Weekly Message: The Spirit Access To Wisdom And Power

Weekly Message: The Spirit Access To Wisdom And Power

One of the benefits of the cross is the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy n Spirit is the God of the now. The Holy Spirit is then doer of God’s word. The Holy Spirit is the conveyor of God’s voice (Isaiah 30:21). The Holy Spirit is the seal of the believer (Ephesians 1:13). The Holy Spirit is the conveyor of God’s presence ad with God’s presence aiding I us, we will shine forth glory and beauty. Every wisdom we seek is embedded I the Holy Spirit. If you are baptized with the Holy Ghost you are missing out a lot ad you will ever access God’s wisdom.
The Holy Spirit knows all things so when you have Him you have all things. He functions everywhere at the same time. You will never remain a mediocre after you’ve an encounter with the Holy Ghost. (John 3:8, 2 Corinthians 3:8)
The spiritual doors to wisdom and power
1. Blazing purity ad consecration (Proverbs 1:7, Daniel 1:8, 20)
2. Unbroken lifestyle of worship
3. Voracious huger ad study of God’s word
4. Frequently praying in the Holy Ghost (Jude1:20)
Important quotes
 Intellectual power is useless without spiritual power
 Spiritual wisdom is the highest level of wisdom
 Speaking I tongues is spiritually natural ad naturally spiritual
 Physical death egis with metal death ad metal death egis with spiritual death
Further scriptures: 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 Corinthians 2:4, Romans 8:11, Daniel 5:10-14, 6:1-4
Prayer line: O Holy Spirit fill me to the brim. I will never lack wisdom again I Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Message: The Cross As An Access To Wisdom and Power (2)

Weekly Message: The Cross As An Access To Wisdom and Power (2)

The second dimension of the cross is ‘the cross for Jesus Christ’. It is our obligation as believers to identify with the cross of Jesus. It is not enough to be born again but to share the burden of the cross with Jesus. The wisdom and power of God is only accessible through the cross of Jesus Christ. Job 28:28 tells us that God is the only one that knows the way to the location of wisdom and God has shown us this way which is through the cross.

1. Identify with the cross: this means to share the burden of the cross with
Jesus. Sharing the burden with Jesus means that we must be crucified with Jesus. It means that we must die to self. The self (flesh) is a limitation to the working of God in our lives. (1 Corinthians 2:8, Matthew 16:24-25).
The question we must ask ourselves is this: who is taking the glory in everything I do? God or me? we must not let ourselves stand in the of God’s manifestation in our lives. The process in identifying with the cross is the process of brokenness. Until we are broken we cannot access God’s wisdom.
2. Rebirth: after we are broken, we come to the point of rebirth. When we are broken, God renews us and lets His glory shine through us and this glory is God’s wisdom and power. Until we access he cross, the glorious riches attached to the cross will elude us. (Hebrews 12:2, Philippians 2:9-10)
Understand that the cross is our deliverance from every sin and bad habit. The cross grants us access to the crown of wisdom here on earth and eternally. God’s wisdom gives us access to provisions, dominion and eternal peace.

Further Scriptures: Colossians 2:14, 1 Kings 4:20-24

Important quotes:
 Identifying with Jesus gives us a sharper mind than that of Solomon;
 Until self is crushed under the cross, any sin can crush you
 God does not gamble with his anointing and power, he is not ready to raise any Samson in this season who will mess up his anointing.
Prayer line: O God, I lay down my life for you and I crush every self limiting my access to the wisdom behind the cross. I receive the impartation of wisdom and power in Jesus name. Amen!

Wisdom access to an impact-filled life

Wisdom access to an impact-filled life

Wisdom simply means spiritual common sense. It is not everybody that operates with spiritual common sense but it is God’s will for every believer to operate like Him. Throughout the bible it is evident that our God operates in wisdom and power and Genesis 1:26 confirms that He wants us to do the same.


In 1 kings3:7, King Solomon asked God to give him understanding in order for him to know how to go out and come in. Wisdom/ Spiritual common sense means to know ‘how to go out’ and ‘how to come in’. There is a ‘know-how’ to every situation. You don’t just go anywhere at any time. (See Genesis 34:1-27)


Spiritual common sense also means applying god’s principles in the scriptures in our daily lives. God never makes mistakes and if we walk in accordance to God’s will, we will not make mistakes too. There is no life situation that does not have a replica in the scriptures. For every situation, there is need for us to go back to God’s word and receive instructions on how to solve our problems.


It is an offense for a child of God to act stupidly. If you are often cheated, it is a sign of mental dullness. Mental dullness is not God’s will for you. You activate your mind in the place of prayers and refuse to be cheated in your dealings with men. Apply wisdom in everything you do.


Wisdom delivers from wastage of age and time.


Important quotes:


  • Show me a man of undeniable impact and I will show you a man of wisdom
  • Wisdom requires patience. If you try something and it is not working, press forward!



Study Scripture:


Proverbs 23:26

 My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways. (KJV)

Proverbs 23:26

Dear child, I want your full attention; please do what I show you. (MSG)

Prayer line:

This my mind, you must wake up in the name of Jesus! Amen!

Corruption in Nigeria

Corruption in Nigeria


Corruption is an endemic disease that has eaten up every facet of the Nigerian society such as the economic sector, social sector, political sector etc. It has been an issue of great concern for patriotic citizens of the country. As most people have come to the conclusion that corruption cannot be completely eradicated in the country, on the contrary, I believe that together we can stop it. Together, we can eradicate this vice that has eaten deep into the fabrics of this great nation. Faithhouse agents of national transformation believes strongly in a better Nigeria.

Major Causes of Corruption in Nigeria

Bad Leadership: Most leaders in Nigeria believe in personal interest oriented programmes and policies. Leadership here is not limited to political office holders alone. It encompasses every sphere of human existence in the society. As they engage in corrupt practices, the masses follow in their steps.

Other causes of corruption in Nigeria include the following: weak government institutions, lack of openness and transparency, inefficient political processes, poverty, greed and covetousness, unemployment, poor moral standards.

Effects of Corruption in Nigeria

Ø It limits national progress

Ø It destabilizes the economy

Ø It causes strife in government establishments

Ø It mitigates against foreign investments

Ø It destroys a nations reputation on the international scene

Effective Control of Corruption

Every action begins in the mind. The mind is at the root of every form of corruption. Therefore, to effectively challenge or control corruption in our beloved nation, we must first change our mindset. Since the mind is in the realm of the invisible, it is very spiritual. Physical solutions can hardly solve spiritual problems. The most it can do is scratch the surface. We must therefore, first engage spiritual forces to proffer solutions to our corruption problem. By spiritual forces, we mean the Word of God and prayers.

The established government agencies on corruption like NAFDAC, ICPC, EFCC etc. must rise up to the challenge. The rate of corruption is a sign of their ineffectiveness and inadequacies. Therefore, they must be closely monitored. Committees must be set up to check the activities of these agencies. However, it takes spirituality to destroy the spirit of corruption.

Finally, the solution to the problem of corruption begins with me and you. It is our problem and individually, we all have our roles to play. We must all rise up with one voice and stamp out corruption in its entirety from our nation. In that your family, job, union, business, church, NGO, project, school, class etc. you can be a force of change.

Welcome to the New Nigeria! Welcome to a corruption free nation.

God bless Nigeria!