Weekly Messages: Laws of Progress 2

Weekly Messages: Laws of Progress 2

Isaiah 9:6A

For a child has been born — for us! the gift of a son — for us! He’ll take over the running of the world… (MSG)

The platform for making progress is the fulfillment of prophecy. Every family has a prophecy to fulfill. God has designed His people to fulfill prophecy. This prophecy is for the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth which is the only access the world has for permanent peace, love and progress. Christians should be in charge of the government, own the media and industries. Until the church takes over the running of the world, there will never be an effective world system. Everyone born under God has a prophecy to fulfill (destiny) example Samson, John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. May the Lord open your eyes to see your destiny in the name of Jesus. Amen! (Isaiah 8:18, 2:2-3, Zechariah 8:23, Joshua 1:1-10)

Law of Insight: nobody travels faster than what he sees. The development of your destiny answers to what you see. The influence you command is determined by the light you see. Ignorance is more destructive than the devil. What you cannot see, you cannot possess. It is not your background that is limiting you but your blindness (Ephesians 1:18).

Law of Kingdom favour: every glorious destiny is a function of favour. When you are kingdom-favoured, you’ll get things cheaply and men will be compelled to favour you. Favour overrides labour (Romans :11-16, Psalms 75:6-7, 30:7, 92:13, 102:13, 1 Corinthians 15:10).

How do you secure insight and favour permanently?            

There is only one way and that is: MADNESS FOR THE KINGOM OF GOD (PSALMS 35:27). Christians should borrow a leaf from the Muslims when it comes to commitment to the kingdom of God. You need God’s provisions to build systems and structures to counter Islam and that is why you must get committed to God’s kingdom in order to access His favour.  Receive Grace today in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Prayer line: I receive grace to fight the course of the Kingdom and remain committed to You O God in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Spiritual Soldier

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Spiritual Soldier

2 Timothy 2:1-4

 So, my son, throw yourself into this work for Christ. 2 Pass on what you heard from me — the whole congregation saying Amen! — to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. 3 When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. 4 A soldier on duty doesn’t get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. (MSG)

The first recommendation of “becoming a true soldier” is to throw yourself into God, burn out your life, and sacrifice your life for God and God’s work.

Every achievement you make in life is useless if they are not for the advancement of God’s kingdom. If you are not living for Christ, you are living a very pitiable lifestyle.

You must be a kingdom-addicted leader, a professional in your field of study with one agenda in your heart as a true soldier of Christ and that agenda must be to serve God and advance His kingdom on earth.

Soldiers have only one affair – to please their masters. It is beyond your career, your family, your personal desire and your personal satisfaction. A true soldier is permitted to die for his assignment.

There is a pressing need for Christians in Nigeria to rise up and fight the course of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The threats of Islam against the gospel in Nigeria are coming in different forms. Grazing bills, no-public-preaching bills are pointing fingers at the church. It’s time for true soldiers of Christ to rise up for God in this nation and you are one of them.

You must have this consciousness that we are in warfare. Whether you rise up to fight or not, you are a victim! A Christianity of convenience is a waste of time! You must join in this battle in defense of the gospel both physically and spiritually!

Warfare scriptures: Nahum 2:1, 1 Samuel 2:6, Nehemiah 4:8-14, Exodus 12:-12, Psalms 2:1-5

Prayer line: O lord, from today I pledge allegiance to the cross. I lay down my life as a burnt offering. No matter what happens, I’ll never compromise my faith, I’ll rather die for what I believe in. I receive Grace today in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Message: Laws of Unimaginable Progress

Weekly Message: Laws of Unimaginable Progress

Understand very clearly from today that you are born to succeed. It is God’s will that you progress and not to stay at a place. You can start small but you must not die small. Your background should not keep your back on the ground. Laws are keys and you don’t struggle to open a door if you are with the right key. The laws of unimaginable progress are:

  1. Law of Vision and Insight: before God advances your life, He wants you to see something. Even the devil will always show you something negative in order to distract you. Life is a function of what you see. The future you cannot see, you cannot possess. See beyond where you are; you attract what you see. What you see is what God hastens; blindness limits God. (Genesis 13:14-15, Jeremiah 1:10-11)
  2. Law of Faith: believe what you’ve seen because that is what does the conversion. Your faith converts what you’ve seen in the spiritual to the physical. It is your conviction that moves you to take steps no matter the mockery you receive from people in the process (Romans 4:17-19).
  3. Law of Favour: you must depend on God’s favour if you must experience progress. Once God’s favour is backing you up, nobody can say no to you (Romans 9:16). If you want to enjoy God’s favour then you must be committed to God’s work (Psalms 35:27).

Prayer line: O lord, I commit myself totally to You today. From today, I command everything in my life to begin to work in my favour in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Weekly Messages: The Anointing For Speed

Weekly Messages: The Anointing For Speed

There is always joy when you make great achievements at an early age. It is not so wonderful if you have to wait so long to receive a particular blessing and that is why God is releasing upon you the anointing for speed in the name of Jesus ( Psalms 90:12, 14)

Characteristics of Speed

  1. It breaks the age protocols
  2. It breaks biological, circumstantial and lawful limitations (Judges 11:1, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10)
  3. It breaks existing standards and records.

Why wait till 40 while you can marry at 25? Why spend 8years to get a degree while you can get in less than 4years? It does not matter the situation surrounding your stagnation, as you tap into the anointing for speed today, you’re liberated in the name of Jesus.

Products of the Anointing for Speed

  1. It is the power and enablement to stand out of the crowd. The crowd is limited in their thinking and the crowd will make you a local celebrity, but when you receive the anointing for speed, everybody lines up behind you Isaiah 52:11.
  2. It calls forth your future into the present.
  3. It gives you speed to recover lost grounds. It releases upon you the strength to work hard and get sold out to your work
  4. It is the take-over and over-taking anointing. This anointing gives you what it takes to mold your character, respect your elders and work hard in your business so that you’ll be accepted by kings.

Prayer Line: O lord speed up my destiny in the name of Jesus; open my eyes to see the opportunities you have provided for me and take them up in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Study Scripture: Jeremiah 1:11-12

Note: Until you see it, God will not hasten it!