Weekly Messages: The Effective Enquiry Prayer My Access To God’s Voice

Weekly Messages: The Effective Enquiry Prayer My Access To God’s Voice

The voice of God is the greatest commodity in your spiritual walk with God. Anytime, any day you will always need access to God’s voice to checkmate your life.

Whenever God leads, divine safety is guaranteed. Whenever God leads, mistakes are far from you. If you want to remain on the right track, go for God’s leadings.

Study Scripture: Jeremiah 33:3

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and will show thee great things, and difficult, which thou knowest not.

The voice of God is your covenant right and every covenant right requires an accompanying responsibility. Your access to God’s voice requires effective enquiry prayers. Effective enquiry prayer is a dialogue between you and God concerning your life; over any issue of your life. 1 Samuel 30:7-8, Psalms 119:1-3, Psalms 23:1, John 10:27.

This type of prayer is not complete until God responds and you take note of what God has responded.

Why Effective Enquiry Prayers?

  • It is the lifestyle of a believer: It is very natural and appropriate for every believer to go back to God to ask for His idea in whatever he wishes to do. You should always desire to know what God is saying in every situation of your life.
  • It is your covenant right as a believer.

At all point, God’s voice is superior to man’s voice and God’s direction is superior to your personal direction. Form the habit of going back to God to know what He requires of you to do. God is always speaking but not every believer is always hearing.

How Do You Engage in Effective Enquiry Prayer?

  • You must have a pure heart. Psalms 24:3-4
  • You must have a desperate heart. Psalms 42:1 Desperation increases your focus on God and your consistency in seeking God’s face.
  • A quiet heart
  • A confident heart. Come to Him believing He will answer because it is your right.
  • A persistent heart. Don’t give up until you have heard from God.

Three Powerful Ways to Secure Effectiveness of an Enquiry

  1. Quietness and sensitivity of the spirit
  2. Meditation
  3. Lifestyle of worship and praying


Important note:

  • In the school of prayer, the most powerful prayer is the prayer of enquiry.
  • Keep asking God again and again 1 Samuel 30:8, 2 Samuel 5:23, 1 Chronicles 14:10,14
  • When you disobey God, another will take your place 1Chronicles 10:13-14

Prayer Line:

O Lord, help me to be sensitive and obedient to your leadings. I crush every disobedience in my life, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: A Heart For God Access To Generational Blessing

Weekly Messages: A Heart For God Access To Generational Blessing

Every success, advancement, and increase you desire in your life is tied to your heart for God and God’s kingdom. The kingdom of God is God’s project and anybody that invests in the advancement of the kingdom of God will enjoy the sponsorship of God. You will not receive answers to your prayers until you pray for the kingdom. You cannot be strong until you accept God’s kingdom.

Why Should I Go For The Kingdom?

  • My prayer is useless if I pray outside the kingdom.
  • My prayer will not deliver me until I pray according to God’s kingdom. Luke 16:16
  • God’s kingdom is costly Matthew 13:44
  • God’s kingdom is my access to resist the devil Matthew 16:19

What Is The Kingdom of God?

  • It is the rising of believers for the church.God is looking for men and women who will defend his course on earth.
  • It is the rising of saviors out of the church- those who will represent Christ

Your heart for God and His kingdom is what makes you a generational blessing. It’s time to put God in your sphere of influence, in whatever you are doing. A husband is always displeased with a wife who disobeys him; in the same way, the church has left the mandate of the kingdom which Jesus have her and now she is pursuing financial blessings- heance there is national decay. You must not result to the same, it’s time for you to stand out and defend God’s kingdom. Matthew 6:33

In the actual sense, God’s plan for the church and the nation is for the law to proceed from the church and establish the kingdom of God in the nations but the church is sleeping and unbelievers and occults men have taken over the law and enforcing  unwholesome laws that are decaying the nations. The error will be corrected when real believers take up these positions and establish God’s kingdom in the nations after all, the mountains  of human existence (Business/Economy, Education, Entertainment, Religion, Politics/Government, Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, Family) affects everybody- believers and unbelievers alike Issiah 2:1-3, Mark 15:42-43.

The devil is harassing you because you don’t have authority. Your authority depends on who bestows it on you. The authority of Jesus can only come to you when you are committed to God’s kingdom. Matthew 28:19-20, Philippians 2:5-10. God’s kingdom includes your investment in people. You are a failure if you are not committed to blessing people apart from yourself and your family. you must be a distributor of wealth if you must excel in life.

What Do I Need For The Kingdom?

  • Passion for souls
  • Passion for the things of God
  • Hunger to improve the lives of people

A man with heart for God will burn everything for the kingdom, he will submit his wealth and finances, all that he has to God without negotiation for the advancement of the kingdom.

Prayer Line: Lord, today I embrace your kingdom. Give me the grace to pursue the advancement of your kingdom in Jesus Name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A Hero of Faith (6)

Weekly Messages: Becoming A Hero of Faith (6)

Men and women who are crowned heroes of faith are those who were available when God was looking for people to use. It does not answer to the number of years you have been a Christian but it answers to your quick response to God’s call to be a savior to your generation. Once you make yourself available to be used by God as a sacrifice for your generation, you will be enlisted as the hero of faith.

The personality that God will accept to be used as a savior to this generation is a personality that is predictable, accountable, transparent and acceptable. It is a personality that has no personal agenda but following God. Your academic certificate is not what distinguishes you, but the program of God upon your life. Until you have accepted the program of God for your life, you will be like chaff, like the other people in the world.

An acceptable personality is a life that is full of the fear of God and righteousness Act 10:35. Heroes of faith are not old people per say. It is unwise to think that you are still young to allow your personality to be processed by God. It is at your youth age that you ought to serve God with all your life, time and resources and you can only do that if you fear God.

The fear of God helps you to stay clear from sin and establishes you in righteousness. The reason it looks like the fear of God is impossible to prevail in your life is because:

  • Sin is impressive by nature, righteousness is suggestive
  • Sin is domineering by nature, but righteousness is suggestive
  • Sin leaves you with no option, but righteousness leaves you with options
  • Sin keeps you locked up in your past, righteousness keeps your eyes on the future Genesis 39:7-9

The trend of waywardness is on the increase and the only way for your escape is the fear of the Lord. It is not just for you to stay clear from sin but also for you to rise up after you have been delievered to deliver others.

Once you put somebody before God in order to get a particular satisfaction and expect God to understand, you have compromised.

Further Scriptures:

Hebrews 11:24-30, 1 Peter 5:6

Important Quotes:

Once you are occupied with materializing God’s program for your life; you will not have time and money for sin.

Prayer Line:

O Lord, let the hotness of your fear come upon me, give me an absolute hatred for sin and let your fire burn every chaff in my life in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Securing the Leadings of God Through the Spirit of Meekness

Weekly Messages: Securing the Leadings of God Through the Spirit of Meekness

Meekness is a spirit and meekness is the foundation of our obedience to God. Until you are meek, you cannot obr God. Meekness is not weakness. A weak person can be subdued and toiled around with but it is not the same with a meek person. Jesus Christ was meek and never weak; that you are meek does not mean you are weak.

Meekness is not synonymous with temperament. it is not Melamcholy or Phlegmatic. It is not ‘I like being on my own’- this will rather leave you in the parking lot and your life will remain stagnated. Meekness is not God’s autocratic strategy or plan to make you submissive to Him.

Meekness is being tamed by God. As a believer you ought to be trained and tamed. For example, the lifestyle you used have that weren’t right changes once you give your life to Christ. Moses was a murderer until God tamed him, David was wild until God tamed him and Paul was persecuting the church until God tamed him.

When God is calling you for meekness there is something He wants to make out of your life but He needs to bring you and tame you until you are processed enough to enjoy what He has for you. God tames us using His servants.

God’s meekness can only be possible if you are yielded; yielding demands total submission. Until you are yielded, God cannot control you.

Prayer Line: Lord today I come to the place of submission; baptize me with the spirit of meekness and destroy every pride in me. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Important Quote: 

  • Until you are meek you cannot be lead
  • Meekness is synonymous with humility of heart and a teachable spirit.
  • If you are not teachable you cannot become a generational blessing
  • It takes meekness to receive form God’s word
  • You cannot hear from the Holy Spirit until you are meek
  • Receiving God’s worf with meekness means having the consciousness to be taught by it.
  • You operate as the lion and the lamb; meekness is not weekness
  • Meekness makes you a god Exodus 7:1

Further Scriptures:

Matthew 10:39, Psalms 51:5, Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews 4:2, James 1:21, Philippians 2:7, Numbers 12:3, Psalms 51:5, Philippians 3:5-7