Triggers of Supernatural Success Part 3: Raw Bible Faith

Triggers of Supernatural Success Part 3: Raw Bible Faith

The laws of the spirit are simple but they produce results. The more you obey God’s word the more he unfolds great success secrets to you. These secrets are the high ways of God, heavenly information, revelations from heavenly insights. They are heavenly mysteries for earthly victories and as well secrets for higher results. (Joshua 1:8)


  • It is believing strongly and acting promptly in line with what God says.(luke 5:1-6)
  • It is flying on the prophetic wings of God’s word. (2peter 1:19-21)

QUOTE; “Any time the faith of the believer scratches on the face of God’s word supernatural success is bound to happen”.

Prayer: Oh God, I activate my faith to believe your word for my success

Understanding the Power of Light for Outstanding Manifestations in 2018

Understanding the Power of Light for Outstanding Manifestations in 2018

Until there is a manifestation, there is no influence. Until you arise, you can’t meet your light. You cannot manifest more than the level of light you carry. Every outstanding manifestations answers to light. You must do everything in life with a mindset of light.


  • You will become a sought after person
  • You shall command unusual attraction
  • You shall be a reference point
  • You shall be a source of consolation
  • You shall be a pathfinder



  1. It shatters all forms of darkness on your path the fulfillment of destiny
  2. It is the force behind divine direction (Luke 1:78-79).It is the lord that guides your feet into light.
  3. It destroys sickness and the false interpretation of death (Matthew 4:16)
  4. It turns you into deliverer of people (Matthew 5:14)
  5. It ignites the manifestation of the spirit of faith, leadership and transformation at work in this commission (Faithhouse).without faith, life is frustration. Without faith, life slows down.
  6. It unlocks the provisions of the covenant for outstanding manifestations (Isaiah 49:6)

-The covenant of seed time and harvest (Genesis 8:22).The love of God is what guarantees your light. It is the love of God that makes him answer your prayers faster.

– The covenant of the love of God

– The fatherhood principle.



  • It is God’s wisdom for speed
  • fatherhood brings you to limelight faster
  • it gives you wings for grace to fly and fight faster(2kings 13:14)

Further Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 11:1-2,2 kings 5:13, 2 kings 6:21

Prayer Line: Oh Lord my God cause me to manifest light and to become a person of influence in this year 2018 in the name of Jesus Amen!

Engaging the forces that make me a generational blessing

Engaging the forces that make me a generational blessing

Until you have n encounter you cannot arrive at your destiny. Every encounter comes with instruction, burden, you access faith, you develop strength against opposition, you are impacted withy grace. You have encounters through books, events, by meeting a man. You need the power forces to become a generational blessing. With power you subdue the enemies against your destiny (psalm 66:3). With power you develop the boldness and faith to pursue God’s plan for your life (psalm 110:1-3). It is through power you preserve your inheritance (1 peter 1:5).

The Power Forces

  1. The new birth power connection.

Salvation is not a minus rather it places you above (Ephesians 1:15-19). You have an inheritance when you are saved

  1. The giving power connection. Life does not answer to what you receive but what you give. You can’t surrender your all to God and not have all the power you need. You can never succeed until you are a giver. The covenant of giving is everlasting (Genesis 8:22).
  2. The spiritual impartation power connection. It releases to you the spirit of faith and the spirit of wisdom.

Further scriptures: Ephesians 2:6, 2 Corinthians 2: 4, Deuteronomy 8:18, John 10:34-35

Obedience to God: My Sure Access To Amazing New Heights

Obedience to God: My Sure Access To Amazing New Heights

Three major steps to scaling new heights:

  1. The voice of God
  2. The hearing of God’s voice
  3. The obeying of God’s voice

Obeying the voice of God is wisdom. Your obedience to God is your immunity to the common frustration of your immediate environment. The more your obedience the higher you scale.

Why obey God’s voice?

  1. Struggling continues until you obey God’s voice
  2. Only obedience can access what the voice of God offers. In the voice of God there is breakthrough, prosperity, academic excellence, marital favor,etc
  3. God’s voice does not profit you until your obedience is fulfilled (2Corinthians 10:6)
  4. Your deliverance and prosperity are all tied to God’s voice but delivered to you on the platform of obedience (Job 36:11)

Spiritual channels of god’s voice?

  1. The written word (in the bible)(Joshua 1:8)
  2. Direct instructions from the Holy Spirit
  3. Spiritual fathers and pastors(Jeremiah 3:15, 2 Chronicles 20:20)

Prerequisites of hearing God’s voice:

  1. You must be born again (John 10:27)

Further scriptures: Deuteronomy 28:1, Genesis 26:2-6, 11-13, Hosea 12:13

Prayer point: oh lord give me the grace to obey your voice in Jesus name. Amen