the teeth. A true soldier is committed to the master’s assignment. A true soldier is immune to the harshness of the world. A true soldier is insulated from the corruption of the world. There is an assignment over your life, until you are sanctified in the camp, you cannot fight at the war front.

Study scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:1-10, 1 John 2:15-16

Spiritual song:

It pays to serve Jesus, I speak from my heart,
he’ll always be with us, if we do our part,
there’s naught in this wide world can pleasure afford;
there’s peace and contentment in serving the lord.

I love him for better than in days of yore,
I’ll serve him more truly than ever before,
I’ll do as he bids me whatever the cost,
I’ll be a good soldier, I’ll die at my post.

And oft when I’m tempted to turn from the track,
I think of my savior, my mind wanders back
to the place where there nailed him on Calvary’s tree.
I heard a voice saying, “I suffered for thee.”

A place I remember where I was set free,
t’was where i found pardon, a heaven for me;
there Jesus spoke sweetly to my soul,
my sins are forgiven, he made my heart whole.

How rich is the blessing the world cannot give,
I’m satisfied fully for Jesus to live;
though friends may forsake me and trial arise,
i am trusting Jesus, his love never dies.

There is no one like Jesus can cheer me today,
his love and his kindness can ne’er fade away;
in winter and summer, in sunshine and rain,
his love and affection are always the same.

Will you have this blessing that Jesus bestows,
a free full salvation from sin’s bitter throes?
O come to the savior, to Calvary flee,
the fountain is opened, is flowing for thee.

Prayer line: O Lord, I entrust myself into your hands and I ask for grace to remain a true soldier to the end in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Tearful Breakthrough 2

Weekly Messages: Tearful Breakthrough 2

What is tearful breakthrough?

  1. The eye-has-not-seen order of miracle
  2. An experience that defiles normal human thinking
  3. An act of god that surpasses everyone’s imagination
  4. Heaven’s intervention when all hope is lost
  5. Blessings that will make you cry


Why do we need tearful breakthrough?

  1. We need tearful breakthrough in order for us to arise and expand God’s kingdom. Note that your breakthrough is proportional to your scope of vision for God’s kingdom (Nehemiah 1:1-4, 2:20).
  2. It is the reward of our stewardship to God. Stewardship is a magnetic force that attracts heaven’s attention to your life. You might not have a seed to sow but at the point of emergency, heaven looks at the record of your stewardship and attends to you (Luke 1:5-11, Hebrews 6:10, Isaiah 41:21).
  3. God wants to show the world that he is faithful.




How do you provoke tearful breakthrough?

Present you case to god in the place of prayer (John2:1-10, 11:25).


Prayer line: Tearful breakthrough locate my life! Locate my family! In the name of Jesus. Amen!