Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven (5)

Weekly Messages: Excavating the Incorruptible Treasures of Heaven (5)

The dressing of a young woman is not complete without her ornaments. The ornaments add beauty to the woman and blend all her dressing. As a Christian, the ornament you must to add to your dressing is the incorruptible treasure of a meek spirit.

1 Peter 3:3-5

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

God does not reveal secrets to proud men. Every divine direction is received on the platform of meekness. Until you receive the meekness of God, you will not receive divine plan. There is a level of grace and anointing that will not come on you until God has dealt with you in the place of meekness.

Psalms 25:9

The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.

The truth is that no matter how much you’ve received from God whether in virtues or revelation, you will still desire more from God. Every divine deposit multiplies by usage and every divine deposit is subtracted by the absence of meekness. To be meek, you must be conscious enough to deal with yourself consistently. Every spiritual gift from God has deposited on you, is maintain by meekness.

What Is This Meek Spirit?

  • Make no room for the flesh

Romans 13:12-14

The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.  Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.


  • Submit to God’s authority over your life.

This simply means to let God be Lord in every area of your life. It means to adopt and accept God’s perception in every area of my life.


Prayer line: Lord let every flesh in me die today, lord I submit myself to your authority in Jesus name. Amen!

Spiritual song:       










Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of My Mind (3)

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of My Mind (3)

It is God’s word that empowers your mind. When you camp on God’s word,the whole world camps around you. Until you engage your mind with God’s word, you will be retarded and until you know what is written in God’s word about your situations, you’ll not control what is happening.

When your mind is empowered by God’s word, you will defeat the impossible. It is with your empowered mind that you reject the wiles of the devil and enforce the victory of Jesus over your health, finances, business and academics, etc. when you understand what God’s word says about your health, you’ll reject sickness and so on. Even Jesus overcame the temptations of Satan by quoting God’s word (Matthew 4:1-4)

When your mind is void of God’s word and contaminated with sin, you’ll not produce positive result. (Galatians 5:19-20). The wall of sin shields your mind from understanding God’s word and limiting the empowerment of your mind but today you’ll rise up and collapse that wall of sin in Jesus name!

Further Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 3:15-16, James 1:17, Ecclesiastes 3:14, Philippians 4:6-7

Prayer Line: O Lord, I crush whatever that you did not plant in my mind that has been limiting my mental empowerment in the name of Jesus, AMEN!

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind (2)

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind (2)

Until you know what is written in God’s word about your situation, you cannot control what is happening around your life. What you hear determines what you think, what you think determines how you behave, how you behave determines what you will become. When you hear God’s word, you think like God, you act like God and you become like God. This is the way God prospers your mind. John 10:35

Education is nothing but mental programming. The word of God should be your molding curriculum if you must advance in life. You fail because the word of God has not changed your mind. Whatever change you desire in your life, locate it in God’s word and begin to think it. Psalms 128:3, 3 John 1:2, Deuteronomy 28:13.

Your mind is your access to what God has for you. It is your obedience to God’s commandments that makes you a commander in life. If your mind is not in place, you will be displaced in life. The state of your mind determines the state of your life. If you can’t engage your mind, you will have a retardant destiny and life does not have a return match.

The Holy Spirit is the one that quickens your mentality and empower your mental faculty for supernatural exploits. The Holy Spirit is the gateway to mental intelligence. Lack of intelligence mocks your Christian faith. If you can believe and change your mind, your life will change and receive success. Mark 9:23

If you want to receive success on every side, God’s word must prosper in your mind. If you don’t think, you will stink because we live in a thinking world Luke 15:18.

At salvation, we have access to a possibility mind, creativity mind, solution-driven mind, willing mind and a sound mind. The creative mind is the mind that thinks out of the box. Thank God for prayer but thank God for thinking. The worlds (every system on earth) were created by word and not prayed in. Hebrews 11:3

The word of God has the ability to inspire your mind to be flexible, think diversely, and find solution to problems. Job 32:8. When you think of the solutions to your problems you receive solutions. A solution-driven mind requires discipline. John 6:6

A willing mind enables you to do what God has instructed you to do. When there is a will, there’s a way (Isaiah 1:19). A sound mind is the mind that does not accept failure. 2 Timothy 1:7

This mind that we have received from God is manifested in an excellent spirit (Daniel 5:11-15, 6:2-3). The excellent spirit is a spirit that does not accept mediocrity. It does not give excuses but produces results. The excellent spirit places you above the top, makes you a leader among your mates and makes God commit things into your hands.

Prayer Line: O Lord, baptize me with the excellent spirit today in the name of Jesus. I activate the mind of Christ in me to begin to work and I crush every force stopping my mind from being productive in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind

Weekly Messages: Understanding and Enforcing the Role of God’s Word in the Empowerment of the Mind

The success and prosperity you desire in your life begins from your mind. Your mind is the root of your products and your products determine your prosperity. Te tree basic recommendations of Jesus for the believer are passion, prayer and intelligence (Matthew 22:37 – MSG). Don’t focus on prayer and passion and forget about intelligence. It is an error if you are a believer and your unbelieving colleague is beating you in your business.

In the past, the gap between our level of thinking and that of God is equal to the distance between heaven and earth but now the bible assures us that we have the mind of Christ and admonishes of to think like Christ. (Isaiah 55:9, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5).

At salvation, we receive a possibility mind, an inspirational mind, a creative mind, a solution driven mind, a willing mind and a sound mind. (Job 32:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 1:19)

For your mind to produce and be delivered from every dullness, it needs empowerment by Gods word. An empowered mind is a producer of an enviable product, the only thing that the world respects is, bypasses age and academics, turns your academics into a treasure. Your mind is empowered by what you say and the things you do.  An empowered mind manifests with intelligence, excellence and deep insight. It is an enviable product. Toady your mind is empowered by Gods word in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer Line: O Lord I crush every dullness of mind and I activate my mind to begin to produce results in Jesus name. AMEN